A/N- Sweet zombie jesus i am soooooo incredibly sorry for how long this chapter took. I never imagined I would do this to you guys... I don't really have an excuse that would make this okay so i apologize... however! Important things! I will NOT be abandoning this story. EVER. nope. Not happening. Also! I just got a new laptop since my other one died. Completely. a long time ago... Anyway, I got a notebook but unfortunatly I don't have a legit word program yet... as in I only have the starter... so that means no spell check... yup. So I apologize for any gramar or spelling. i'll go through and edit once i have the full version but i figure i've taken long enough to update as it is. As my new years resolution i vow to update this more often. No more six month breaks... ugh! SORRY!... anyway expect more chapters and thanks for reading!
SUPER special thanks to these awsome people who helped and got me off my lazy ass and got me to write this.
The splendid-StarKiss666. You awsome person i plan to put some special goodies for you in the rest of this story... and i just realize i never ever pmed u back after all this time...i super owe u... Also! The fantastic- Codecrash... u crazy kid, hoping you're not gunna kill me. AND The epic- randomchick51.
Sorry for the not-super-developed storyline but i felt sooo bad i needed to post something... more danger and all that coming up.
Disclaimer- Don't anything from NCIS, White Collar or Psych... such a pity
The explanation of the case was long and boring and Shawn couldn't help but fiddle with everything within arms reach. A few other of the rooms occupants seemed to agree. Tony received several slaps on the back of the head from the grey haired man and the FBI agent sent several glares Neal Cafferys way. Most of the others were listening intently; even Gus was leaning forward in his seat as if it would enable him to hear the chief better.
"So now that we're all on the same page, what is our plan?" Chief Vick asked with authority, leaning back in her chair and folding her hands.
"Let Neal look at the painting and authenticate them and then we can start to look for any similar painting that are being fenced." Peter Burke offered, earning an approving nod from Karen.
"Take Mr. Spencer with you, he may be able to help out if he senses anything" Karen offered.
"Tony, go with them. If anything comes up, let us know. Me and my team will head out to the crime scene." Gibbs explained calmly.
"Ok then, Carlton, I want you to take Mr. Gibbs and the rest of his team to the docks so they can take a look. Are we clear?" Karen asked, scanning the room as she stood, as if to finalize her orders.
"Diana, go with them. And Jones, talk to any informants in the area that may know anything about this." Peter organized, adressing his team as the others stood to go their seprate ways.
"Lets go Gus! To evidence!" shawn exclaimed, causing Tony to share a look with McGee. With a smirk He pulled on his NCIS cap and grabbed a small black case holding a camera.
"Have fun at the docks Zee-va. Take lots pictures" he said jokingly to his partner before turning to Peter and Neal.
Ziva smirked and said "If i find any attractive women at the dock i shall be sure to let you know Tony" before pushing past him and out the door behind Gibbs and the others. Abby remained sitting in Vick's office, watching the others prepare to leave.
"What do I do Gibbs?" the goth asked, dropping her hands into her lap.
"Wait here Abbs, when we find something we'll come to you and you can use their forensic lab" Gibbs explained, a hand on her shoulder. "But stay here for now."
Abby stuck her lips out in a pout but jumped up to give the silver haired man a hug. "Ok. Bye guys! Good luck." she said cheerily before sitting back down.
Gibbs smiled, ruffling the girls hair, and led his party out of the department, his stride long and confident. Detective Lassiter looked at his female partner before following the intimidating man to the parking lot outside. The man seemed rugged but his agents clearly respected, and admired him. Carlton wanted to be looked up to, to be an example for rookies, and seen as an accomplished Detective. He was a good officer and he knew it, but he still had a lot to learn and just maybe this man could help him.
As Shawn and Gus snuck off to the evidence locker like excited five-year-olds, Peter, Tony and Neal followed slowly after. Neal walked a step ahead of the officers, cautious of the dusy haired NCIS agent. He was still on edge, no matter how laid back the man seemed he could easily disguise his personality as many other agents were able to do.
"So you're a federal agent?" Peter asked the younger man who was adjusting the cap on his head.
"Huh? Yeah. Used to be a baltimore cop." Tony replied a grin. "You're FBI?"
"Yeah. White collar. New york."
"Sweet. is it ever like 'Weekend at Bernies'? " Tony asked jokingly.
Peter laughed, and ahead of them Neal smiled, feeling his tension subside. Neither man was above a casual movie refrence, something Neal did on more than one occasion.
"Not that i've dealt with" Peter replied.
When the three men slipped into the evidence room they wove through the shelves, following the sound of voices to where Shawn and Gus were standing in from of the tagged paintings. There were at least two dozen peices of art stacked and boxed on the far side of the room, extravagant things full of bright colors and numbing patterns.
"Of course these are them Gus! Don't be such a doubtful Debbie." Shawn scoffed from his crouched position in front of the paintings.
