Author has written 23 stories for Criminal Minds, Covert Affairs, White Collar, NCIS, Peter Pan, Pirates of the Caribbean, Mythology, Batman Begins/Dark Knight, Batman the Animated Series, Sherlock, Doctor Who, Avengers, and Psych.
Hi! I'm Lyra Raine Sparrow! I'm guessing you already knew that! Otherwise you wouldn't have clicked your way here. Unless you're like my sister and randomly searched the word Sparrow and found me... Hmm... Yeah, I'd do that too.
Don't forget to check out my FictionPress page!! And follow me on tumblr (here's my writing one) and twitter.
Pictures and Stuff:
In the Hands of Fate:
Mrs. Luna Dawn Curch herself as drawn by moi!
Luna's life as told by PANDORA
Luna's outfit from Isla de Muerta
Luna's captianing (not a word, however, captaining is) outfit
The ring Jack gave his Gypsy Lu
Henrietta Jensen's Masquerade Dress
Luna's engagement ring via Lord Beckett
Luna and Henri's outfits from the Batter Battle
Lu's outfit from Chapter 13 of ITHOF: SOTH (Acronyms. Gotta love them.)
The mysterious wedding ring from the dream/vision
Luna's wedding dress
No other way to title this... The EPIC Battle Dress, her sword, and pistol. NOTE: this is the same dress found in Chapter fourteen.
Hooked on a Feeling:
Mia's gifts: CLICK ME!
Mia and Jamie's wedding!!!!!
Mia's outfit from the Epilogue
The Goddess of Fate:
Parvati's Greek appearance
We All Stumble:
"Annie's" Outfit
Vanessa's Halloween costume
Elizabeth's Costume
Etta's All Hallows Eve costume
I'll Follow You Into The Dark:
In A Song 'Verse:
Why Fireflies Flash playlist
Upcoming stories (In no particular order):
Story of My Life (Peter Pan; Sequel to Hooked on a Feeling):
Becca has been reunited with her parents, who, you should know, are pirates in a place called Neverland, a place she only thought was myth. She said she didn't want to go back with them to a place where she didn't have to grow up. Despite their constant asking, Becca still refuses. But can the appearance of a young blonde boy at her window change her mind three years later?
In the Hands of Fate V: Through the Labyrinth (POTC; do I have to name the prequels?):
The time has come for Calypso to collect her favor. Luna sets out from London as captain of the Gypsy Curse once again. With some old friends and a few new additions the Curse heads for the new waters of the Mediterranean. Unfortunately for our favorite pirate couple, their journey isn't strictly at sea.
The Art of Being Okay: Freshman Year (Supernatural):
Aimee has been best friends with Sam and Castiel since forever. Well, since first grade when she and Cas bonded over hardly there overbearing mothers and Sam was, well, Sam. Now, six years later, Aimee's mom is forcing her to skip another grade and she's terrified to start high school at 12. At least Cas will be by her side.
Sweet Redemption (Sherlock/?; Sequel to Why Fireflies Flash and In My Bones):
"What can I do for you, Agent Walsh?" "We're investigating a few local murders," the man begins. Thankfully in that moment, a cloud decided to pass over the sun, dimming the light just enough to make out the green in the agent's eyes. "Out by Jenkins High School, right?" Anabeth wonders as she slips her socks off. There was no sexy way of removing socks.
Dreaming permits each and every one of us to be quietly and safely insane every night of our lives. William Dement