Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .
Project: VOCALOID by
ChiioUnicorn reviews
COMPLETE/Sequel is available to read on profile/ A cyborg, Rin, is created as the key to answering to a madman's wish: her father's. However, she escapes to Japan, in hindrance. Now on a mission to regain her lost past, Rin finds herself helplessly drawn to teenage life, drama, and Len Kagamine.
Vocaloid - Rated: T - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 31 - Words: 600,975 - Reviews: 909 - Favs: 398 - Follows: 301 - Updated: 10/27/2017 - Published: 12/2/2010 - [Rin K., Len K.] - Complete
Hating the Guy that Loves You by
xxKerii-tan reviews
Kagamine Rin, an anti-social teen, has nearly no friends, gets bullied, and can care much less about her social life. She also utterly hates the school flirt, Kagamine Len. So what happens when he begins to love her and won't stop loving her? RinxLen, NO TWINCEST. Romance, humor, and drama.
Vocaloid - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 30 - Words: 90,893 - Reviews: 537 - Favs: 438 - Follows: 314 - Updated: 7/14/2014 - Published: 7/14/2010 - Rin K., Len K., SF-A2 Miki - Complete
Escape from the Hokage's Hat by
anothvortex reviews
My attempt at Perfect Lionheart's MH challenge. After recapturing Sasuke, Naruto is forced out of Konoha. However, he takes along some unexpected allies for the ride! First submission, and counting! Now NarutoxHinata!
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 43 - Words: 371,546 - Reviews: 3010 - Favs: 4,214 - Follows: 3,909 - Updated: 11/25/2012 - Published: 4/13/2009 - Naruto U., Hinata H.
Love in an Elevator by
Angelic Gemstone reviews
Cartman and Wendy get stuck in an elevator together. They spend the entire time fighting, and eventually tensions become so high to a point where Cartman just can't take it anymore. Oneshot.
South Park - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,804 - Reviews: 32 - Favs: 82 - Follows: 13 - Updated: 8/9/2012 - Published: 6/12/2009 - Eric Cartman, Wendy Testaburger - Complete
You Have Mail by
ooftieooft reviews
Many a teen's nightmare has come from those three simple words: you have mail. A story told by IMs, texts, and all those other stuff those darn teenagers use these days. Rin/Len, Kaito/Miku, Luka/Gakupo.
Vocaloid - Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 7 - Words: 9,425 - Reviews: 388 - Favs: 415 - Follows: 357 - Updated: 6/18/2012 - Published: 4/26/2010 - Len K., Rin K.
Shizuo's Bow Tie by
CRQ reviews
Hi, I'm Shizuo's sunglasses. Shizuo's shoes need hearing aids, and his bow tie thinks it's gangsta. But who's this scrawny human with the bitchy jacket? And would somebody please give his switchblade some Xanax? Shizuo/Izaya. COMPLETE!
Durarara!!/デュラララ!! - Rated: M - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 3 - Words: 8,684 - Reviews: 256 - Favs: 643 - Follows: 88 - Updated: 6/17/2011 - Published: 5/25/2011 - Izaya O., Shizuo H. - Complete
Chance! by
ChiioUnicorn reviews
Having her feelings hurt after a popularity fight with Len, Rin drinks a mysterious drink given to her by Master... only to turn back into a 5-year-old kid! Oh boy, how will this turn out? *Oneshot LenxRin*
Vocaloid - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 5,010 - Reviews: 46 - Favs: 164 - Follows: 29 - Published: 1/24/2011 - [Rin K., Len K.] - Complete
Obviously Oblivious by
dark-night-sky reviews
Craig and Tweek were never the best of friends, more of friends of friends. But they never really hung out alone, if possible. But after a suggestion from Clyde, the two find their relationship evolving...much to their distaste. Creek/slash. K2.
South Park - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 22 - Words: 58,882 - Reviews: 232 - Favs: 260 - Follows: 147 - Updated: 1/8/2011 - Published: 12/5/2009 - Craig T., Tweek T. - Complete
Of Bananas, Oranges, and Road Rollers by
Amethyst.Amaryllis reviews
Rarely updated Rin/Len oneshot collection. Number Twenty-Three: Cross-Dress;; In which Rin walks in on her brother wearing her clothes . . .
