I do not own Vocaloid or anything mentioned in this fic
But the plot belongs to me (unless I stole it from someone e_o)
I am sorry for the suckish summary! Does anyone have a better one?
No twincest
You are warned: SWEARING AHEAD
Chapter one: It's your own fault
"Love is a word with no meaning."
Rin's POV
"He dumped me last week but now he wants to get back together! I don't know what to do Rin!" a teal-haired girl hugged the pillow next to her on the couch across from me.
"Don't go back to him, if you do, he'll always think that you'll come back" I picked up my orange juice on the coffee table between us and took a sip then placed it back on the coaster.
"But he says that he loves me" cried the twin tailed girl while clutching the pillow tighter.
"If he loves you as much as he says he does then he wouldn't have left you in the first place, Miku" I said in my bored monotone voice.
Miku thought about it for a second and loosen the grip she had on the couch pillow. "You're right…" She got up, walked around the table and hugged me "thanks Rinny!"
I hugged back and smiled "anytime Miku, what are friends for? Although, we should head to school before we're gonna be late." Miku nodded "okay!" she then poked my cheek delicately "but don't you mean 'Best Friends?'"I looked at her and smiled "right!" we both grabbed our bags and walked out the door of my house and headed our way to school.
Yes, Hatsune Miku was my best friend even though we have extremely different personalities. She was outgoing, popular, optimistic but most of all, happy. She might've felt sad or mad sometimes, however, her bright mind-set doesn't keep her in those stages for long.
I, on the other hand, am quiet, a loner most of the times, choose not to communicate with people and "not" happy. I used to be like Miku but when my parents divorced when I was in fifth grade, my life went all downhill.
I saw my mom lose trust in my unfaithful dad and seeing her hopeless made me depressed. We soon moved to a different city and I started a new school. Instead of being the happy, talkative girl I used to be, I was cold to everyone and closed myself off from the world. The only good outcome from this was that I was more focused on school besides the latest gossip.
We walked onto the school grounds and a few students came up to me and asked for appointments. What for, you may ask. Thanks to Miku, I'm now known as "The Love Therapist." Since Miku was very popular, she had a lot of boyfriends, each that happen to hurt her in a different way. She told me about them once and I gave her a thought that came in my mind, more like advice, and when she followed what I said, the situation turned out to be true. They're either, he's cheating on you, he's close to a break up, or he just wants you because you're popular.
She was so impressed with so many correct outcomes, that she put my advice up for business last year, saying "you should help other people too!" I still remember the flyer she prepared on those green pieces of paper.
"Having some problems on love?"
"Need help but not sure where to find it?"
"Well Rin the Love Therapist is here to help you!"
"Everything will be confidential so you don't have to worry about your precious secrets being exposed!"
"To set up an appointment, meet Miku 15 minutes before lunch ends in the cafeteria."
"© Hatsune corp."
It finished off with a picture that had a random, but pretty, girl positioning the peace sign with her fingers and saying "Mikuo approved." Since Miku, as the intelligent person she is, put "© Hatsune corp." a lot of people asked for help because Miku and her older brother Mikuo were the most popular people in the whole district so anything recommended by them is like a new fad.
Most of the people who asked for assistance were girls but that doesn't matter.
Later on in the year, people began a rumor that started with me having more boyfriends than Miku and that's how I know so much about "love." It lasted for a week because Miku has her evilly sweet ways of killing or rising gossip.
For some reason, I wished those rumors were true. Why? It's because I never felt "love" before. I only felt it from my parents, until they decided to not be part of my life anymore, and from Miku. I always wanted to feel that beating in your heart, the heat rising to your face, and the butterflies in your stomach but was never able to. The closest and probably only way for me to experience those feelings is by listening to my patients explain it to me.
Now isn't that just sad?
Len's POV
While I gently stroke the brunette's thigh, I look at her in the eyes and kissed her passionately. As she put her arms around my neck, I let my free hand go up her shirt. Feeling her shiver by my touch made me smirk a little in the kiss. I checked the clock that was hanging on the wall and softly pulled her away from me.
