Hinata was staring upwards, conveniently avoiding anyone's eyes. Naruto looked around the circle, and everybody else looked everywhere but at Naruto or Hinata. Naruto gave a little cough and glanced down at the book.
"Oh, look at that, this one isn't a hack," he announced to nobody in particular.
OKAY GAIYS I GET IST Kibas not tghe fog Akamiuru is teh dog! STFU I emade a misyteake lay off!
"Oh, GOOD," sighed Kiba. "That one was really bothering me!"
"She made a mistake?" asked Tsunade incredulously. "As opposed to, say, multiple mistakes?"
OMFG fuckin b itch hacker i AM NOT MERNTALLI retiarded! liek wtf!
"She sure about that one?" asked Kurenai dryly.
dumasses need to learn mANNERSXZ! No more hakin plzzease! I chahined my paswerd AGAIn so THER! y7oul NEVR gueyss tghatis oen!
"Oh, yes, we're the ones that need to learn manners," muttered Ino. "Keep telling yourself that, whore!"
"I wonder what her password is," asked Sasuke idly. "Something dumb?"
Gaara looked at the ceiling. "It's probably Mitsuki or Katusmi or someone. Maybe Amaya?"
"Okay, OKAY, we're all going to shut up now, because Naruto has to read, and if anyone gets out of reading it's sure not gonna be this little punk," declared Tsunade loudly.
"SO LIEK tenoen, why hasnt uyou an Nejj hookd up yet?" kdasced Mitsuki. "i meen u totally shud ur perfect! (they ttlky r u guyz! u kwon it!)
Now it was Tenten's turn to avoid anyone's eyes, this time by closing her own tightly. Neji reddened noticeably. "Good thing Gai-sensei's not here," whispered Sakura to Shizune. Both women giggled as they imagined the passionate sensei's reaction to the idea that two of his students were in love.
"uh welll itsc ocmeplictated" sed Tentne lamely. "i meen like jhe's rioch and stuffs."
"psh pleez i culd totally convince shidfk fmaiemly fro u" ;affed Mitsuki. "SO what iafre youy watingit for?"
"Um, I think Father actually likes you, Tenten-san," ventured Hinata. "He thinks you're a really good ninja."
"Thank you, Hinata," said Tenten with a strained smile.
"omgthanks! ur soooo nicre Mitsuki-chjan1!" and den Tenten turned aroudn. "Hey NEjji!"
"leik wanna go ouyt? or somefin?" cuz Tentnent was rly shy.
"Shy she is not," commented Kurenai as Tenten smacked Neji across the face.
"What was that for?" Neji said indignantly. "What did I do?"
Tsunade patted his shoulder. "This story brings out the worst in everyone."
NEjhi blusshed "um um surre okay elts go see amovie."
"Aw, look, Mitsuki gets to solve everyone's problems," said Kiba. "Isn't she great."
"By the end of the story we'll all be living on smiles and sunshine and Mitsuki will rule the world," added Tsunade.
When dthey were at the movei Neji ptui his arm artouygnd Tentens shoudler. she whitspedr to Mitsuki "omg Mitsuki idk whatt o do!"
"Go for ti gurl! make ur move!" Mitsuki gace Tentne a litke kiss on da cvheik fro encouragement.
"So when guys make out it's ew, but for girls its okay?" wondered Hinata.
"Well, yeah. It's one of the core rules of porn," Jiraiya stated matter-of-factly.
Tenten held Neji's hadn wnad and kissde himf ont de lipz. THen they stopedpo makin out and sdid something waayayaayaaaaay mroe dirty!
"What, right in the movie theater?" asked Jiraiya. "I think I wrote a novel like that once."
Ino looked at him. "Why?" she asked in a pained voice. "Movie theaters are so dirty, that's disgusting. And with everyone watching!"
Mitsuki smiled knwogin she ahd dine a fgoood deed.
"Yes, getting them arrested for public exposure is a very good deed," commented Sasuke with a very straight face.
