I need to be typing something else. I can't do this. I can't be only typing 'Mine'. 'Mine' is taking such a long time to write. Sigh… so here's my new drama story. I really hope you like it; I have such great ideas for this. May is now fourteen. By the way, my author's note, I used to play the game, I forgot to mention that. So I'm not that familiar with the cities and gyms that well.
May sighed. Traveling alone is great; you get to go to the places you like without Max or Ash complaining. One of the sad things is that you don't get to eat Brock's great cooking. You can miss that easily. I wonder if Brock got a girlfriend, she thought to herself. The only thing sad about traveling is that you don't have anyone to talk to. May doesn't have any close friends besides Ash, Brock, Misty, Dawn and Leaf who are all at different regions. May met a lot of different trainers while she was traveling. She met a really hot guy too…
She thought about that moment. His name was Brendan. He was really cute and hot. His silver hair, red shining eyes, and his and her outfit were quite similar. May was in her orange and green outfit this time. May had saw Brendan about 4 or 5 times while she was traveling. She had a small crush on him, but she always tried pushing love away. May continued walking and she saw that guy again… "Brendan!"
The silver haired boy turned around and grinned. "May! Long time no see!" he ran over to her and patted her head. "How are you? Catch any new Pokemon?"
"No," she said. "I was trying to make Wartortle evolve but it wouldn't. Glaceon is getting stronger though!"
"That's great," Brendan said. "Where are you heading?"
"Umm…" she looked at her map. "Lilycove City."
"How about we travel together to get there?" Brendan said. "It would be fun, right?"
May smiled. "Yeah! Are you battling a gym leader there?"
He nodded. "And you entering the contest?" she nodded. "I bet you'll meet your boyfriend there again."
"Huh?" May asked, confused. "Boyfriend?"
"You have a boyfriend, right?" Brendan asked, hating to say that sentence. "That green haired guy. He's talks about you when we talk for a while. I had observed he's always watching you carefully. He takes pretty good care about you, too."
She laughed. "No, that's not my boyfriend. He's my greatest rival!"
"Really?" Brendan asked, surprised. "You two seem to flirt with each other a lot."
"Flirt?" May asked, laughing again. "We so do not flirt. We just like fighting because it's fun. Drew and I have known each other for… I believe four years already! Wow, that long? No wonder I know him so well."
"Yes, May, you do know me so well," a voice said. May turned around and rolled her eyes.
"Geez, this must be a coincidence," May concluded.
Drew smirked and ruffled her hair, eyeing Brendan. "May, coincidences aren't real."
"So there's a reason of all three of us meeting together?" May asked, noticing Brendan's uneasy face. "Brendan, you okay?"
"Yeah," he mumbled, grinding his teeth.
May suddenly remembered something and looked at Drew. "Drew!" Drew took his eyes off Brendan to look at May. "I wanted to ask you something. Brendan said that you were talking about me!"
Drew felt his face go red. He's lucky he doesn't blush all the time. "What? No!"
"Oh," she said. May turned around to see a Teddiursa walking around. "Gah! Oh my gosh! Sorry Brendan and Drew, I need to go catch that Teddiursa! You guys can go on! Bye!"
"Bye," the two said in unison. They glared at each other. Brendan started saying, "You should stay away from May."
"Me? Stay away from May?" he repeated. "I recommend you staying away from May. Let's see… I assume you only knew her for a few weeks, and I've known her for 4 years?" he smirked. "I'm sure it should be the other way around, old man."
"Old man?" Brendan said.
Drew shrugged. "You have white hair."
"Hey! I'm younger than you!" he said.
"And how do you know how old I am?" Drew said, calmly. "Anyways, just stay away from May."
Brendan smiled. "Why? I plan to make May mine."
"I plan to make May mine," he said.
"May doesn't feel anything for you," Brendan said. "You're just a rival."
"I'm her best friend, too," he argued. "This is dumb. I'm leaving."
"I'll go look for May then," Brendan said.
"What?" he yelled. "I was actually leaving you, to find May," he walked off to find that brunette. Curse that guy…he thought to himself. Why did he just have to enter May's life… he should know that she's mine. I've known and liked her for so long, he can't just randomly show up and snatch May away. Damn. I bet Brendan already found her. Drew looked up to see May, her hands behind her back with tape on her mouth. "What the hell?" he said. He was about 20 yards away from her. As you can see, Drew has great eyes. He started running but then…
Brendan came. He untied the rope that was tying her hands together. He saw Brendan slowly peel off the tape, and he saw may smile at him. He felt his blood boil, and Brendan took her hands and helped her up. He continued running and finally made it to May, and he saw Brendan kiss her forehead… right in front of him. "What are you doing?" he said to Brendan, angry.
"Drew!" May said. "Brendan just helped me."
"So I saw," Drew said, not taking his eyes off Brendan. "What happened?"
"Well, when I was chasing the Teddiursa," May said. "It ended up being this spoiled girl's Teddiursa. She thought I took him away from her house but he ended up running away from her again. She ordered these guys to tie me up and she walked away."
Drew rolled his eyes, "What a dumb story."
"May, would you like to travel with me?" Brendan said, ignoring Drew's death glare.
"May, would you like to travel with me?" Drew asked, showing her his rare smile that people never see.
"What are you guys doing?" May said, laughing. "You two already know I like traveling with myself."
"Oh," Brendan said, disappointed. "I'm going to head to Lilycove City, k?"
Drew nodded, not really caring at all. "Whatever, bye old man."
"Bye cabbage brain," Brendan said. He looked at May and flashed her smile. "Bye, May."
May rolled her eyes. "What the hell? You guys just randomly show up and keep asking me things. Do you guys not like each other?"
"I don't like him," Drew said. "He reminds me of Harley."
"Yeah, Brendan's acting to get you to become his pet," Drew said.
This was just a short prologue. The other chapters will be longer. I hope for 5-15 reviews at least!