Vocaloid - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 23 - Words: 37,671 - Reviews: 333 - Favs: 170 - Follows: 111 - Updated: 12/26/2010 - Published: 8/11/2010 - Len K., Rin K.
Love Therapist by
Dokument reviews
I hate him because he's hurting other people for his own pleasure. I hate her because she's ruining my life.
Vocaloid - Rated: T - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 15 - Words: 50,634 - Reviews: 144 - Favs: 99 - Follows: 85 - Updated: 12/12/2010 - Published: 8/9/2010 - Rin K., Len K.
like a d o g by
ama-maa reviews
Raised at once, lowered the other. Wagging at once, motionless the other. ::RinxLen - Oneshot:: And by that—or 'it', I mean Len's moody being that survives on the top-back of his petite head. You got it; his ponytail. ::Happy /belated/ b-day, hamxham!::
Vocaloid - Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 4,980 - Reviews: 19 - Favs: 59 - Follows: 9 - Published: 11/13/2010 - Rin K., Len K. - Complete
Little Robin by
LittleMissAfflicted reviews
Little Robin, as you fly, look out, you've caught the demon's eye. If you, so foolish, stop to sing, he'll catch you then, and clip your wing. Set the night they capture the Viscount. Sebastian/Ciel. Yaoi.
Kuroshitsuji - Rated: M - English - Romance/Angst - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,648 - Reviews: 62 - Favs: 389 - Follows: 45 - Published: 10/12/2010 - Sebastian M., Ciel P. - Complete
contrapasso by
White Silver and Mercury reviews
A business deal is outlined in the Trancy dining hall, while in the cellar there's a discussion between devils of differing levels, and the dishes rattled where Alois cornered him against the side of the table. / Kuro II, Alois/Ciel, explicit content.
Kuroshitsuji - Rated: M - English - Drama/Supernatural - Chapters: 1 - Words: 7,026 - Reviews: 19 - Favs: 95 - Follows: 6 - Published: 8/16/2010 - Ciel P., Alois T. - Complete
20 Reasons Why Len Can Be Seme by
hamxham reviews
We all know that Len can be anything he wants and still be as sexy as hell. And here you'll find out why.
Vocaloid - Rated: T - English - Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 393 - Reviews: 80 - Favs: 95 - Follows: 19 - Published: 7/29/2010 - Len K.
Why Shinobi Shouldn't Read Fanfiction by
Emerald Tiara reviews
A clear example of the chaos caused by ninjas finding fanfiction. What happens when a group of Konoha shinobi are intorduced to the horror that is Mitsuki, the MarySue?
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Humor/Parody - Chapters: 11 - Words: 21,244 - Reviews: 250 - Favs: 96 - Follows: 78 - Updated: 7/15/2010 - Published: 12/28/2007
A to Z KuukaixYaya oneshots by
centric reviews
There hasn't been much KuukaixYaya fics since some fans had moved on to KuukaixUtau. However, I'm a 100 percent die-hard KuukaixYaya fan! I hope readers would give this pairing a chance and give my fic a try. R&R! COMPLETED!
Shugo Chara! - Rated: K+ - English - Romance - Chapters: 26 - Words: 34,612 - Reviews: 165 - Favs: 38 - Follows: 11 - Updated: 7/11/2010 - Published: 6/4/2010 - Kūkai S., Yaya Y. - Complete
Good Partner by
whocares10315 reviews
Stan can't escape the fact that he and Craig are paired up, and maybe doesn't care so much anymore. But now he has to figure out if Craig is going to be a good partner or not…
South Park - Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,802 - Reviews: 30 - Favs: 132 - Follows: 14 - Published: 6/14/2010 - Craig T., Stan M. - Complete
You'll Forget by
whocares10315 reviews
Kenny comforts a heartbroken Stan, telling him time heals and that he'll soon forget…
South Park - Rated: M - English - Romance/Friendship - Chapters: 1 - Words: 4,240 - Reviews: 19 - Favs: 96 - Follows: 9 - Published: 6/6/2010 - Kenny M., Stan M. - Complete
Jealousy may not be an ugly thing by
centric reviews
Takes place after episode 93. Some people say jealousy is an ugly thing but maybe it is also something that pull two people in denials closer, with the help of Nagihiko that is. KuukaixYaya.
