Author has written 4 stories for Prince of Tennis, and Pokémon. Hello! i'm Sweet Razzberry! :D i'll tell you a litle about myself. *Ahem* i'm curently out of the US. My Birthday is on January 16 :D i like a lot of things! i'm too lazy to wrie them all right now T.T now enjoy pressing the next few links on this profile :D press this one too! : DONT FORGET TO CLICK THIS! Petitions- Sign this petition if you want Ash and Misty to be together before the series ends- http:///nbgb/ Random one line paste in your profiles... If you think it's unfair that Drew isn't in ANY pokemon movie, copy and paste this into your profile. If you think May and Drew should have ended up together in the anime, copy and paste this to your profile. If you think it’s stupid that a Pokémon movie was in LaRousse and yet Drew wasn’t there, copy and paste this into your profile xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxooxoxxoxoxoxooxxooxoxoxxooxoxoxxoox Girls If you've been on the computer for hours on end, reading numerous fanfictions, copy and paste this into your profile and add your name to the list: Danyan, Avatarwolf, Shifter-youkai, AkatsukiFan, Chocolate Chan,, TheDevilsAngel93, c. b. o. l., Vert9411, pinkcherryblossoms225, CherryBlossoms016, Sam-AKA-SakuxSasuLover-, crimsonchidori, Alicia Kawa Uchiha, SilentSinger948, Leaf Ranger, adngo714, anbu no kitsune, Dark Kitsune King, 14AmyChan, Yuki Harada, Sweet Razzberry. Love vs. Sex A teenage girl about 17 had gone to visit She ended up staying longer than As she walked along under the tall elmtrees, When she reached the alley, which was a However, halfway down the alley she She became uneasy and began to pray, Instantly a comforting feeling of quietness When she reached the end of the alley, The following day, she read in the Feeling overwhelmed by this tragedy and Thanking the Lord for her safety and to She felt she could recognize the man, so The police asked her if she would be She agreed and immediately pointed out When the man was told he had been The officer thanked Diane for her bravery She asked if they would ask the man one Diane was curious as to why he had not When the policeman asked him, he Amazingly, whether you believe or not, Repost this as Love vs. Sex if you truly PS: God is always there in your heart and loves you no matter what... and if you stand up for him he will Copy and paste it in your profile, if you're against child abusal!! ║██║ if you love This is the stupid test! 100 stupid things that people do! Bold the ones that apply to you! 1. Forgot to put the lid on the blender, turned it on, and had everything fly out 5. Choked on your own spit while you were talking 8. Have looked for something for at least 10 min then realized it was in your hand 18. Have had your drink come out your nose because you were laughing so hard 20. Have skinned your toe because you were playing soccer or kickball with flip flops on or you were barefoot 29. Tripped on a crack in the sidewalk 30. Said o'clock after saying how many min after the hour, example: 5:30 o'clock, or 6:15 o'clock 66. Did more work than you had to on an assignment because you didn't read the directions 67. Corrected someone's grammar/pronunciation then figured out that you were the one that was wrong 73. Ran into a door jam 84. Made up a code name for someone so that you could talk about them to someone else and no one else would know who you were talking about 93. Have wrapped someone in a roll of toilet paper (teacher lol awesome day!) 98. When lying in bed you look for pictures in the texture of the ceiling. 