![]() Author has written 61 stories for Jumper, King Kong, Chumscrubber, Hallam Foe, X-overs, Lost, X-Men: The Movie, Lord of the Rings, Supernatural, Yu-Gi-Oh, Dark Angel, X-Men, Resident Evil, Doctor Who, Fullmetal Alchemist, Captain America, Blade, Heroes, and Walking Dead. So I'm Ashley, but just call me Bellatrix Kale. Not much more to put. I'm nerdy, creative, weird at times, can get easily hooked on things and quite in love with a few things: ARGs, writing, watching movies, making movies, pod casts, fan-fics!, and much more. Please note: I SHIP EVERYTHING. Nothing is off limits. [Under Construction] Fandoms: Supernatural, Lost, Dark Angel, House, Blade, Strange Angels, Dexter, Charmed, Jumper, X-Men, NCIS, Lord of the Rings, Transformers, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Fringe, Smallville, Heroes, Resident Evil, Flashforward, Cloverfield, Dragonball Z/GT, Dexter, Gilmore Girls, dotHack, Deathnote, Boondock Saints, The Host, Sherlock, Doctor Who, Tales of Symphonia, Dylan Dog, DC Comics, Marvel comics, The Walking Dead, Teen Wolf. Now posting all new stories to A03!! : http:///users/nevergotwings/pseuds/nevergotwings FIND ME ON MY NEW HOME: YOUTUBE |