Disclaimer: I do NOT own Swink Sylvania or other characters from the movie Stay Alive. I only own this plot, Jack and James.

Author's Note: Kind of short. Enjoy anyway?

"Wow, what is all this?" Swink asked as he opened the unlocked door of Abigail and Hutch's apartment. The coffee table was completely covered in papers, books, and pentagons. There was a bag of rock salt in the corner that was big enough to keep a driveway clear of ice for almost ten winters. A few guns and knives littered the room as well. "A cult meeting?"

"No," Abigail began from her spot between Hutch and James on the couch, Hutch's laptop balanced on her knees, "This is protection and offense."

"Are you going to explain it all?" Jack questioned, quickly enough to make her seem anxious.

"Yes," Hutch said, "Sit down."

"We're dealing with a spiritual possession, we all agree with that, yes?"

"Or reincarnation," Swink objected. The group turned and stared at him, as if telling him to 'shut up'. They turned their attention back toward Abigail who seemed unfazed by Swink's interruption.

"Okay, well there are several ways to exorcize a person of it's ghostly parasite," She said, "In both physical and spiritual ways, and yes, Swink I know this is going to be hard for you to grasp."

"I wasn't...!" He began.

"You were," Hutch replied, busting Swink's balls for the first time since he had been there.

"Anyway, this book says that speaking a prayer or a seance in Latin can exorcize most victims, but in extreme cases there are several other ways. One way is to kill the woman who is possessed, although it is quite messy and often harder than it would seem."

"I'm not killing someone who may only be possessed," Jack quickly objected.

"I'm not either," Abigail told her, "The easiest way is to trap them inside a pentagram type symbol or a circle of rock salt. Then to recite this." She pointed to the passage in the book. It was lengthy and intimidating to Jack.

"You can slow down a possessed person by shooting them with pure iron or rock salt rounds, but by itself this method will not exorcize a person. You can also stab them with certain knives."

"That's all fine and dandy, Abigail, but the airport isn't just going to let us get onto a 757 with an arsenal in our duffles," Jack noted, "They'll probably question the rock salt, too."

"We're not taking a commercial flight," Hutch said, "I called in a favor with a friend of mine. He's a pilot."

"Why does he think we're going to Romania?" Swink asked, wanting to know what kind of alibi Hutch had come up with. Some of his past lies had been choice, and most of them were ridiculous.

"Well," Hutch began, sheepishly.

"Oh, no, what did you tell them?" The energetic brunette asked his friend.

"That it's your honeymoon, and you lovely newlyweds invited us with you to your backpacking trip across Europe for safety purposes," Hutch smiled.

"Oh, my, I've become a bride without even knowing it!" Jack laughed, but Swink looked unamused.

"Why couldn't you just say that you and Abby got married? It's more truthful."

"Because, he knows we already got married." Hutch pointed out.

"That's right, and besides, Swink, you two will be very good at pretending your newlyweds. Won't you Jack?"

"You mean, act so sweet that the rest of you will want to vomit?"

"Um, yes," Abby replied.

"Sure thing," She smiled.

"So what's the plan, exactly?" Swink questioned, "Just go in, guns blazing, and hope for the best?"

"Not exactly. I think we should all probably go to the shooting range and get a little practice in before we catch a flight to Romania," James said, "I mean, no offense Jack, but you and Abby don't exactly look like the hunting type, neither do you, Swink."

"So, to a shooting range then?" Hutch asked, getting up and grabbing his coat.

"Might as well, it's a nice day," Swink replied, grabbing Jack's hand as they exited the apartment together.