99. Have used your calculator as a form of communication in class Look at all the bolded ones... *^_^* If you believe in Jesus Christ put this in your profile and don't just ignore this, because in the Bible it says if you deny me, I will deny you in front of my Father in the gates of Heaven 1. ONE OF YOUR SCARS, HOW DID YOU GET IT? I tripped over a rock. 2. WHAT IS ON THE WALLS IN YOUR ROOm? My drawings and a poster that has a puppy 3. DO YOU SNORE, GRIND YOUR TEETH, OR TALK IN YOUR SLEEP? my mom says i talk while sleeping XP 4. WHAT TYPE OF MUSIC DO YOU LISTEN TO? Hip-hop, J-pop, pop 5. DO YOU KNOW WHAT TIME YOU WERE BORN? I Think three in the morning 6. WHAT DO YOU WANT MORE THAN ANYTHING RIGHT NOW? An Ipod 7. WHAT DO YOU MISS? My old house... TT^TT 8. WHAT IS YOUR MOST PRIZED POSSESSION(S)? Laptop, books, internet, teddy bear my crush gave me... //// 9. HOW TALL ARE YOU? 5' 2" 10. DO YOU GET CLAUSTROPHOBIC? sometimes YOU GET SCARED IN THE DARK? times 12. THE LAST PERSON TO MAKE YOU CRY? my big sister... mou cherry-chan... 13. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PERFUME FOR A GIRL? Burberry Summer. 14. WHAT KIND OF HAIR/EYE COLOR DO YOU LIKE ON THE OPPOSITE SEX? Brown Hair and Green Eyes. 15. WHERE CAN YOU SEE YOURSELF BEING PROPOSED TO? At night, where there are millions of fireflies and me and my soon to be fiance are having a night picnic beside a lake and the moon luminating the beautiful rippling water where the swans swim and the boy kneels and say the magic words :D. ANYWHERE, but in a restaurant and the guy being a retarded romantic puts the engagement ring in a glass of champaine; who know's what'll happen... i might accidentally drink it and choke on it, and i'll die SINGLE‼ UGH‼ 16. COFFEE OR ENERGY DRINK? I don' really drink either of them... coffee maybe? 17. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PIZZA TOPPING? anything besides pineapples, onions & 18. IF YOU CAN EAT ANYTHING RIGHT NOW, WHAT WOULD IT BE? Pizza... 21. WHAT WAS THE FIRST MEANINGFUL GIFT YOU'VE EVER RECEIVED? a neacklace that my grandma gave me before she died... 22. DO YOU LIKE ANYBODY? Yes 23. ARE YOU DOUBLE JOINTED? I dont think so ... 24. FAVORITE CLOTHING BRAND? umm... don't really care... 26. DO YOU HAVE A PET RIGHT NOW? No 27. WHAT KIND IS IT? A dead dog 28. WOULD YOU FALL IN LOVE KNOWING THAT THE PERSON IS LEAVING? I think THAT depends of what kind of person you are 29. WHAT IS THE BEST WAY TO TELL SOMEONE HOW MUCH THEY MEAN TO YOU? Pay lots of attention to them... i'm really shy... don't blame me... my sister has all the guts... 30. SAY A NUMBER FROM ONE TO A HUNDRED: why? 16, because its the first number that came into my mind. 31. BLONDS OR BRUNETTES? Brunettes :D 32. WHAT IS THE ONE NUMBER YOU CALL MOST OFTEN? My Mom 33. WHAT ANNOYS YOU MOST? Hm... my brothers, when my twin and i start fighting and keep yelling the same things at each other in unison -_-" 34. HAVE YOU BEEN OUT OF THE USA? Yes, right now i am... i miss the US... 35. YOUR WEAKNESSES? hights... 36. MET ANYONE FAMOUS? yes, one time at my church someone came and said the played the voice od Chowder from "Chowder" 37. FIRST JOB? My school's library assistent 38. EVER DONE A PRANK CALL? Yes, and i got caught because those people have a thingy that can track the number? 41.WHAT WERE YOU DOING BEFORE FILLING THIS OUT? Trying to watch some things in YouTube 40. HAVE YOU EVER HAD SURGERY? I think not 42. WHAT DO YOU GET COMPLIMENTED ABOUT MOST? My sinnging~! :D 43. HAVE YOU EVER HAD BRACES? Nope 44. WHAT DO YOU WANT FOR YOUR BIRTHDAY? Hmm... i don't really know... 45. HOW MANY KIDS DO YOU WANT? 2 kids 46. WERE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE? Not sure... 47. DO YOU WISH ON STARS? Yes 49. WHAT KIND OF SHAMPOO DO YOU USE? Sun Silk 50. DO YOU LIKE YOUR HANDWRITING? I think so. 51. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE LUNCH MEAT? Um... chiken 52. ANY BAD HABITS? I freak out and start playing with my hair when i'm nervous 53 WHAT CD ARE YOU MOST EMBARRASSED TO HAVE ON YOUR SHELF? What do you mean? none of my CDs are embarrasing 54. IF YOU WERE ANOTHER PERSON, WOULD YOU BE FRIENDS WITH YOU? if a guy... then no... my older twin doesn't really like me having guy friends... 