"Amazing, the good things she does for people," Temari agreed. "Also, is the just sitting there watching them go at it? I mean, what?"
"Where's Katsumi during all this?" Gaara wanted to know. "And what about the oncoming Akatsuki invasion? Is that not happening anymore?"
"Welll, Gaara," said Temari with wide eyes, "isn't it obvious? Akatsuki spied on Konoha and saw that Mitsuki was so amazing they didn't want to attack anymore!"
That night Sasuke left.
"Well that was abrupt," stated Neji. "And now that Mitsuki's made someone's life better, on to the next plot point!"
"Do they even count as plot points anymore? I mean, is there a plot? Can someone please explain the plot?" begged Ino.
When Mitsuki was asleep he got out of bed (they had a LTO of fun earlier! haha!) and packed some stuf. THen he left Konohonoha.
"Wait, what fun?" asked Gaara. "I call foul, she didn't write that one out! Did you skip it?" He grabbed the book from Naruto.
"I didn't skip anything!" Naruto protested. "She probably wanted to get on with the next part of the story!"
"WHAT story?" Ino reiterated.
Gaara handed back the book, dumbfounded. "She...really wanted to start this part, I guess. She's changing her methods, I don't like it!"
He met these 3 dudes outside. One of dem was rly fat and another had 4 arms and there was a dude wit 2 heards. "Hi nSasuke u cumin qwith us? sed teh fat guy. "I'm Joribo. An thats Kidmamaru and this si Sakun.
"Where's the, um, what-was-her-name? That girl that was with them?" asked Hinata.
"Tayuya?" Sasuke supplied. "Maybe she just really didn't like her."
"Yea is Rochimura gona helfp me?" asked Sasuke. "Cuz I rly need to kill Itashin."
"...Rochimura," repeated Jiraiya, desperately trying to keep a straight face. "Rochimura. Itashin and Rochimura. Is she even trying anymore?"
Kurenai's face was a bizarre misture of pity, disdain and disgust. "Was she ever trying?"
"Rochimura, Sunadie, I wonder what she'll turn 'Jiraiya' into," mused Temari.
"Yeak ttly lets go" said Kidomary. "COme in eb4 someon stops us."
"ok" and they left. Mitsuki i hope u undretsnatd, Sasuket odlt himself cuz he promisded he would come bakc to fher.
"Oh, dear," said Tsunade quietly, looking at Sakura. The pink-haired kunoichi looked about ready to cry.
"wtf bitch?" asked Sakon as Mitsuki came. "No Mitsuki-chan theyll kill u!" sed Sasuke.
"No they won't, we're barely halfway through!" said Shizune. "If she dies now I'll eat Tonton."
Mitsuki wuz weriarng a purpel sattinn lacy ni5tghahown
"Oh, what?" complained Naruto, cutting himself off. "She stopped the scene to describe her clothes?"
"Yeah, that doesn't throw off the pacing at all," agreed Kurenai.
"I love how you're still trying to apply valid literary criticism to her writing," said Ino.
lacy ni5ghahown and ehr bair was ina adoorabeelle poyntale. "Sasuke-kun u cant' leave! Why you leaving me?" said Mitsuki.
"I GOtta kill myb brotha!"
"Duh, silly!" laffed Mitsuki. "I toally woulda helped! An you should kwnot to trusty thez guys tjhey workd fior Orichbimaru!"
"rly you would hedpl me?" sed Sasuke "OMG mitsuki-chan i love you! lets jkill dese guys!"
Glancing at Saukra, Sasuke sensed an oncoming Awkward Moment. "Look, Sakura, it's... it's not like I would actually stay with her!"
"Sakura-chan, this is a dumb story," added Naruto. "That thing that she calls her Sasuke-kun? That's not him! And you're not a slut, and your name isn't Sauerkraut or whatever!"
"Yeah, the guy she's talking about isn't the Sasuke Uchiha we love to hate," said Kiba. Sasuke gave him a look that plainly said thanks, Kiba, go choke on a dog biscuit.
