![]() Author has written 94 stories for Merlin, Supernatural, and NCIS. New profile 11 Apr 2016 Hello everyone! I'm a female Maths BSc, Computing BA - where else do I get to use those letters nowadays? - and former computer professional from the north-east of England. This makes me a Geordie or more properly a Durhamite. I started writing fan fiction in 2010 after many, many years of daydreaming in bus queues and lunch hours without ever putting pen to paper / laptop. I'm a longtime fan of Supernatural, which I've been watching since it first started showing over here. Historically, I was a fan of Doctor Who but I have to admit the modern series doesn't float my boat like the classic series. Recently, I also had a fondness for BBC's Merlin. Shame it didn't last a while longer. But Supernatural is my real addiction. My favourite reading and writing styling is complete Alternate Universe (AU) - canon doesn't need fiddling with - and my favourite pairing is Sam / Dean - usually unrelated first meeting but I also like a bit of romantic Wincest if it's handled sensitively. That said, I'm not fond of graphic how's-your-father, I think RPF is rude and underage wincest is nasty. IMO endings should always be happy. Life is too short for tragedy. This may shock you, but Destiel doesn't interest me at all. Don't get me wrong, I love Castiel but as the weird fish-out-of-water / heavenly-badass angel of canon. I just can't read Castiel having sexy feelings for Dean any more than I can watch Hugh Laurie being serious. I used to be a Dean-girl but all the Sam-hate has converted me to a Sam-girl. How could anyone hate that big puppy? I also have a soft spot for Crowley even though Mark is a southern softie. IMHO He's a much better character than Castiel (Sacrilege!) Recently I've had to weed out several Jared haters from my fan twitter and actively seek out a few Wincest/J2/Sam shippers just to restore unbiasedness. I was beginning to think I was alone in believing the show is about the brothers Winchester. There. I've nailed my colours to the mast. I'm NOT one of those authors who start a story, WIP it a couple of chapters and then start updating once every five years. If I start to post something I will already have it finished bar a bit of checking and I WILL post all of it. I think there's not a lot worse than an interesting story that just peters out without explanation and... My other fan accounts: Like me, friend me, follow me, tweet me etc. Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural, Doctor Whom Merlin or NCIS, or any of their fandoms, their characters or anything connected to them. I do not make money or profit, monetary or other, from any of these writings. All creative rights belong to their original creators and copyright holders. The above disclaimer applies to each and every one of the items I have posted or intend to post on FanFiction.net or elsewhere. |