Hey guys, this is just a little something I cooked up and wanted to share.
Just like the summary says, Adora probably going to have a rough time (or maybe not, but come on now) still processing everything from this season. Everything did kind of happen pretty quick, especially after she got captured. So of course Adora is going to throw a crazy Pearl fit at some point. (Steven Universe fans here? No, Ok then). But things get more interesting during this little fit.
Disclaimer: I don't own the series, or the first scene. Just the twists after.
P.S. This opening scene is basically a re-write of the healing scene, just from Adora's POV. I just really love this scene and honestly it's where I have to start anyway. Shadow Weavers lines are what this story was born out of. So thank you Shadow Weaver for the inspiration! Now on with the show!
No more ignorance, no more bliss
Adora's POV
I am still lying awake in my bed. I can't sleep. Too much happened. Yes I was excited earlier today about everyone being alive and fixing reality, but after all of us came down from that high of victory the consequences truly set in. Glimmer will have to be Queen now, something she is not perpared for. I think she can do it but I don't want her to becuae of what it means. We are all conflicted about Angela's sacrafice. Strangly enough, no one is mad at me. I'm glad, but still feel guitly none the less. I didn't even want this life. This destiny. I didn't choose it, I was chosen. I can feel my gut twist at those words. I try to think of something else. Anything else, just to get to sleep. But when I let my mind drift memories of what feels like months ago but only happened two days ago pulled themselves up and center behind my closed eyes.
"You are a princess. So you have a rune stone. Yours dwells there in your sword. With it you channel the elemental magic of Ethiera. Let it flow into the sword, and into you." She tells me. I closed my eyes.
"You must learn to concentrate, focus your power." I hear her say. But I started to feel the spark rush towards me so fast, like a racing bullet, that I pulled away before it could reach me.
"I've tried this before! I can't get it to work. What do I do, point the sword at you or what?" I asked, completely freaked out by all of the power that I could draw at once.
"Calm down. Your frustration will cause the energy you produce to become destructive if you're not careful. There must be peace in your mind if you want to heal. Come closer, and allow me to help you." She coo's to me. I hated how her voice still had a hold on me. Even when I was aware of it I still feel it pull me in, beckoning me to trust her.
I take a moment to think about it, and decided to go in the circle. I deiced to trust her.
"You are afraid and refuse to admit it." She takes my hands to have me position the sword pointing to the ground in front of me. "Afraid of your power, of it spiraling out of control." She raised me, she knew me well. That's exactly what I was afraid of. It made me beyond nervous. Even with this new part of my life, having powers and being a princess, she still knew me. Something curled in my chest. Fear. Of her or the power, or both, I couldn't tell.
"Let yourself feel it, then move past it. You are strong then you're fears." My 'mother' encourages me.
She coughs again. I closed my eyes again. I let the power come to me. I breathe it in. I feel it course through my fingers, then to my veins. I gasp as I feel it merge with me. Me and the power are one. I let the sword raise into the air to let the energy spread. I vaguely hear Angela yell in the background. But I am focused on the dying woman in front of me. I reach to Shadow Weaver and hold her face to let my healing energy run through her. Her mask lights up as she breathes her first non-ragged breath.
I feel too much energy build up in the inclosed circle so I took my sword and very ungracefully threw myself out of it. Thankfully Glimmer catches me. I felt a little exhausted but I still needed answers. So I got them.
And then I almost wished I hadn't. I wished she was lying. But I confirmed with Light Hope that she's not. The more I thought about what she had said about "Can just anyone bring a dying woman back to life?" It was all the proof I needed.
Though then, and even now lying here in bed, I didn't want any of it. This all started out as a little escapade to get away and have some fun and then it all changed when I found the sword. It just looked cool so I wanted to take it. If I hadn't touched it, if I had just left the stupid thing alone... Aughghgh I hate this! I toss off my sheets and grab the sword just to slash at the air a couple of times.
I hate knowing I had a family who would have loved me and cared for me and possibly misses me out there that I am not aloud to ever see again! I hate that I wasn't even supposed to be the one who came through the portal, I just did and that is why I was forced to be raised a solider fighting for destruction! I hate that Mara wasn't the last She-Ra like she wanted to be! I hate having to depend on holograms that don't understand what I need even though that is what they are supposed to be here for! I hate that I can't be close with the people I had always thought of as my family! I hate that I can't even trust the one person who went through it all with me, who was by my side through it all, up until I found the stupid sword! I hate that she is hellbent on making me hate her, even after I tried so hard for so long not to give up on her. And now I hate that my best friend has lost her mom because of me. Everyone is depending on me to end this. Angela gave her life (or at least her freedom) so that I could protect them all and end this. I hate it all. I cry out in so much anger, finally dropping to my knees with the sword in hand. I can see my tears streaking the blade down to the rune stone. My whole body was shaking.
I can't stop thinking about the time in the other reality when I still wasn't fully aware that things really were wrong yet. How I was actually happy. And of course I don't like that I was ok with the idea of crushing all of Bright Moon, but at least... at least I still felt in control of my life in some way. I had great friends, my dream position, respect, and most of all my best friend. I felt confident, strong, in command, and in control. Other then the terrifying parts in between and afterwords, it was nice. Would I really want that again? To be clueless to what was really happening. To be faithful in the lies I was being told. Ignorance is bliss after all.
Unforgivably Hordak was right. He has never lied about who I was but that was only because he was horrible enough not to care. He was horrible all around. But I was raised tough. I was raised to be able to handle myself on my own. I was raised to be able to protect myself and others if needed. It's the only reason I am able to fight as She-Ra as well as I do without years of training. I've already had it. I can already tolerate it. I was raised not to be afraid of it. Not to be afraid at all.
What would I have been like if Light Hope had contacted me? If Hordak didn't decide to take me from the field. If maybe instead Light Hope or some other Ethirian family had taken me in and raised me instead. I feel so tired after all of that emotional rampaging. I just want to rest for a little bit, and maybe dream a nice little dream of a non-anxiety fueled life. I collapse to the floor instead though. I can't get back to the bed for some reason. I grip the sword tightly, feeling it hum but not light up. What is happening? I see black spots dancing in my vision, 2,6, too many. I try to fight it, but then I feel a strong jolt from my sword and I lost my vision, and then consciousness.
Yes I purposely let the healing part slip into present tense and didn't change it. I just feel like that is such a powerful moment for Adora, that even when thinking back on it she would still be able to feel it like it was happening presently. Ya know. It just felt right to me. But that's just my opinion.
Anyways, let me know what you guys think!