Bunkered (Part 70 - Postscript) by frostygossamer
So this is how it ends? Dean winds up with a giant playmate to share his toy fort, reunion with his dad on the horizon? Everything fairytale perfect?
But how easily will Sam convince Dean the 'outside' isn't demon-occupied territory? Will he introduce him to the delights of the modern world? Or will his gambling addiction tempt him back to his old ways?
Can Dean find it in his heart to accept John, his hero, as a common felon?
There could yet be mileage to their story.
Meanwhile, hear that laughter drifting from the shower room.
Innocent? For now...
The End
A/N: Unfortunately real life forces me to hiatus this fic for now, due to a prior appointment with the NHS. Hopefully I may return to it, or start a sequel, when I feel better. Keep your eyes peeled.