I want to thank all of my beautiful reviewers and to those that stuck with this story to the end. You've noidea the encouragement and inspiration you have been. Thank you all sooo much. A special thanks to Jessizoid, tahitiankisses, lightwolfheart, and Rwy'n-Y-Blaidd-Drwg.

You've no idea how bittersweet this is, uploading the final chapter to this story. This has been my baby, my first story that I've ever finished. I'm really proud of what I had created and I was hesitant to actually upload the last chapter. I didn't want to do it an injustice by giving this amazing story a crappy ending. So I really hope that I haven't.

In the same way, I've decided to start a completely new POTC story after this. I feel that if I were to do a sequel, that it would be an injustice. And, I could think of no clear direction for it to head it. I've had another story line brewing in the back of my mind for a while now, so I went ahead and started this new story. I've three chapters written already and I plan on uploading the very first chapter in two or three weeks! Very exciting! Thanks to you all for voting in my poll on my page!

My new story is going to be called Learning How to Run. For now, that is all the details that I am going to give besides that it will be another Jack/OC. I'm really excited for it and I hope that you all will love and read it within the month! To get alerts on my activity, I would suggest subscribing below.

And at last, after my essay of a speech, the final installment:

Chapter Twenty: The End

Morning greeted Kate sooner than she would have liked; the decision she had to make loomed before her. After she had said good night to Captain Sparrow the night before, she had difficulty falling asleep. Did she belong on board the Black Pearl, let alone a pirate ship? Would she ever be able to return to a normal life? Did she want a normal life?

Kate had managed to answer most of these questions, yet answering them wasn't necessarily the hardest part; telling the two men that she had grown closest to in all of her life would be. Either way, she would have to say good bye to one or the other.

It's not that she was deciding between them; no. Kate felt no feelings for Garner except platonic ones. Yet, he was like her best friend. If she wanted to, she could stay in Port Veridian and start her life up again. Garner would be there to help her if she needed it.

If she chose to stay, she would never see Jack again. He was a wanted man and a pirate. Yet, Jack was justā€¦Jack. Kate knew that she had feelings for him, but how deep or if he even returned those feelings, Kate didn't know. The thought of leaving her new life that she had begun to love on the Pearl, saying goodbye to Nate and Brandon and Gibbs forever was unthinkable. Saying goodbye to Jack forever was unimaginable.

But so was saying goodbye to Garner.

It was this fact alone that put Kate in a glum mood all throughout breakfast. Jack and Garner must have been thinking along the same lines as well, for they too seemed rather silent. Garner usually was able to keep up some kind of mindless chatter, but every time he tried to bring a new subject up, his words would stop halfway through his thought and just fade. No one seemed to mind or care to expound upon them.

Kate mindlessly stirred the eggs around on her plate. She wondered who had cooked breakfast that morning. She hadn't noticed a new maid and she couldn't imagine Garner cooking all of this himself either. Her mood darkened even more when she realized that it was partly her fault that Maddie had died. The pirate captains were looking for her; Maddie was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

"I received a note from Commodore Bolton this morning." Garner said. Kate's ears perked at this new tidbit of information that Garner released. He seemed to already have lost his train of thought though and did not continue.

"What did it say?" She asked, hoping for him to continue.

He gave a slight shake of his head, surprised that one of his companions had actually said something in return. "Oh, he said that you would be pardoned." He paused, "He has not received the official decree yet, but he did receive word that it would be done." He studied her face, but Kate tried to clear her mind. This decision would not sway what choice she had already made. She went back to playing with her eggs.

"He will be visiting?" Jack asked.

Garner nodded, pulling out his pocket watch as he did so. "Yes, shortly."

As if on command, there was a knock at the door. Jack stood from the table and, with a curt nod to Kate and Garner, walked through the kitchen and left the house by the back door.

Garner went to answer the door and Kate remained where she was. She pushed her half-eaten plate of food away from her. The thought of eating anything at the moment made her queasy.

Garner returned with Bolton behind him. He motioned for him to have a seat and Garner started to clear the plates from the table. "Coffee?" He asked him as he started back towards the kitchen. Bolton declined.

"Miss Katherine," Bolton greeted her cordially.

"Commodore," Kate replied. She still did not know how she felt about the man. One minute he wanted to have a noose placed securely around her neck, and the next moment he was saving her neck. She thought he probably felt the same about her.

"I presume that Garner informed you about the news I received this morning?" Bolton asked as Garner re-entered the room, sitting down across from Kate.

"Yes, he did." Kate answered. "And I thank you." She added.

"Thank Admiral George, not me." He said with a small smile. He then turned his focus to Garner. "Captain Adger and Captain Webber are to hang today at noon. Mr. Clarke will be among them as well."

Garner raised his eyebrows, astonished. "So early?" He exclaimed.

Bolton nodded his head gravely. "Yes. The evidence was inexplicably clear and the charges were many. Even if one were false, all three would be to hang for another." He sighed, looking down. "It's sad to see such an ambitious young officer go astray, to see one of your own men hang."

Kate and Garner's eyes met.

"It's requested that you be there, Garner." Bolton continued.