Shugo Chara! - Rated: K+ - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,073 - Reviews: 12 - Favs: 20 - Follows: 2 - Published: 5/23/2010 - Kūkai S., Yaya Y. - Complete
Just Have Me by
AmeChi reviews
You can throw me around, rip me up, look inside me, paste me back together - You can love me to pieces and hate me to death, but...just have me and only that too much to ask? //NonSib!LenxRin// Out of desperation, Rin writes to Len.
Vocaloid - Rated: T - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 1 - Words: 5,830 - Reviews: 35 - Favs: 109 - Follows: 15 - Published: 3/14/2010 - Rin K., Len K. - Complete
The Naruto Omake Files: Innortal Style by
Innortal reviews
Episode 14: These are the Loops that never end...
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Humor/Parody - Chapters: 14 - Words: 75,389 - Reviews: 566 - Favs: 1,339 - Follows: 985 - Updated: 3/10/2010 - Published: 7/2/2006
Red Ribbons by
I'll never reviews
What were these strange feelings? Why did his face pop up all the time in her thoughts? Why were they the best of friends, when she felt that there was something more? The answers to those questions were as plain as the ribbons in her hair. kukai/yaya
Shugo Chara! - Rated: T - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,199 - Reviews: 25 - Favs: 14 - Follows: 11 - Published: 2/16/2010 - Yaya Y., Kūkai S.
Make Life Better by
hamxham reviews
Len’s pants are always falling, and Rin wonders why he can’t just sag like a ‘normal guy’ – it’ll make his life better. Too bad she didn’t believe that Len’s pants would actually fall completely down if he tried. Written because it’s fun to embarrass Len.
Vocaloid - Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,688 - Reviews: 27 - Favs: 80 - Follows: 11 - Published: 2/1/2010 - Len K., Rin K. - Complete
Car Ride by
Misha Novak reviews
There was never a dull moment on the ride to school. Cartman blamed Jewish black magic.
South Park - Rated: T - English - Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,094 - Reviews: 19 - Favs: 34 - Follows: 5 - Published: 1/21/2010 - Eric Cartman, Kyle B. - Complete
Everyone Wants Stan Marsh by
Angelic Gemstone reviews
The title says it all. Includes Style, Stenny, Startman, Stutters, and some Stendy. Oneshot.
South Park - Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,971 - Reviews: 41 - Favs: 62 - Follows: 8 - Published: 1/20/2010 - Stan M. - Complete
Stupid Woman by
Slytherwatt reviews
As the 10th's right-hand man, Gokudera believed that for the sake of Tsuna's 'happiness' he would be able to endure an afternoon with Miura Haru. He just hoped her stupidity won't rub off on him — GokuderaHaru
Katekyo Hitman Reborn! - Rated: K+ - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,364 - Reviews: 19 - Favs: 73 - Follows: 8 - Published: 1/10/2010 - H. Gokudera, Haru M. - Complete
Double Standards are a Pain by
Aineshi reviews
Len is the school's resident playboy: smart, attractive, athletic, popular, and a little too fiercely overprotective of his "sister" Rin.
Vocaloid - Rated: T - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 4 - Words: 13,245 - Reviews: 110 - Favs: 349 - Follows: 78 - Updated: 12/30/2009 - Published: 12/24/2009 - Rin K., Len K. - Complete
Fun With Paint by
Unity of Moon and Sun reviews
Rin and Len make painting fun! Mentions of LenxRin
Vocaloid - Rated: T - English - Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,251 - Reviews: 36 - Favs: 82 - Follows: 9 - Published: 11/8/2009 - Len K., Rin K. - Complete
Pacman by
dark-night-sky reviews
Craig wants to sleep. But someone gave Tweek coffee before bed. With sugar. Creek.
South Park - Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 950 - Reviews: 19 - Favs: 89 - Follows: 8 - Published: 10/25/2009 - Craig T., Tweek T. - Complete
Paired Up by
whocares10315 reviews
Craig and Stan are paired up for a school project and it doesn’t look too good…
South Park - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,544 - Reviews: 25 - Favs: 116 - Follows: 14 - Published: 9/30/2009 - Craig T., Stan M. - Complete
More to Life by
Assassination reviews
It's a normal day in the lunchroom, Stan and Kyle offer food to Kenny, Cartman keeps cursing Kyle for being's all normal.
