Disclaimer: I do not own Criminal Minds or Spencer Reid, though I would love to.
The Bet
The group of four huddled next to the coffee machine in the break room. Away from the object of their discussion and anyone who could interfere. The subject of the day revolved around money and the intensity surrounding the pool.
"How much is it up to?" Prentiss asked Garcia who, along with techs from every department, kept the information.
"Six hundred and rising. This is an oddly popular bet going on." Garcia took out her cell and accessed the information.
"What's six hundred and rising?" Dr. Spencer Reid asked as he grabbed his coffee cup and walked toward the group.
"Nothing…don't you have paperwork to do?" Rossi tried his best fatherly voice and Spencer raised his eyebrows before he poured his coffee.
"Ok, but you know I'll find out later, we have no secrets." He walked out and stopped in his tracks, she had just entered the BAU offices and was heading to JJ's office. She turned around and when she saw Spencer a smile lit up her face and she waved at him, if she wouldn't have been in a rush she would have gone over to talk. He waved back shyly and cautiously made his way to his desk, where paperwork was indeed waiting for him.
"He's not going to make a move." Morgan stated matter-of-factly as he watched Reid glance up repeatedly at JJ's office.
"I don't know, he's looking nervous. I can see the gears turning in his head, he's socially awkward, hasn't made the first move ever but Becca's special she's worth the chance of rejection. Becca's a bit of an extrovert but she doesn't want to scare him off, be too aggressive. My bet is that he asks her today, when she leaves JJ's office." Rossi stated as their eyes were trained on the bullpen.
The sound of happy laughter had them looking up as Becca vacated JJ's office and gave JJ a hug.
"I'll have the story written for tomorrow morning. Henry is so cute." Becca gave JJ a smile.
"I can't wait and thanks for the bear, he'll love it."JJ and Becca were good friends and she had been trying to get Spencer and her together for a while. The rest of the team didn't know but JJ was well aware of the bet and actually had stakes in it.
Spencer couldn't take it anymore, he stood up and began walking to JJ's office, then he stopped and started to walk back to his desk. Before he made it he turned around again and stopped. It was obvious to everyone that he was nervous. Finally, he steeled his resolve and walked over to the two women.
"Spencer! How are you?" The excitement in Becca's voice was missed by no one
"I'm good, could I…could I talk to you for a second?" He asked as he raked his fingers through his hair.
"Of course…I'll talk to you later JJ." She smiled at JJ and walked with Spencer down the stairs. They stopped in front of his desk and she looked expectantly at him.
"Would you like to go out sometime? For coffee or tea or soda, something?" He pleaded with his eyes and his nervousness melted her heart.
"I'd love to Spence." She smiled at him and took his hand.
The team looked at Rossi who, despite losing the bet, was pleased that he had been correct. They huddled around Garcia as she looked up the information. They were just about to discover the winner when a stern voice broke them up.
"What's going on here?" Hotch asked in a dull tone.
"Nothing." Prentiss answered sincerely as they proceeded to watch Reid walk Becca out of the BAU offices, her hand in his.
"How much was the pot up to?" He asked as he watched the new couple exiting the office.
"Six hundred and fifty…Congratulations sir." Garcia looked at him in awe.
Hotch said nothing, he just smiled a rare smile and made his way to JJ's office. The rest of the team stared at him in shock before they smiled at the absurdity of it all and silently saluted their team leader and the young genius who finally had the nerve to go for what he wanted.