Garner remained silent for a moment, pondering this. "Then it is my duty to be there."

Bolton turned to Katherine. "It was also said that you, Miss Katherine, would be there."

Kate jumped. She had no desire to watch as three men, however evil their deeds may have been, die before her very eyes. "I won't deny I'm a bit surprised that I was requested to be there, but I'm afraid I will have to decline."

Bolton shook his head. "I'm afraid that it wasn't a request for you, Miss. The new governor commands it."

"New governor?"

"Yes, a Mr. Williams. Swore in a fortnight ago."

"Why do I have any reason to watch two pirate captains and a Navy captain hang for their crimes?" Kate countered.

"I think, Miss Katherine, he means it as a threat, to warn you of what happens to pirates." The commodore paused, surveying her. "He didn't think you should have been pardoned."

Kate frowned. "Well, it's a good thing my fate was not placed in his hands, then."

Bolton gave a small smile and stood from the table. "I'm sorry for my visit to be so short, but I have to be leaving now. I will see you all at noon." Bolton tipped his hat at the two of them and departed.

Once he had left, Kate let loose a sigh. "I just want this business to be over with."

Garner reached across the table and patted her hand, a little bit awkwardly. "After today, it will be."

"And Jack? Where will he be in all of this?" Kate asked.

Garner hesitated, unsure. "Well, he won't exactly be welcome, Katherineā€¦" His voice was apologetic, but Kate understood.

After that, Garner had gone to fetch a maid from a neighbor to help Kate prepare for the hanging. Apparently, Kate learned, you had to look presentable to the public to watch three men die, especially if you were an infamous criminal recently pardoned from the same fate. The maid had brought a dress with her and had fitted and adjusted it as best she could in the short amount of time so that it fit Kate.

The dress was tighter than she would have liked, but she reasoned she would not have to wear it long. Garner called for a carriage and it seemed to take forever to arrive. Finally, it pulled up in front of the house and Garner walked Kate out to it. The driver seemed a little odd, but only when he tipped his hat at her did she realize who it was.

"Good day, m'lady." Jack grinned at her. Kate's face brightened and Garner simply rolled his eyes. He helped Kate into the carriage and entered after her.

"No wonder it took so long." Garner joked.

"I'm glad he could somehow join us," she said delightedly.

The ride was bumpy but short. Garner, ever the gentleman, helped her out of the carriage again. "I'll wait for your return." Jack said gallantly, mimicking the higher society in Port Veridian.

Kate giggled, wishing that she had a way to capture how Jack looked at the moment. His hair looked like it was actually combed; he rid himself of his pirate garb and was wearing a becoming black outfit almost resembling a suit; and had shaved. No wonder she hadn't recognized him beforehand.

Bolton found them almost immediately and led them to a section of the town square set aside for the governor and a few other select officials. "Governor Williams, Miss Katherine Green." Bolton introduced. Kate managed a small curtsy and he returned it with a cold smile.

"I'm glad you could make it," he said ironically. They both knew she had no choice in whether she was there or not. Kate did not know what would have happened if she had refused to come, but she figured it would not have bode well.

She then realized that the governor was probably imagining her hanging with the other three men. He hadn't wanted her to be pardoned. She swallowed and felt hot suddenly.

Garner stayed by her side, murmuring things to her every so often. He would point out who certain people were, who had replaced her at the tavern, how the tavern was doing. Just little pieces of information he thought might interest her and keep her spirits up. Despite his efforts, Kate's mood was still falling. Stares welcomed her every where she looked with whispers to neighbors and others passing by. She tried to ignore them as best she could.

The prisoners were finally being led through the crowd. They were brought in far from her, but the taunts of the crowd were loud and clear. Each man was led to a noose ominously hanging before them. Kate felt hot. The sun was cheerily shining above them, as if to mock the events of the day. She could feel they eyes of Governor Williams fixed on her, so Kate tried to make her face remain expressionless. She had no idea if she succeeded or not.

An officer, who Kate learned after Garner leaned over to whisper in her ear was a navy man under Garner's command, began to read the charges off, starting with Captain Adger. The list was long, and as the navy official moved on to Webber's, his was even longer. There were impatient mutterings among the crowd. When he started to read off Clarke's charges, the crowd fell dead silent. Everyone wanted to hear the crimes of the ex-captain's, the one who was supposed to be protecting them, but instead betrayed them and supposedly killed their governor.

The officer finished and the three were ordered to step forward. They did so, and the nooses were fixed around their necks. A drum roll had begun and Kate thought she might be sick if she was really forced to watch this. She closed her eyes, but as the drums stopped, she was able to picture in her mind the three men hanging clearly. There was a small gasp from the crowd.

"I'm going to be sick." Kate leaned towards Garner and he took her arm, leading her towards their carriage and away from the square. She could just imagine the governor's sinister smile as he watched her flee the scene.

When they reached the outside wall of the square, Kate bent over and vomited onto a patch of grass. She felt a pair of hands brush her neck, scooping her hair and holding it back from her face. Kate instantly was sent back to the night that she had been completely inebriated and Jack had held her hair back. Kate turned to see the same man before her.