South Park - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 738 - Reviews: 6 - Favs: 29 - Follows: 4 - Published: 8/7/2009 - Stan M., Kenny M. - Complete
Stalker Problems by
milkteaboulevard reviews
When Gokudera was forced by Haru to go shopping, he didn't know that he'll be facing her stalker. 5986 oneshot
Katekyo Hitman Reborn! - Rated: K+ - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,002 - Reviews: 19 - Favs: 111 - Follows: 17 - Published: 7/8/2009 - H. Gokudera, Haru M. - Complete
jewel-shards reviews
What is your favorite color?" It wasn't an important question. He just liked hearing her voice. Fluff. ShikaIno ONESHOT
Naruto - Rated: K+ - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 870 - Reviews: 3 - Favs: 14 - Published: 6/23/2009 - Shikamaru N., Ino Y. - Complete
Hot and Bothersome by
let's point out the obvious reviews
Kenny prefers his Kyles slightly red in the face. KennyxKyle oneshot
South Park - Rated: M - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 6,335 - Reviews: 25 - Favs: 209 - Follows: 20 - Published: 6/17/2009 - Kenny M., Kyle B. - Complete
Alpha Kenny Body by
Misha Novak reviews
Kenny has an interesting word trick for Kyle. Rated M to be safe.
South Park - Rated: M - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,194 - Reviews: 40 - Favs: 86 - Follows: 9 - Published: 6/2/2009 - Kenny M., Kyle B. - Complete
Insomniac by
Miniji reviews
Teenaged Tweek stays home alone for the first time. He spazzes. It's fluffy. Creek slash.
South Park - Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,526 - Reviews: 13 - Favs: 36 - Follows: 2 - Published: 5/11/2009 - Tweek T., Craig T. - Complete
Ambrosia by
HappyFace1886 reviews
Ambrosia is the drink of the gods. One sip and you can become a god yourself. But a price must be paid for such power... a HaruHibari/1886 fic AU oneshot
Katekyo Hitman Reborn! - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,952 - Reviews: 50 - Favs: 169 - Follows: 29 - Published: 4/11/2009 - K. Hibari, Haru M. - Complete
Playing Hard To Get by
Nietono-no-Shana reviews
Len has everything a boy could want: money, girls...the whole package. But there was one thing he couldn't have, and what he wanted the most. Rin Kagamine. Len x Rin Noncest! Vocaloid fic.
Vocaloid - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 4 - Words: 5,839 - Reviews: 123 - Favs: 142 - Follows: 124 - Updated: 4/10/2009 - Published: 12/12/2008 - Len K., Rin K.
The Big Story Book by
Nuki's Cupcake reviews
Prince Kukai is handsome, charming, and very sexy, so why is it so hard for him to get a girl? Crack/KukaixYaya sort of
Shugo Chara! - Rated: K+ - English - Parody/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,613 - Reviews: 19 - Favs: 15 - Follows: 2 - Published: 4/7/2009 - Kūkai S., Yaya Y. - Complete
Gone for Good by
XxLoveStanxX reviews
She hates me; it’s obvious. How couldn’t she? All of the hugs, kisses, and love that we shared meant nothing. It was all just a waste of my time, a waste of my life. Stendy. Oneshot.
South Park - Rated: T - English - Tragedy - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,728 - Reviews: 10 - Favs: 7 - Follows: 1 - Published: 1/31/2009 - Stan M., Wendy Testaburger - Complete
On the Arrow by
Bethany C. MacKenzie reviews
Oneshot. She never broke promises. Never. Stendy.
South Park - Rated: K - English - Hurt/Comfort/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,734 - Reviews: 11 - Favs: 10 - Published: 1/31/2009 - Stan M., Wendy Testaburger - Complete
Of Boys and Bras by
ironia-vitae reviews
Girls are such mysterious things.... It's a fatal attraction. Especially where Rin is involved. LenxRin
Vocaloid - Rated: T - English - Humor - Chapters: 2 - Words: 763 - Reviews: 18 - Favs: 44 - Follows: 10 - Published: 1/19/2009 - Len K., Rin K. - Complete
To Love You by
imelpomene reviews
There's so many things left unsaid... Oneshot ; KukaixYaya
Shugo Chara! - Rated: K+ - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,140 - Reviews: 17 - Favs: 11 - Follows: 1 - Published: 1/5/2009 - Kūkai S., Yaya Y. - Complete
Detention by
thatswhyyyoudont reviews
Oneshot. Kyle x Cartman slash. After his detention, Cartman finds Kyle crying.