"I'm sorry, Meiko, but class is about to start" I gave her my signature smirk and she blushed.
"Aw… can we meet after school then?" she put her head down and looked up at me like a little child.
"Forgive me, my little Meiko, but I have practice today" I attempted to kiss her lips but she turned her head and I kissed her cheek.
"What's wrong?" I looked at her with a helpful smile on my face. Meiko took her arms off of my neck and slapped me. Astonished from the sudden move Meiko did, I just stared at her while she ran out yelling "there's no practice today stupid! I checked! Rin was right about you! Liar!" When the door slammed closed, the only thing I could think about was "Rin, you fucking bitch."
That was the tenth girl to "leave" me because of "Rin." I clenched my hand and tried not to punch the wall whenever I think or hear of that name.
I decided to deal with this annoying asshole but the thing is… I don't even know what she looks like. There are probably 25 Rins in this damn school so looking up her profile on Google or something won't work. I thought about how to find this "Love Therapist" while opening the door to my class and sitting down.
I was deep in thought until I saw a hand wave in front of my face. I looked up to see Miku, the only girl who didn't want to date me after I asked her out. I remember when I asked her.
I asked her last year in the hallway after school but she laughed at me and said no in a polite way, after she was done choking on her laughter. I kindly asked her why and she gave me a weird answer "it's because you look a lot like my best friend and if I went out with you then I would be going out with her" she started laughing again but softer this time.
I could tell she was annoyed by the fact that I was ignoring her so she left.
As I went back to spacing out, someone dropped a history book on top of my desk and I jumped at the amplified sound ringing from the slam of the book. I looked up to meet with the blue eyed, pink haired person standing in front of me.
"What was that for Luki?" I stood up in anger.
"Just trying to wake you up" Luki flashes a smile.
"Well thanks! I needed to wake up from that nightmare anyways" I shrugged
"But… it's daytime" Luki pointed to the ceiling to prove his point.
I punched his arm "I know that, you dumbass!"
"Good, now we're on the same page!" Luki held his punched arm and smiled.
For having "naturally" pink hair, he's a pretty cool guy. I mean, if I was a girl, he'd be my best friend.
The teacher came in and commanded us to sit and quiet down.
When we were reading pages from our history books, I was tapping my pencil lightly on my notebook. I never pay any attention to him or my other teachers until he said "Rin, can you please read from where I left off?" A girl with medium length, brunette hair and had two, half-up-half-down, ponytails tied in little black ribbons stood up and read the next paragraph. It made me cringe and grip my pencil.
I was lost in my own little "I-hate-Rin" world until a crumbled piece of paper hit the side of my head. I turned to my left to see Luki motioning me to open the note. I did and read it in my mind "hey, are u alright?" I rolled my eyes and wrote "what r u? My mom?" and tossed it back to Luki. He snickered a bit but wrote something down and flings it back. I opened it, reading "you don't look ok and if I was your mom then you'd turn out better looking than you're ugly ass does now xD jk jk but seriously, are u okay?" I held in my laughter, this is why he would be my best friend, but soon I got serious and wrote down "actually, I'm looking for someone, wanna help?" Tossing the note back, I waited for a response and a crumpled piece of paper appeared before me. Opening it, I read, "sure but only for 5 mins lol" I replied "5 mins is all I need" and throwing the note back. I looked at Luki and he gave me a thumb up. I answered with another thumb up.
Rin's POV
Well at least classes are over, for now.
I packed up my stuff and went to find Miku in the cafeteria, since we don't have the same classroom.
Going through the crowded hallways, I hit into someone hard "I'm sorry" I didn't make eye contact and continued to walk to the cafeteria, making it on time. I can see Miku and her group in line so I just sat in my usual spot with my bagged lunch, waiting for them to come back. Everybody already knew that this table was ours so I didn't have to save any seats.
I sat there and peeled my orange, staring down at my food.
Luki's POV
When I was walking back to my classroom with a banana in one hand and a tuna salad sandwich in the other, I accidently bumped into a cute girl. That wasn't the first thing that came to my mind when I saw a glimpse of her face though.