Sakura nodded, swallowed a few times, and quickly ran a hand through her hair. "Go ahead, Naruto," she said with a small smile.
"Nto so fast whorore!" yelld Ikmodaru. And eh shotted web and trapped Sasuke! ANd then Sukin started to artlack him!
"Why are they attacking me? She's the one who insulted them," mumbled Sasuke.
Mitsuki grabbd a nyfe frongm ehr cleavij and stbabdbed Jbrbo. Then Sakn trisd to lokoe up ehr skirt!
"Ohg no you dint!" Mitsuki ade a Shawdo CLone and appealrd behind Sakin and killed him! THen she put a ltog in the plave vof Sasuke and made an CHidori and killed Kidomaru
"Aghhhh, again with the Chidori!" muttered Neji.
"liek what" seid Jibrorbo but before deh cud do anything Sasuke burned all hsif fat and hei deid.
So nto Saskue was gonna stay in Konoha1!£
"I am so confused I don't even know where to begin," said Sasuke.
"Hold on, hold on, still gotta read the reviews..." said Naruto.
MutsomonoSatori: wtf thers no4tghing wrong with mi rbian!
Darantha: nobdoti carez abotu the spellogin thsere a;ll just here fgor the ryomanse anywya!
Midami Uchiha of the sand: of coruse he totoly woudl he's so opisessiv and manly liek that he cares abtou ehr he dont want akamearu to gvie her rabbis!
cookiechild: wel duh edwards nt a REL vmapire hes a vgeetarian vampirte!
sarahlilly95: ...wut about it?
KickAssKunoichi: NU UH hes MINE i callrd him first!
xXxJaycee81196xXx: shes nut conceited she jsut knwos she prety and eosnt believe in lyicng aborjt it!
emuroo: yah i aksed my fired but sje lookd at the sotyry and ;laffed at me idk whgy
catwin: y would i wryt abtou periods? ther gorss i dunt want o ruin wthe ashtory with that!
Izzy the Lizard: btu HInatas totoaly odsnt deversbe to eb qwith Narutpo shes so shy what are u, ah omophone?
Claamchowder: how maby time si gotta sya it IM NUT RETRADED!
Eveacia: ew wll he doesnt keep ehr for long heehee! and no Itchai dfuznd deservve a gil eh ruend Sasuke-kuns life!
That Patriotic Chick: I KWNO Garaa;s so adorabel and emo u jjst wanna hug him1!
"See, the problem with that sentiment is that I like to injure people who hug me," said Gaara conversationally.
"Well, at least it's a step up from killing them," said Temari, patting him on the shoulder.
Naruto tossed the book to Kiba. "Have fun with it."
(pokes head around corner, waving) Hi guys! I'm sorry, I know. There was college touring and standardized testing and a few personal issues-but now I'm at an internship program for the summer, and what better time to write fanfiction than when you're at work?
Next up is Kiba, and then a new reader is introduced! I'm excited, are you excited? Well you should be, a few people have been asking for him (I'm not excited).
SkywardShadow: Oh, god. Oh my god no. No no no no NO.
Midami: Yeah, totally. Although I would give the wheel to Sakura myself.
MutsomonoSatori: "giving head" is a euphamism for performing fellatio. And now you know! (And knowing is half the battle!)
xXxJaycee81196xXx: Ugh, and I hope they appreciate it. Can't stand NaruSasu myself.
Adrianrod Svit-Kona Sama: She wouldn't be able to wrap her head around the concept. And then she would explode!
Yakumo2112: Yes, and then all the world will know why we should have feared her in the beginning! AHAHA!
Narukashi666: If you send me a hack chapter, I would be eternally grateful. Please do so!
KickAssKunoichi: Subtle shipping is the best shipping.
sarahlilly95: Hinata will be alright, I promise.
catwin: Thank you!
0-phoenix-0: Oh, thank you!
See y'all around! (hopefully sooner this time...yeek!) I have big plans for Hinata next chapter. Big, exciting, terrifying plans.