"You'd think this wouldn't be a very common occasion." He tried to joke, but Kate was in no mood. She leaned over and vomited once more, wishing that she could rid the picture in her mind like she could rid the contents of her stomach. Garner handed her a handkerchief and she gratefully accepted it, wiping her mouth.

"The docks," Kate said, stepping towards the carriage. "I can't stay here."

Jack and Garner just watched silently as she helped herself into the carriage. "As you wish," Garner said, climbing in the carriage after her, leaving Jack to drive again. When they arrived, Garner ordered for another to send the carriage back, leaving them alone on the wharf.

There was a small boat there, bobbing up and down as the waves rolled in, occasionally bumping against the wood of the docks.

"I can't stay here in Port Veridian." Kate said to the two men before her. "I'd like to return to the Pearl." Garner's face showed no reaction except for a small, sad smile. Jack, on the other hand, had a grin stretching across his whole face. He strode towards her, enveloped her in a hug, and placed a wet kiss on her cheek. She laughed and pushed him off of her.

"I had to leave Port Veridian after the hanging. It wouldn't have been safe for me to stay any longer." Jack explained, motioning towards the small boat, still bobbing up and down with the water. "Though, I was hoping I wasn't leaving alone." Kate gazed out and there she recognized the Black Pearl, waiting for her captain, and for her. Jack walked over to the dinghy, untying it and busying himself to give Kate and Garner some space.

"I figured you would decide to go with him. I could tell that you had feelings for him since basically the moment I met you on that ship. When you were protecting him and not giving away that he had really killed the governor. He was a pirate and you a simple barmaid. I knew there had been something more." Garner said quietly, watching Jack.

Kate followed his gaze to Jack and allowed a small smile. "You realized it before I did."

Garner took Kate's hands into his own and looked her in the eyes. "You realize, once you go with him, we will not be able to see each other. We cannot be friends, Kate."

Kate stared down at their intertwined hands. The thought of losing Garner as a friend disheartened her, but she knew that this was how it had to be. Kate could not stay in Port Veridian. And she couldn't leave Jack.

"We'll be enemies," Kate stared up into Garner's face. Though she knew this would be one of the last moments she would spend with the handsome naval captain, tears did not come to her eyes. This was not the end for her. It was merely the beginning.

Garner hesitated before answering. "As much as I hate the word now, we will be enemies. Are you sure of this, Kate? There will be no turning back once you go with him." Garner looked over at Jack who was waiting patiently by the little boat.

Kate turned, looking at the pirate captain. A gentle breeze tossed Kate's hair around her face and a small smile formed as her brown eyes connected with his darker ones. The corners of Jack's lips tugged upwards in response to her gaze. Kate turned back to Garner. "I know. I'm okay with that. He'll take care of me."

It was silent for a couple moments. Kate removed her hands from Garner's slowly and she placed her hand on his shoulder. "I can never thank you enough for what you've done, Captain Garner."

Garner stared silently back at her, wishing that she would change her mind, decide not to go with the pirate. He did not want their friendship to end like this; to end at all.

Suddenly Kate threw her arms around Garner's neck, pulling him into a hug. Startled, Garner wrapped his arms around her.

"I'll miss you, Garner." Kate whispered.

"I'll miss you, too, Katherine; despite all the troubles you've brought me." Kate pulled back in time to see the smirk on his face. Maybe in another life, or another time and, if things had turned out differently, things would've ended on a more positive note between them. They would not have ended at all.

"We need to go, Kate." Jack said.

Kate glanced over at the pirate captain, looking back at Garner once more. "Good bye, Garner."

Garner watched as Kate walked to Captain Jack. He took her hand and helped her into the boat before stepping in himself. His arms picked up the oars, dipping them in and out of the water, propelling them farther and farther away from him, and nearer and nearer to the Black Pearl. Kate's back was to him, but she turned, looking back once more at the friend she had left behind. A wide smile filled her face, and she waved to him.

Garner lifted his hand, giving a small wave back. A small smile graced his face as he turned to walk home, his back facing the ocean. He was just glad that she was happy.

Kate did not look back at Garner once she reached the ship. Jack helped her climb aboard, and she took his hand, never letting go. Kate took in a deep breath, taking in the salty breeze and the hot sun. Brandon and Nate were coming towards her, intent on greeting their friend. All around, she found warm, welcoming faces.

Jack leaned in towards her ear, and in a husky, low voice, said, "I love you, Kate." Kate spun towards him, not expecting those three little words and pressed her lips to his, not caring who was watching. When they finally breathlessly broke apart, Kate whispered back, "I love you too, Captain Jack Sparrow."

It was a bit ironic, how just a few months earlier this very ship incited fear and panic in her. Now, this was her home. It was strange to think how much her life had changed, how much it had improved. That's the funny thing though. You never know where life is going to take you. If you even try to look through the seas of the distant future, it's just like looking through murky waters.

DAWWW :D Love all around!

I really and truly hope you all enjoyed this chapter and my story overall. If you liked it in the least bit, make sure to tell me in a review. I worked long and hard on this and I'd love to hear your opinion. Reviews make my day!

Until the next story and hopefully not too long away,

-Becca :)