"Neal?" Peter invited, gesturing to the pieces of art. The graceful con man stepped forward and knelt beside Shawn, crystal eyes taking in every detail of the seemingly flawless painting. He spent what seemed like an eternity studying the first peice before moving onto the next one and then slowly, another. Shawn had long since abandoned his post next to the conman and had begun a wild conversation with Tony about movie classics. The two talked on and on about their favorites and what movies they deemed 'must sees for everyone'. Gus rolled his eyes at the pair and stood awkwardly beside Peter who felt no need to engage the younger man. The dark skinned man felt uncomfortably out of place in a room full of egmatic, confident men, full of sarcasm and charm. He didn't have self esteem issues but he wouldn't deny that he felt slightly overwhelmed.
Peter Burke, off in his own mind, wanted the case to come to end. The sooner that the three agencies could get this bizzare case wrapped up the better. He had never heard of three agencies from opposite sides of the country coming together to solve such an odd case.
"No way! That is the best movie ever! I always try to get McGeek and Zee-va to watch it!" Tony exclaimed loudly, throwing his hands up in the air and drawing Peter and Gus's attention.
"That movie is a classic man! 'I'm gunna make him an offer he can't refuse'" Shawn quoted, his voice deepening comically. Tony grinned and clapped the shorter man on the back.
"Finally! Someone who appreciates the classics!"
Shawn laughed pleasantly with the NCIS agent, pleasantly surprised at the mans personality. He was beginning to worry that all male law enforcement was as uptight as Lassie. Clearly he was mistaken as he and DiNozzo spouted out their favorite movies and old shows that they constantly found themselves quoting, much to the chagrin of their coworkers.
A few yards away, Neal stood silently, drawing the attention of all the others in the room who watched him carefully.
He met each of their gazes, eyes wide and touched with concern. "These painting are forgeries...and I know who made these."
"Ziva? What's wrong?" Timothy McGee asked, pausing to look at the Israele agent, camera held poised in his hands.
"I feel like i may have seen that man before..." she said thoughtfully.
"Who?" Tim asked, face scrunched in confusion.
"Caffery... I think I have seen him elsewhere."
"The criminal Neal Caffery Ziva?"
"Yes... I think I saw him with another man while I was on a mission... I cannot be sure."
"Am I interuppting something?" a sharp voice from behind the pair snapped and they turned to see Gibbs looking at them expectantly.
"Um... no... sorry boss..." McGee stuttered, turning back around to continue snapping pictures of the crime scene.
"Sorry Gibbs." Ziva apologized, turning back to continue her own task. Gibbs slapped both agents on the back of the head then swept away to speak with Detective Lassiter. Both winced and grimaced, focusing on their pictures to avoid another signature head slap.
"Ah, Agent Gibbs. This is our dead man." Lassiter said as he stood over the corpse that still lay on the dock. The SBPD had been unable to remove the body until the Federal agents arrived and were able to take their own inspection of the untampered crime scene.
"Really?" Gibbs quipped sarcastically, earning an astonished look from Carlton. "Anything else you know detective?"
Lassiter was flustered to say the least. He had thought the older, clearly respected agent to be a mature, thoughtful man but the tone in his voice was scathingly sarcastic.
"Well?" Gibbs pressed, taking a sip from the coffee cup clutched in his hand.
"There's not much we know at this point. Other than the man was shot with an automated pistol through the head, and died at aproximatley 1:30 p.m. last night." the detective explained carefully.
Gibbs made a noise at the back of his throat, his gaze skimming the crime scene. Dr. Ducky Mallard crouched next to the unfortunate corpse, muttering to the body as he checked it for any further medical clues to thier case.
"You're coffee detective" a voice said and Gibbs turned to see a familiar, bumbling agent handing the snobbish man, Carlton, his coffee. "Two creams, two sugars"
Lassieter nodded and looked at Gibbs only to see the older man watching him with a raised eyebrow. The younger officer shuffled off awkwardly, sensing the tension between the two men.
"What?" he asked.
Gibbs merely shrugged, a smirk on his lips as he took another sip of his coffee and strode off to talk to his team.
"Duck. Find anything?" Gibbs asked his British M.E.
"Other than the bullet through this poor mans forehead Gibbs, there are minor abrasions on his wrists. Possibly from being restrained for a short amount of time. They appear to be rather old and occurred long before his death," the man replied.
"Anything else?"
"Nothing. When we take him back to the morgue i shall be able to get a closer look but for the moment it appears to have only been the gunshot that killed this poor lad."
Gibbs nodded slowly, "Thanks Duck."
As he walked away, a thought lingered in the back of the former marines mind. Who had dragged two federal agencies from across nation to solve what should have been a simple murder? Something was hiding in the dark, and their case was going to be a lot more difficult than any of them had imagined.
Hope this chapter didn't disappoint. Pm me with any questions, concerns, anything of the like. Good reviews are good :)