56. DO LOOKS MATTER? Hardly. 57. HOW DO YOU RELEASE ANGER? I ignore people 58. WHERE IS YOUR SECOND HOME? My Aunt's house 60. WHAT WAS YOUR FAVORITE TOY AS A CHILD? My dolls 61. HOW MANY NUMBERS ARE IN YOUR CELL PHONE? Eh?... I'll go check later. 62. WERE YOU A FAN OF BARNEY AS A KID? I watched it, but i didn't really like it... 63. DO YOU USE SARCASM? Yup‼ 64. MASHED POTATOES OR MACARONI AND CHEESE? Mashed Potatoes. 65. WHAT DO YOU LOOK FOR IN A GUY/GIRL? Humor, kindness, understanding & caring 66. WHAT ARE YOUR NICKNAMES? Curly frie & Razz-chan 67. WHATS YOUR FAVORITE BAND/SINGER? Vocaloid 68. WHATS YOUR FAVORITE TV SHOW? Pokemon... 69. WHAT WAS YOUR ACT SAT SCORE? What's that? 70. WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE ICE CREAM FLAVOR? Vanilla with Almonds and Caramel included. 71. DO YOU HAVE ALL YOUR FINGERS AND TOES? Yes 72. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU WORKED OUT? 2 weeks ago, and counting. 73. DID YOU NOTICE THAT THERE WAS NO #64? yes there is. theres no 59 and 55 74. WHATS THE FASTEST YOU HAVE GONE IN A CAR? Actually, I think 80 m/h 75. DO YOU WANT EVERYONE TO ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS? Yes 76. WHAT WAS THE LAST SONG YOU LISTENED TO? "Dreaming of you" 77. LAST THING YOU DRANK? Lemonade 78. LAST PERSON YOU TALKED TO ON THE PHONE? My Mother 79. THE FIRST THING YOU NOTICE IN THE OPPOSITE/SAME SEX? Their aditude 81. FAVORITE MONTH OF THE YEAR? January 83. FAVORITE ZODIAC SIGN? capricorn 86. EYE COLOR? Brownish-redish 89. FAVORITE FAST FOOD RESTAURANT? Taco bell 91. LAST THING YOU WATCHED? Teen Titans, the episode where Terra betrays the Titans. 92. FAVORITE DAY OF THE YEAR? Hm... the first day of Summer‼ 93. PLAY ANY MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS? Piano, violin, flute & the keyboard 94. REPUBLICAN OR DEMOCRAT? Democrat 95. KISSES OR HUGS? Kisses :D 96. RELATIONSHIPS OR ONE NIGHT STANDS? I prefer "Relationships" 97. WHAT WAS THE LAST THING YOU BOUGHT? I Bought a pair of headphones 98. WHAT KIND OF CAR DO YOU HAVE? Um... I have a remote controlled car, does that count? 100. DESCRIBE YOUR LOVE LIFE: Sweet, caring, mysterious, weird... Pokemon OCs and their pokemon from Silver Petals and Thorns Kathy (LuvAllPokemon) Kathy likes to get things done right. people call her bossy and mean but she really is kind at heart always protecting Melody, the youngest, in a sisterly way. she loves to help out in the enviorment and tries to get other people to do the same thing. Age: same age as May, fifteen. Hair: long and light brown. Eye color: golden eyes. Pokemon: 1- Snivy (starter pokemon) - female - link = (http:///wiki/Snivy_(Pok) 2- Ponyta - male- link = (http:///wiki/Ponyta_(Pok) 3- Pidgeotto - male - link = (http:///wiki/Pidgeotto_(Pok) 4- Kirlia - female - link = (http:///wiki/Kirlia_(Pok) 5- Swana - link = (http:///wiki/Swanna_(Pok) 6- Rapidash - link = (http:///wiki/Rapidash_(Pok) Legendery pokemon she protecs: 1- Celebi - link = (http:///wiki/Celebi_(Pok) 2- Suicune - link = (http:///wiki/Suicune_(Pok) Melody (ME!) Melody is a sweet and shy girl, who is the youngest of the chosen ones. She is often being overly protected by Kathy and Natsumi but Melody doen't seem to mind. Melody has loving side towards pokemon befreinding them good or bad, this is one of the reasons how she met the legendary pokemon- Meloetta. she loves sweets and cute pokemon. Age: youngest one, thirteen years old. Hair: She has long, curly brown hair that reaches her mid-back. Eyes: she had moon stone eyes. (can change from blue green, blue, green and brown depending on her emotions) Pokemon: 1- Cherubi - female - link = (http:///wiki/Cherubi_(Pok) 2- Plusle - (First pokemon) female - link = (http:///wiki/Plusle_(Pok) (P.S. She likes to ride on her shoulder just like Ash's Pikachu) 3- Skarmory - male - link = (http:///wiki/Skarmory_(Pok) 4- Misdreavus - female - link = (http:///wiki/Misdreavus_(Pok) 5- Eevee -female - link = (http:///wiki/Eevee_(Pok) 6- Azumarill- female- link = ( http:///wiki/Azumarill_(Pok) 7- Egg (given to her by an old man who said will help her with her fear of fire types) Legendary pokemon she represents: 1- Latias - link = (http:///wiki/Latias_(Pok) 2- Shaymin - link = (http:///wiki/Shaymin_(Pok) 3- Meloetta - female - link = (http:///wiki/Meloetta_(Pok) Nick (Random guy i made up!) Nick is the second youngest after Melody. He loves to tease Melody by calling her 'Mel-Mel' a childish nickname he had given her in exchange for her calling him 'Nicky'. He has known Melody since they were little kids and there is a promise (Will be seen in later chapters) they made upon reciving their first pokemon (Melody's Plusle and his Minun), their pokemon hatched from eggs they found in a forest nearby. He knows that Max has feelings for Melody but he won't give her up that easily. Age: foureen years old. Hair: Dark brown hair. his bangs sometimes cover his eyes since his hair is pretty long. Eyes: Bright green that seem to have a strong determind glow to them. Pokemon: 1- Minun - started pokemon - Male - link= (http:///wiki/Minun_(Pok) 2- Rhydon - male - link= (http:///wiki/Rhydon_(Pok) 3- Weavile - Male - link= (http:///wiki/Weavile_(Pok) 4- Zorua - male - link = (http:///wiki/Zorua_(Pok) 5- Cloyster - female - link = (http:///wiki/Cloyster_(Pok) 6- Beedrill - male - link = (http:///wiki/Beedrill_(Pok) legendary pokemon: 1- Darkrai - link = ( http:///wiki/Darkrai_(Pok) 2- Latios - link = ( http:///wiki/Latios_(Pok) Paviella (LuvLoverGrl) Paviella or pav as she likes it better, Optimistic and upbeat, loves to have fun but knows when enough is enough. is a bit Hyper and impaient. she just likes to have fun and mess around and is always there for her friends. sh is, as she puts it, 'quite strong for a girl and i can kick your ass if you irritate me which I WILL do. So dont! irritate.' she doesn't represent any pokemon but is always there to encourage the team or help out with any situation. she loves to bake treats for everyone and will bake them depending on her mood... so please don't eat what she gives you if she's annoyed... Age: 16 years old Hair: Long wavy Black hair that almost reaches her waist. Eyes: Hazel colered eyes =3 Pokemon: 1- Espeon - starter pokemon - link = (http:///wiki/Espeon_(Pok) 2- Emolga - link = (http:///wiki/Emolga_(Pok) 3- Leavanny - link = (http:///wiki/Leavanny_(Pok) 4- Azurill - link = (http:///wiki/Azurill_(Pok) 5- Pidgeot - link = (http:///wiki/Pidgeot_(Pok) Sachiko (Sakura Keiko) a hyper active girl who is clumsy and silly and likes to make people laugh. she is sort of dense in a few things but doesn't really mind. she likes to tease Melody and Nick about how 'in love' they are and makes jokes that they are secretly dating. she is always happy and smiling which some people find really creepy or weird. she is the one who is always causing trouble or pulling pranks on the others. she has known Kathy, Melody and Nick since they were little kids. Age: 14 years Hair:Brown and wavy. Eyes:a lighter shade of purple than Ella's eyes pokemon: 1- Monferno - starter pokemon(Evolved from chimchar) - link = (http:///wiki/Monferno_(Pok) 2-Pachirisu - link = ( http:///wiki/Pachirisu_(Pok) 3-Cleffairy - link = (http:///wiki/Clefairy_(Pok) 4-Pichu - link= ( http:///wiki/Pichu_(Pok) Legendary pokemon: 1- Mew - link = (http:///wiki/Mew_(Pok) 2- Jirachi - link = (http:///wiki/Jirachi_(Pok) |
AquaJet (16) BWL (30) iLen-Rin (22) K Double Prime (14) | Qrestine-Vine (3) rennomiya (41) Rolyn (38) Story Writing Guy (34) | umi amano (29) xTwichii (5) |