Oh, my, Anubis.

These two need love. Like, NOW! -snickers- Even if this is just a funny drabble that can be taken in any way possible.


Disclaimer: I don't own John Wraith or David whatever his last name is (Yeah, his real name's David, or so the site I was looking on last night said). AKA, that is 'Kestrel' and 'Agent Zero'.

I just call Agent Zero, y'know, Zero. And John's just John. So, yeah. -shrugs-

Oh, and I own the little kid in the beginning that is giggling at the end.


Zero groaned at the kid that was asking a bazillion questions a minute. He knew coming here with John was a BAD idea. Besides, last he knew, Jimmy didn't remember shit about them.

"Get out of here John!" The feral snarled.

Oooh, stand corrected... Zero draw his gun and pointed it at Logan.

"Enough Zero! Logan's just being stubborn." John cooled Zero off. Zero smirked, lowering his gun.

"What's wrong?" He asked Logan, "In heat again Jimmy?" Logan growled at gave him the 'metal middle' as Zero called it.

"Knock it off Zero, we're not here to fight." John said. Zero snorted.

"Yeah, like that's possible with the kitten." He muttered.

"Oh yeah? You ever go a day without shooting somebody?" Logan growled again.

"Yeah. Gone fifteen years. If I shoot you, then my records not so clean anymore." Zero snapped.

"Wait, what? You're gun-clean?" The little kid asked.

"Danny, in the house!" Logan snapped. Danny giggled.

"Does that include the dirty gun-clean?" He asked, "'cause Mr. Wraith looks like he's gotta-!"

"DANNY SHUT UP AND IN THE HOUSE!" Scott came running out to shut the young student up. Jean was laughing in the mansion. Zero was blood red but John took it stride.

The fucker.

"Yeah, come on Zero. We'll do it Logan's room." John snickered. Zero's blush got darker.

"Go screw Jimmy then!" He said. The kid Danny was giggling insanely, as was his older friend and 'protector', Ray. Ray was laughing beyond all hell and back.

"Oh... My... God... Wait 'till... Dad... f-finds out..." Ray gasped.

"Tell Deadpool and you're dead brat!" Zero hissed. Ray laughed more.

"Aw, take it easy Zero. We're just teasing. Unless, you know, the thought of John is turning you-!"


"Aw man! I said put the gun away!" John groaned.

So much for a clean-record. But, hey, at least Jimmy will be able to heal those balls of his.



... Yeah, that was a very dirty thing... -giggling- And, for those who are confused, I maed Ray the spawn of Deadpool and Bolt, AKA Wade Wilson and Chris Bradley, 'cause ya'll know that Berzerker from the comics/Evo cartoon HAS to be related to Bolt somehow. They are the only electrical mutants I know, so I'll be damned if there ain't anybody else who could see this.

I just didn't mention Bolt, 'cause I thought Deadpool would be funnier. Zero seems closer to Deadpool anyways. XD

And yeah, whenever Logan is called 'Jimmy' outside of quotation marks, it's pretty much Zero thinking unless it's right after quotations. Then it's just me being unable to stick to a single name. I apologize if ya'll got confused.

Please review, and no flames please!