OK, so this is the first chapter of my JCA and Witch crossover. I love both shows and figured they could very well be in the same universe, and with the Chan's being Chinese, and the Lin's being Chinese... it worked. Plus I really like Uncle and Yan Lin's mysterious background. It takes place during the Oni Arc for JCA, and Starts at episode J is for Jewel for Witch.

Well hope you enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own anything. Just the idea.

J is for Jade

"Yan Lin! So good to see you old cousin!" Uncle proclaimed as they came in the Silver Dragon with their stuff. Jade was checking the place out and Jackie was just looking over a menu from one of the tables (due to lack of meals on the plane).

"Jackie!" Uncle hollered. "Put the menu down, old cousin doesn't cook for us, we cook for old cousin!" Jackie groaned and Yan Lin simply laughed.

"Now, now young cousin, I'm the restaurant owner; so what I say goes. And I say you are guests, so I serve you." Hay Lin came out from her room and greeted her distant 'family'.

"Hi! I'm Hay Lin! It's nice to meet all of you!" She said as she shook everyone's hands, well almost everyone's. Jade raised her hand for a hi-five but faked her out, then she went for a low five and faked her out again, causing Hay Lin to fall onto the floor. Jade was laughing.

"Hahahaha! I can't believe you fell for it! Twice even!" She continued laughing until Jackie forced her to apologize which she did reluctantly.

"Nice to meet you too." Hay Lin mumbled as she got up. Then when Jackie made sure she was ok, she replied, "Oh it's ok, hahaha, she's just a kid." Hay Lin was about to go down to the basement to work on another outfit for Blunk to look like a kid, but before she went, Yan Lin stopped her and told her to deliver some food to a customer. She moaned and went ahead and got her bike.

While Hay Lin was getting her bike, she snuck onto her phone to call her friends, who where all on vacations.

"You two will be sleeping upstairs in the guest bedroom. Sorry if its alittle too crowded, someone might have to sleep on the floor." Jackie groaned, already knowing that that would be him. Yan Lin smiled, knowing Uncle just as well. "Have no fear Jackie, I will get an air mattress out for you." Jackie's spirits seemed to be lifted a little more at that.

"Ohohoh, does that mean I get my own room? or on the couch or something?!" Jade was excited to get to be alone.

"No Jade. You will be sleeping in Hay Lin's room." Yan Lin said. Jade grumbled. "Hey kiddo its either that or with me." Yan Lin stated, and suddenly Jade seemed not so against the idea. Yan Lin saw Hay Lin gabbing on her phone, and went over to confiscate it. "That Wongfu ain't going to fold to Elm street!" Hay Lin groaned again and left. Jackie raised an eyebrow, wondering what that meant.

Later that day

Hay Lin had gotten back and Yan Lin was just getting done cooking a meal for Jackie and Jade. Uncle had gone up to the attic to find some old things for his shop that Yan Lin said he could sell. Yan Lin told Hay Lin to go to the basement after she got changed from her mess with the Wongfu. Jackie noticed a strange smell, but thought it might be the food. Jade thougth it was weird that a box was moving, following Yan Lin into the basement. When Hay Lin came down, Jade decided to easydrop on them, and snuck behind the door once Hay Lin shut it.

"We have a situation." Yan Lin announced.

"Noo, NO sitiuations! The guardians are competly scattered!" Hay Lin did not seem exciteted to here that. Jackie came up behind Jade to scold her for easydropping but she held up a finger to be quite, which spiked Jackies curiosity. "Shhh, their talking about gaurdians and stuff." Jade whispered. Jackie knew it was being a bad example for Jade, but he put his ear to the door too, just in time for the start of Hay Lin's phone conversation, well at least Hay Lins side.

"Irma thank goodness, I can't reach Will or Tarannee, Phobos has escaped! You guys have to get back right now!" Hay Lin seemed a litte frazzled, then she replied, " I don't know, but just be ready. I'll figure something out." Then she hung up the phone, and wailed, "OOOHH I can't figure anything out!" Jackie finally pulled away from the door and pulled Jade away too.

"Well, doesn't that seem pretty suspicious to you?" Jade remarked.