I almost ran to my classroom and opened the door at lightning speed. Once I saw Len sitting in his seat I sighed in relief while thinking "phew, I thought he was cross dressing."
"LEN!" I said panting heavily and walking over to him.
"Dude, are you ok?" Len said with a smirk
I sat down in my seat that was next to his and gave him his banana. "Here and I'm fine" now regulating my breathing.
"Alright then but if you're lying then I'm going to punch you" Len said while peeling and taking a bite out of his banana.
"Ok, ok, sheesh! By the way, who are you looking for?" I opened my sandwich from its plastic cover and took a bite.
"Oh yeah…" I see Len's face turn from a bored expression to a disgusted one.
"Let me take a guess, you hate this person but don't know how he or she looks like so you can't do anything about it" I took another bite out of my sandwich.
"Damn, right on the dot… again" Len sighed in dissatisfaction and slowly ate the next bite off of that poor banana. "That's what she said."
I smiled at my thought and the fact that I know Len really well.
"So… what's this person's name?" I asked and finished my sandwich. "Man, tuna is great."
"Rin" Len seemed to clench his hands when he said her name.
"Oh so you hate a girl? But you never hate girls! Ever!" I managed to keep my voice down so it doesn't seep through the walls.
"Yeah… but this girl's special" Len made an angry face and tighten the grip on his knuckles.
"Dude, settle down, I'm sure we'll find this Rin girl you're looking for" I patted his shoulder reassuringly.
"Do you have any other info on her besides her name? Cuz there's like a thousand Rins at this school" I added.
"Yea… she's titled "The Love Therapist" Len looks at me and I just stare back at him thinking "you hate the Love Therapist? Is this a play on words?"
"I don't know much but how about we just ask around? The girls are sure to know a thing or two" I smile.
"Or ten" Len said quickly after I was done with my sentence.
I pat his head and he looked at me still a bit angry. "Ok at least tell me WHY you're mad at the Love Therapist" I tried to avoid actually saying "Rin."
"That bitch is taking my girls away and now she has to pay" Len said in a low voice so no one else could hear but us.
"Well it is kinda your fault too. I mean, you ARE cheating on them… CONTINUEOUSLY" I wanted to say that but seeing how angry he is now, he'll probably kill me so I replied "oh, well let's start right now then."
We threw our finished lunches in the trash and went to the cafeteria. Len used his charm and asked a few people until this one girl who had red eyes and long white hair tied in a loose ponytail with a purple striped ribbon said "Rin? The Love Therapist? I visited her once. But if I remember, she looks kind of like you but with a ribbon sitting on the top of her head." She pointed at Len and I could swear that my eyeballs were about to pop out of my head from trying to process this.
"She's also Miku's friend, even though everyone is her friend but she has a closer relationship to Miku than, uh, me" she added.
"How close?" Len leaned in and gave her his best smile.
I can see her blush but I think she looks drunk, not cute.
"Um… well… you can probably say… a best friend… at most" the girl looked away and so did Len.
I looked at his face and saw that he looked confused so I took his shoulder and walked away but said thanks to the girl, of course.
"Ok Len, I think I know who we're looking for" I said to cheer him up.
"Yeah I think I do too" Len mumbled
"Here I'll show you her so you don't have to stand there and sulk" I grabbed his arm and dragged him to Miku's table. I scanned the many heads and found her near the edge of the table and pointed her out.
"There, the blonde, short haired one, with the ribbon." I looked at Len checking if he's actually looking. I see him staring at her and looking back at me.
"I'll get her after school" Len gently lifted his arm out of my grasp and walk away.
"You're welcome" I muttered sarcastically to myself.
This chapter was actually supposed to go with chapter two but I was afraid it was going to be a LOOONG chapter one so I split them into two chapters! X3
Muahahahahahaha! I used Luki! Why? Cuz everybody already has a role…
Rin, why so angst?
Len, are you always a player/play boy?
Miku, mehhhh, either you're a friend or an enemy :P
Review if you wanna, not cuz you hafta!