Autumn's Promise


Disclaimer: Until the very end of this story, I honestly do not own anything related to Prince of Tennis, except for this fan fiction. Tee hee!


The taxi door opened as it stopped outside the hospital entrance. He was so impatient to see her once again. He immediately ran off from the taxi and entered the building. His body was trembling in excitement. He approached the reception table and asked for a room number. After, he continued himself from running towards an open door. The final decision was made, Sakuno I'm here… I'm back… I made it... at last I can see you again… he stopped. He entered the room and his eyes showed surprise as he said a name, "Sakuno!" he was speechless. He saw no one except for a nurse who was fixing the bed sheets. He then, saw a vase which was occupied by a bouquet of flowers which was so familiar to him.

"Excuse me sir, can I help you?" the nurse asked walking towards him, holding another sheets in her hands.

"…The patient…" he answered anxiously, "…the patient who took this room, where is she?!"

"Ah, Miss Ryuzaki? She just logged-out this morning…" the nurse answered back, "Are you a friend?"

"Uhmm…" he was surprised to hear it.

He got pissed off because Tomoka didn't even tell him anything. "Ah, y-yeah…" then he left the room again, walking fast with his face disappointed. Tomoka why didn't you tell me?! He demanded inside. He took out his phone and nervously, he pressed Tomoka's cell phone number. He waited for her answer but no one picked up the phone. "Damn! Answer the phone!" he shouted in anger. As he called again, the phone rang.

"Hello?" the receiver answered

"Tomoka!" he shouted, "Where is she?!"

"R-Ryoma?" Tomoka answered back in surprise, "W-Who are you talking about?"

"Sakuno! Where is she?!" he shouted again

"Don't shout! It hurts!" Tomoka demanded, "Of course she's in the hospital!"

"Are you making fun of me?" he had enough, "She's not here!"

"No way! I told her to wait for me!"

"The nurse told me that she already left!"

"Don't worry I'll call her…" Tomoka said as she hanged up the phone.

He hit the white wall with his fist. He doesn't know what to do next. Sakuno where are you? He demanded again inside. He doesn't know why but he felt nervous. He wished and prayed that Sakuno was alright. As he went out of the hospital, he stopped. He thought of a place where she might have been. And when he got an idea, he took a taxi and rode to it at once.

"Seishun Gakuen…" he said.

The school, he thought. It may be the first place that she might have visit because he knew that she miss her friends a lot. But as he dropped by in the school, he felt something strange. Students were walking inside the school while the others were roaming around. Tennis courts… he thought as he ran towards the tennis club. He looked around and asked students but no one answered his question. He's starting to become hopeless. His tension was starting to increase and he felt like his eyes were starting to produce tears. Sakuno… where are you? I'm back… I didn't leave at all! I want to see you again…


"I made my decision" Ryoma spoke as he walked out of the light post, "…I'm sorry…"

In surprise, Meyrin couldn't speak a thing and moved a step backward as she looked away, "I knew it…"

"Meyrin, the way we had started when we were young is already gone. I like you just like before but I love Sakuno more than anyone else. I'm sorry to make you believe in a lie. I accepted your affections right back in the school because I got myself pity over you and I know that you'll feel depress. I'm very sorry…"

"So what I thought was right! Whenever we're together I was never been a part inside your mind!" she started to cry, "I made the biggest mistake in my life…"

"I'm really sorry…" he apologized once more

"About the offer, does it mean its no?"

"Y-Yes…" he answered silently. But he was shocked to see a smile and a laugh in Meyrin's face.

"There is no turning back, Ryoma-kun!" she ended, "this makes me feel stupid" her laughed slowly turned out to crying. Ryoma felt another pity. He stretched out his hand and wanted to give her at least a comfort. But as he moved to her closer she avoided him quickly.

"Don't!" she shouted, "Don't feel me sympathy again! I'm fine… It's just that I don't want to feel rejected. Don't worry, in a minute or later, I'll stop..." she said covering her face with her numb hands.

"Meyrin…" he murmured, "Thank you…" his body moved back as her body ran towards him and leaned on his. Her tears marked his shirt as she gave a loud whimper.

End of Flashback

He was standing alone outside a huge gate before him. He pressed the doorbell but nobody answered his call. He made himself calm as possible and though not to feel tense to avoid trouble. He pressed it for the last time but it was still the same. "AAAH!!" he shouted with grinding teeth and slamming of palm on the wall. Suddenly, something vibrated inside his pocket, it was a phone call. His hand trembled as he took his phone out. He prayed that the caller will be somehow connected in solving his current problem, luckily it was. "Tomoka!" he shouted as he answered the phone call, "Did you find her? Where is she?!"

