And here is the last chapter of 'a study in crime'. 39 chapters in and one insane ride along the way!
With this song title (unofficial) it's from a line from 'arise' (flyleaf)- and sing to me about the end of the world. I think this goes well with zoe's mentality of how she is going to be for the next 2 years (yes, there is going to be a sequel. It'll take place after 2 years, just like in the show).
A few weeks after the funeral, Maddy stops by the hospital to check up on Zoe. She hasn't come by the gravesite since the funeral.
"I was thinking of visiting Sherlock today." Maddy says and then digs into her bag. She pulls out a pack of cigarettes. "Thought he might appreciate these."
Zoe is signing off some forms at the nurse station that she is at. She glances up to see the cigarettes. "You should put those away. It's bad enough that Mr. Parson is a smoker," Zoe says and glances behind Maddy. Said patient is in his room for treatment of second hand smoke. He didn't look out the window when Maddy had pulled it out.
Maddy quickly puts it back in her bag, not wanting to get Zoe or herself in trouble. "Come with me." She tells her.
She gives her a look. "You haven't been to the grave since the funeral. Don't you want to talk to him or visit for a bit? I mean, I know it's only his body there and not his spirit, but…."
"You already have your answer then." Zoe responds and closes the folder. Placing it into one of the outgoing boxes to be filed away. She hasn't spent much time at home because it was too quiet.
Maddy's shoulders slump and an irritated look comes to her eyes. "Fine. I'll send him your regards shall I?" She then leaves without Zoe's reply.
The American huffs a little, her long bangs fly out of her face. Zoe is thinking about getting it cut.
Maddy approaches Sherlock's grave. Placing the cigarettes onto the ground, she looks at the black stone.
"I know you and I didn't get on very well, but this shouldn't have happened." She begins to talk to headstone. "I can't believe…..I'll miss you, you intolerable git. I know you're gone but I just want to say if you ever loved John or Zoe, you'd find a way to come back. Please come back…."
She thinks of how badly Zoe has been grieving. Plunging into her work and coming home when she leaves for work. Zoe barely sleeps, only having fitful before she gets ready for work. John has moved out already, leaving the whole building too quiet.
Unaware of Sherlock standing behind some trees watching her; he's heard of what Maddy has said. Asking for one more miracle like John.
Maddy drags her hand across her eyes, wiping away her tears. "Right well, cigarettes are for you. Zoe says hi, later you." She adds at the end.
As Sherlock watches Maddy leaves, he hasn't left the country. He's behind schedule because he hasn't seen Zoe say her 'goodbyes' to his grave. Mrs. Hudson, John, Maddy, and even Lestrade had given their goodbyes. He has to see Zoe one last time before he leaves his country, not knowing IF he'll ever come back alive.
Still in his disguise, Sherlock makes his way to St. Bart's (even though that is a stupid move in itself) and waits outside at a safe distance till Zoe gets off her shift. When she does, he follows her back to Baker's Street, making sure that she got there safely.
Zoe closes the foyer door and stops at the foot of the stairs. She thinks of what Maddy had said, making up her mind; Zoe goes and changes.
Before she knows it, Zoe is in front of Sherlock's grave.
"Why am I even here? We both know that this is pointless." Zoe says as she runs her hand through her dirty blonde hair.
Then she glares at the stone. "You complete asshole! Why did you have to do that?! I practically sold my soul so you didn't have to do this!" She hisses at his grave.
All Zoe can hear is silence as her reply.
"And no you've got me crying at your grave! Are you happy?!" Zoe snaps.
Since she had witness his death, Zoe starts to cry. Feeling the tears fall down; she wipes them away. She then sits down on the grass deject, feeling the tiredness overcome her.
Sherlock is hidden by the church, still in his disguise. He heard Zoe's words and wants nothing more to go to her, but he knows that he can't.
Lying back on the grass, Zoe looks at the sky. It's over cast, thinking how ironic it is.
'Even the weather is agreeing with my mood.' Zoe muses.
It starts to rain lightly, but Zoe isn't bothered by it. Letting out a sigh slowly; Zoe releases her stress through her breathing and she closes her eyes.
