Yonder (145 words)

Sometimes it felt to David that Griffin was a thousand miles away. No, further than that really. A thousand miles was nothing to a Jumper. A thousand miles was an eye-blink, a breath, no, the spaces between breathing. A thousand miles was a grain of sand, a drop in an ocean. A thousand miles was only a thought away, only a wish, only a hope. No, there was no distance on Earth that could convey how far away he felt from the other Jumper most days. The distance would have to be measured in light-years, maybe. How far could a Jumper jump, anyways? To the moon? To the sun? To the middle of space in the empty blackness where the stars don't shine? David didn't know, he'd never tried. He doubted that it would bring him any closer to Griffin anyways, even if he could.

Zombie (90 words)

Griffin watches totally amused, as David trips over the same running shoe for the third time. Cursing, the taller man kicks at the offending object before staggering away, nearly smacking his shoulder off the doorway while doing so. A little ways down the hall, Griffin can hear a muffled thud, and the sound of further cursing. With a smile and a bit of a chuckle, he turns away to busy himself with further charting the Paladin's movements.

Without a doubt, David was the funniest non-morning person Griffin had ever met.