"I told you not to shout!" Tomoka demanded, "Listen to me carefully, I called her. She told me that she's in a place where everything started. I also don't know where it is but it looks like she's in a crowded place since I heard a lot of voices in the background…"

Ryoma think deeply, everything started?Crowded place? He found an answer, "The train station!" he shouted again, "Sakuno is in the train station!"

"Are you sure?"

"I first met him in the train station" he started walking, "I'll go there right away…

"Okay, I'll see you there…"

He ran as fast as he could. He felt his heart beating to fast. He panted at the same time. He felt relieved and joy. After the long wait, he can finally see her again. And without doubt, he will tell her how much he loves her. It's the biggest opportunity for him and he won't let it pass anymore.

He heard the last train left as he ran quickly in the stairs. When he reached the top, fewer people were around. He looked sideway to see if she's still around. As he looked to the right, somebody caught his attention. There he saw a figure of a girl whom he couldn't wait to see. Slowly, he walked towards her and as she turned to him. Her eyes showed surprise after feeling his body leaning to hers and shouted, "Sakuno!" then, she felt him caressing her back as her embrace became tighter. "At last I found you…"

"Ryoma-kun?" she startled

"Sakuno, I'm here!" he said again with his hands grabbing Sakuno's shoulders

"What are you doing here?" she asked

"I didn't leave, I-I…" he was stopped after he received a slap from Sakuno's pale hand

"Shouldn't you be in America?" she demanded, "What are you still doing here?!"

"Can't you see, I'm back?! I chose you over her! Everything was a big mistake!"

"What are you talking about?!"

"The reason why I left you was all a lie. I ever wanted it to be this way! I got myself pity over her. I really don't care who gets first and came last in my life. Sakuno, I love you more than anyone else!" he spoke out and placed his arms around Sakuno's body. It became tighter as he whispered beside her ears how much he loves her.

She didn't move a thing and it was on purpose. She let him embrace her for a while. What have I decided will be my decision in the very end… I'm sorry… her tears were showing but she stopped them from falling. "I'm sorry…" she said which made Ryoma wonder. He doesn't know what she really meant with the apology. He was supposed to be apologizing. "I'm sorry Ryoma-kun, but we can't continue this anymore…" she added

Ryoma moved back, "We can't continue what?!"

"Everything!" she said, "Everything went out wrong! If we continue this, everything will get worse! I'm scared with what will happen next!"

"Is it because of Meyrin? I explained to her all and she accepted it!"

"It has nothing to deal with her…" she claimed

"Then why?"

"Ryoma-kun, I know that this isn't what we both wanted! When I got confined, that was the time when I totally opened my eyes to the truth. We'll end up confusing ourselves again! We'll hurt each other just like how painful it is right now, or maybe more! I can't continue this anymore… I just can't…"

His eyes turned to her and felt depressed from what she had said. He wanted to touch her but something inside of him stopped. He stared her eyes and saw tears flowing down from it. Her face turned red as she gave another lines and as she looked back to him.

"I don't want to be like this anymore… I don't want to feel pain just like before… That's why I'm giving up everything.

Ryoma looked down his head while Sakuno wiped her tears away. She gave a courage look and stood up straight. I know you understand me well… For me, you're the last person who I really love… "I'm leaving…" she ended, giving a bow for him. She moved a step and pretended to be strong but Ryoma's grip stopped her. She could feel his touch trembling in her skin. And she couldn't deny how much she missed his warmth; the warmth that neglected her so much. Ryoma-kun

"Don't go…" Ryoma whispered. Sakuno looked at him and saw traces of tears. She was surely surprised to see him cry for her. But then, she stayed to her decision,

"I'm sorry…" that was all she said while removing his grip weakly. She started to take steps with her hands covering her mouth. She wanted to turn back but she didn't continue. She hoped that somehow Ryoma will turn to her again and stop her for the last time.

Nee, Ryoma-kun, I wonder if you'll hate me for what have I done… For me, this is the easiest way to make things better even though it hurts so much… I hope you'll understand. And I know that you know how much I love you… I'm really sorry…

Suddenly, his numbness disappeared when he heard a loud crash coming from the street outside the station. SAKUNO! He thought. He ran quickly towards the huge crowd in the street. He persistently excused himself from the people around as he saw dark smoke in the center and heard a lot of whispers. He prayed that nothing happened to her and when he escaped from the crowd all he ever did, was to scream her name for the last time "SAKUNO!"

-To be Continued…-

"Man, do I suck? Ending up with a tragedy again… ouch… I'm sorry for those who didn't like my epilogue. The sequel will be posted soon, and I'm sure the updates will be slower than autumn's Promise, since I'm going back to school again. But don't worry, I'll finish it just like how Autumn's Promise ended… ouch. That's all! Hope you'll read the sequel of it, Gemini's Sweet Desire. Thank you for reading and loving 'Autumn's promise!' See you around next time! Ja Nee! InuShikaCho"