An umbrella slowly comes over Zoe.
"I wonder if my brother would approve of you being drenched in front of his grave."
Cracking an eye open, Zoe sees Mycroft looking down at her.
"Didn't think you were one to care about someone else's health," She comments.
"I don't really. I just happened to stand in this spot that just so happened to allow the umbrella to cover you." He corrects her.
"As much as you think you like to control gravity, thank you." Zoe tells him.
He gives a nod. After a while, he asks "What are your plans now that he is gone?"
Zoe shrugs a little. "Work, sleep, visit the folks when I can."
Mycoft nods. "I'm sure he would be pleased, keeping out of trouble."
Hearing that, Zoe bites the inside of her cheek. Thinking of the deal that she had made with Moran as well.
"Right, well I'm off. Have a good quiet life." He tells her and walks away.
As soon as he is close to the church, Sherlock comes out behind the building.
"She is fine, are you pleased now?" He asks his younger brother.
"Very." Sherlock answers.
Zoe sits back up, but still is sitting on the ground.
"You're still an idiot, but I'll miss you." She says.
The rain slows to a stop. Hearing boots sloshing in the mud, someone is walking towards her. She sees Moran coming to her right.
As she sees him, Zoe sneers at him "Even in death, you still have to dishonor him?"
Moran just shrugs. "Seemed like a good meeting place." He then points at the headstone, "He's more popular in death. Go figure."
"Is there a point to this?" Zoe asks impatiently. She had just gotten off of work and wants to sleep.
"Remember the deal," He reminds her.
"So you've decided to play the piped piper then?" Zoe sasses him.
Moran just smirks at her.
"What do you want?" Zoe groans, not in the mood to play mind games.
"Just want to make sure the deal is still on. Tell me what we agreed?" He questions her.
"Keep out of your hair and you'll leave my family and friends alone."
He nods, "Good girl."
Zoe hates that he calls her that. Standing up, she brushes the grass and leaves off of her. "Is that all?"
"That and…..just wanted to see how my little sister was doing with the death of her….boyfriend." He tells her honestly.
Looking at him suspiciously, Zoe asks "Since when did you ever care about the aftermath of a job?"
This wasn't like him at all.
"I care about you, you know that."
Zoe looks at him unsure. But also, he sees the pain and heartbreak that Sherlock's death has caused her.
Sighing, Moran says "I'm truly sorry it ended up like this."
Recovering, Zoe responds "Me too."
Moran hesitates for a moment before giving Zoe a hug. She accepts it, but doesn't hug him back. Sighing, he let's go of her.
Lighting a cigarette, he tells her "Right. Well, that's that then. Be seeing you little sister."
Zoe watches him leave. Sighing, she turns back to the headstone. The rain had revealed that someone (mostly Maddy) had left a packet of cigarettes but they've been gone in a couple of hours. Moran had taken them after Maddy had been there.
However, Moran never did see Sherlock shadowing Zoe to the cemetery.
"Grave robbing. Something to add to the list, Moran." Zoe says with a shake of her head. Patting the stone, she turns to leave.
Seeing Zoe leaving, Sherlock finally turns away. He didn't like it that she was talking to Moran on her own, but he couldn't do anything about it. Trusting Zoe, he watches her dealing with the new man in charge of the criminal network. After seeing the American and the hunter leave, he turns to the car where Mycroft is waiting.
"Well?" Mycroft asks.
He knew that the only reason why his brother was lagging behind was because something was happening to his girlfriend.
"She believes I'm gone," He says as Sherlock closes the car door after getting in.
Mycroft looks at him oddly. "That is the point. So why are acting like you did with Red Beard?"
"Because," Sherlock starts off and looks to his older brother. "You wouldn't understand. Too political, shall we carry on?"
"Don't get involve, brother mine." Mycroft reminds him.
And that is the end of the story! A year and a half and a lot of reviews, thank you all! =)
Keep an eye out for the sequel, 'new horizons'. It'll follow the story line of s3, but it'll be AU-ish since we're going to be switching out some of the characters and adding some other things to it.