"What, do you think they are criminals or something Jade? They are just dealing with other matters, we have other matters too. It's not right to judge someone because they have personal lives." He rubbed Jades head and went back to eat his food again. Jade didn't know why, but she felt she just didn't want to let it go. There was something that didzy headed girl and the old woman were hiding, and she wanted to know what it was. She put her ear to the door again.

"Wow grandma! what else don't I know about you!" Hay Lin seemed amazed.

"Oh lots of things, so many things." She was laughing.

"And its like folding?" Hay Lin asked.

"folding is for crossing between worlds, teleatransporting is for the fast break within a world." The old woman explained.

"And any guardian can do it?!" Hay Lin seemed excited.

"SURE, with a decade of practice, otherwise you end up in materializing in solid rock, or glacier, or mud wrestling match uhh, I was grubby for weeks." The old woman seemed disgusted.

"Fine fine but you know how! You can get the girls!" The airhead proclaimed happily.

"Im not hooked to an oramire kiddo, it would drain my life force."

"Ahuhhh, Blunk can only fold somewhere he's been before, he can get Irma but,...wait I'M hooked into an oramire, borrow life force from me! enough to get Cornillia and Taranee." Then all the sound stopped and she heard a strange wooshsh. "Hay Lin?" the old woman seemed concerned.

"I'm fine," she seemed weak suddenly. "Go, you too Blunk, I'll try Will again. As soon as I catch my breath." Then she heard more strange noises and ... well Jackie grabbed her so she could finish her food before it got too cold.

"I'm telling you they are crazy! They were talking about life-force and transporting and orithings!" Jade was all worked up and Jackie just gave her that 'uhuhu sure' look while he ate. "You don't believe me, but I'm going to get to the bottom of this!"

"Jade, just leave them alone, we are guests in their home, we are not here to discover their secrets or pry into their business. We are only here for my knew research project at the Heatherfeild museum and then we are going back home."

Later that night

When Jackie got home from his first day at the museum, he was exhausted. "Jade it looks like we are going to be staying here a lot longer then I thought." He said while sitting down.

"Cool that means I don't have to go to school!" Jade was excited.

"No, that means I will call the principle tomorrow and ask that you go to school with Hay Lin for as long as your here." Jackie retorted. Jade's face dropped.

"But Jackie! What about being with you to face the badies and kick demon but!" Jade whined. Hay Lin and her friends came out of the basement. Jackie wondererd when they all got here and what they were doing in the basement.

"umm... these are my friends," Hay Lin introduced them all, though it was strange they were all dressed for what seemed like completely different occasions. "So what's going on with you guys?" Jackie told them about having to stay longer and Jade going to school.

"And I think it will be a good idea too, so she can stay out of trouble." He looked at Jade appointanly.

"All I want to do is help you on the missions and stop you know who. You always get the fun, dangerous stuff!" Jade Complained. All the other girls seemed to give her little knowing smiles and Tarannee went over to Jade and put a hand on her shoulder.

"Oh its ok... you don't need constant danger Jade, believe me, it's not as fun as you think it would be. Personally I'd rather me and my friends stay safe and do regular things instead. There can be plenty of fun in that!" All the other girls seemed to smile and agree, the brown haired one was giggling.

Jackie thought that comment was a little too wise for the dark haired girl considering she was so young. It made him curious as to what she did with her friends all the time that could lead to constant danger. Hay Lin was only a few years older then Jade, and she seemed to have a pretty normal life. Hmmm... well I guess she has some good friends at least. He smiled and thanked the girls at the door for being good examples for Jade.

"Hey no problem, some of us have little sibling ourselves." The blonde replied. They all left and Jackie went back inside so he could look up the school's number and get Jade temporarily transferred.

So, what do you all think? Should I keep going? Obviously Jade doesn't take to Hay Lin very well. And she loves to snoop around anyways, so I thought that would be perfect. Jackie likes to ignore the obvious sometimes, in order to keep a normal life, so I thought that would work perfectly. And I think the attic might have eaten Uncle for the rest of the chapter, sorry about that. I'll make sure to resurrect him next chapter. Uncle and Yan Lin are close. But you'll know more about that as the story goes on.

Review Please!