South Park - Rated: T - English - Angst - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,367 - Reviews: 20 - Favs: 51 - Follows: 8 - Published: 12/5/2008 - Eric Cartman, Kyle B. - Complete
Hokage To Be by
Ninja's Ghost reviews
When Naruto steals the Forbidden Scroll he learns more than Kage Bunshin. Watch as he discovers what it really means to be Hokage, and what he does to reach his dream. NaruxHina. Sasuke bashing along with slight Sakura bashing.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 8 - Words: 65,097 - Reviews: 674 - Favs: 1,656 - Follows: 1,837 - Updated: 11/23/2008 - Published: 11/11/2007 - Naruto U., Hinata H.
Addict by
mr. eames reviews
Craig was addicted to a lot of things. Overuse of non-verbal swearing, cigarettes and even lying. But he really only needed one thing, even if he didn't realize it. He didn't need anything else but him. Craig/Tweek, multiple side pairings. Complete.
South Park - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 15 - Words: 113,959 - Reviews: 284 - Favs: 409 - Follows: 87 - Updated: 9/22/2008 - Published: 7/18/2008 - Craig T., Tweek T. - Complete
Age by
ArAshiMitArAshi reviews
[ShikaIno] Countless events involving the only girl in his team happens as he grow up. ONESHOT
Naruto - Rated: K+ - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,678 - Reviews: 40 - Favs: 86 - Follows: 12 - Published: 10/28/2007 - Ino Y., Shikamaru N. - Complete
Third Time's The Charm by
SquirmyBug reviews
The first time it happened, he was surprised. The second time it happened, he was amused. The third time it happened, he was livid. RyoSaku
Prince of Tennis - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,413 - Reviews: 53 - Favs: 213 - Follows: 33 - Published: 7/1/2007 - E. Ryoma, R. Sakuno - Complete
Nocturnal Breezes by
Zerbinetta reviews
Two souls that are the different, the lonely, the broken. Living the life of an outcast when the only one who understands you is your hated enemy... realizing that hatred is a point of view. It changes nothing, yet alters all. Hao and Anna.
Shaman King - Rated: K+ - English - Romance - Chapters: 4 - Words: 14,199 - Reviews: 33 - Favs: 51 - Follows: 2 - Updated: 4/26/2007 - Published: 4/5/2007 - Hao A., Anna K. - Complete
Bendable as a Ruler by
Lance Ruhiru reviews
Hey, grandmothers are hella shifty, man. A conversation that may as well be onesided. CraigStan
South Park - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 1 - Words: 867 - Reviews: 33 - Favs: 71 - Follows: 1 - Published: 3/31/2007 - Stan M., Craig T. - Complete
Bad Luck by
ArAshiMitArAshi reviews
[ShikaIno] Shikamaru was winning in the card game but he didn't feel happy at all. The reason? His girlfriend was not by his side. Instead, she was talking with other guys, far across the room. Oh, yes... Shikamaru was jealous. ONESHOT
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,840 - Reviews: 32 - Favs: 76 - Follows: 11 - Published: 1/3/2007 - Ino Y., Shikamaru N. - Complete
Blue Balls by
Azu Luna reviews
Cartman took the last blue one and Kyle is determined to get it back, no matter what. You'll never look at gumballs the same way again.
South Park - Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,854 - Reviews: 86 - Favs: 152 - Follows: 21 - Published: 12/6/2005 - Eric Cartman, Kyle B. - Complete
Only Good Boys Have Fangs by
sharingank reviews
Ever since she was a little girl, Hinata wanted a puppy. KibaHina oneshot.
Naruto - Rated: K+ - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,431 - Reviews: 110 - Favs: 368 - Follows: 46 - Published: 12/4/2005 - Hinata H., Kiba I. - Complete
I Said NO! by
TouchofPixieDust reviews
Inuyasha doesn't want Kagome to go back home to study. Ever wonder WHY he hates it when she she studies for school? IK Completed story.
Inuyasha - Rated: K - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,623 - Reviews: 108 - Favs: 263 - Follows: 23 - Published: 4/20/2005 - Inuyasha, Kagome H. - Complete
Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .
Habits reviews
#9: He doesn't think he could fall deeper in love than this.
Vocaloid - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 9 - Words: 9,222 - Reviews: 87 - Favs: 51 - Follows: 33 - Updated: 7/16/2012 - Published: 11/11/2010 - Len K., Rin K.
Fears reviews
Gouenji will always be by his side. Gouenji/Fubuki Short oneshot.
Inazuma Eleven/イナズマイレブン - Rated: K - English - Friendship - Chapters: 1 - Words: 322 - Reviews: 6 - Favs: 10 - Follows: 2 - Published: 1/19/2011 - Goenji S., Fubuki S. - Complete
Embrace reviews
It wasn't before long, had she realized she could never win against him. Shigure/Yukina Short oneshot.
Watashi ni xx Shinasai!/わたしに××しなさい! - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 897 - Reviews: 18 - Favs: 35 - Follows: 10 - Published: 11/6/2010 - Complete
Pocky reviews
Len tries to make a move on Rin using a pocky stick. Rin tried to outsmart him, but apparently Len knew better. Len/Rin Short oneshot.
Vocaloid - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 610 - Reviews: 47 - Favs: 109 - Follows: 18 - Published: 11/3/2010 - Len K., Rin K. - Complete
Surprise! reviews
Rin has no one to celebrate Halloween with, but then Len tells her to come over to his house even though he has plans...? Len/Rin Oneshot.
Vocaloid - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,555 - Reviews: 14 - Favs: 47 - Follows: 5 - Published: 11/1/2010 - Len K., Rin K. - Complete
Sounds reviews
When Meiko walks by the twins' room, she hears a rather strange conversation... even the sounds they make are weird enough. Len/Rin Short oneshot.
Vocaloid - Rated: T - English - Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 550 - Reviews: 32 - Favs: 53 - Follows: 10 - Published: 9/20/2010 - Len K., Rin K. - Complete
Tutoring reviews
Cartman's mom thinks her son is failing in math. She decides to hire Kyle for the day to tutor Cartman since she will be "busy." Kyle and Cartman end up doing different events than planned. Kyle/Cartman Oneshot.
South Park - Rated: T - English - Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,822 - Reviews: 4 - Favs: 9 - Follows: 2 - Published: 3/4/2010 - Eric Cartman, Kyle B. - Complete
Convince reviews
Kenny tries to convince Butters that he's hurt. Kenny/Butters Oneshot.
South Park - Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 597 - Reviews: 15 - Favs: 24 - Follows: 5 - Published: 1/16/2010 - Kenny M., Butters S. - Complete
Taste reviews
It was really just for the Ponta. Honestly. Ryoma/Sakuno Oneshot.
Prince of Tennis - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 570 - Reviews: 10 - Favs: 51 - Follows: 1 - Published: 10/31/2009 - E. Ryoma, R. Sakuno - Complete
What we have in common reviews
No wonder he was always so attracted to the sky. Kenny/Stan Oneshot.
South Park - Rated: T - English - Friendship - Chapters: 1 - Words: 717 - Reviews: 11 - Favs: 14 - Follows: 1 - Published: 10/28/2009 - Kenny M., Stan M. - Complete
Why not? reviews
When Kenny comes to Butters' house for an experiment that's assigned for homework, something deepens their friendship. Oneshot. Kenny/Butters
South Park - Rated: T - English - Friendship/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 938 - Reviews: 12 - Favs: 10 - Follows: 2 - Published: 10/25/2009 - Kenny M., Butters S. - Complete
The Unexpected reviews
Team 10 was relaxing until Ino asked her teammates a question that turned everything around. ShikamaruxIno/One Shot/OOC
Naruto - Rated: K+ - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,310 - Reviews: 7 - Favs: 11 - Follows: 3 - Published: 8/23/2009 - Shikamaru N., Ino Y. - Complete