Summary: Three years later Arthur is living in Wales, with Merlin. Arthur is 'out', and their relationship is still platonic. Then someone comes along who tests their friendship.

A/N: Warning: Character death. I think you know who.

Unborn Butterfly (Part 15: Graduation) by frostygossamer

Marching back from his father's study, Arthur sought out Merlin, who was sipping a drink with Morgana in a corner. Merlin was relieved to see Arthur return.

"You look ready to go", he said taking in Arthur's expression.

"Definitely", Arthur said, still very upset.

"Please, don't go yet, Arthur", Morgana interjected. "Wait a while. Until the other guests have gone. Say goodbye to him."

Arthur hesitated. He looked at Merlin, and Merlin nodded.

"Very well", Arthur reluctantly agreed. "I'll stay until the end. To please you both."

They sat together in silence in the corner, as one by one the other guests said their goodnights and drifted off home. Eventually there were only a handful of diehards gathered near the door, where Uther was seeing them out personally.

Arthur and Merlin joined the queue. In their turn, Uther silently shook their hands, and quietly thanked them for coming. Arthur held his father's hand for just a moment longer, before letting go.

As Merlin moved away, he became aware of the presence of something in his pocket that hadn't been there before. Outside in Arthur's car, Merlin removed the envelope from his pocket and tore it open.

A small item wrapped in tissue dropped out into his lap. He picked it up. It was a gold ring inscribed 'Ygraine', Arthur's mother's ring. The note inside the envelope read:

"Because you have kept him safe."


When Uther Pendragon finally passed away, a few months later, it was right in the middle of Merlin's finals. Arthur had to go up to London for the funeral alone. He remained dry-eyed throughout the entire ceremony. Morgana blubbed like a child, full of regret.

After the funeral reception, Arthur and his sister went to Uther's lawyer's for the reading of the will. Uther had bequeathed Arthur the majority share in PDG, and the rest went to Morgana. Arthur was surprised. He was sure that the old man had intended to disinherit him. The solicitor assured him that Uther had never spoken of any such thing.

When they returned to Pendragon House, Arthur went into his father's study, and found an envelope on the old man's desk. On the front of the envelope was written "for Arthur". Inside there was a small note. It simply said:

"Despite everything, in the end, you made me proud of you."

Arthur broke down in tears.


Of course, this meant that Arthur had to move back to London, and take over as MD at PDG's head office. Merlin said he didn't mind being treated like a chattel, and uprooted from house and home at his husband's whim.

"Husband and master", Arthur corrected him, wryly.

Merlin felt it was strange to be living in Uther's house. Arthur's father had never exactly welcomed him there, even before he decided that Merlin had somehow corrupted his son. Now he was the 'Mistress of the House', so to speak, taking care of the place and looking after Arthur.

Morgana was still living in Pendragon House when they moved in, but they seldom saw her. She had lately joined some women's group, and was out all day volunteering at a battered wives' refuge. The refuge was run by a small, fierce, blonde Amazon called Morgause. She was one of those ardent feminists who called everyone "sister". The two women had soon become close friends.

Since Merlin's studies were finished, and he had time on his hands, he started to go along with Morgana to help. Although these places were sometimes wary of men getting involved, Merlin got away with it because he was 'living with a man', and so they assumed he was safe to have around.

Morgause had strong opinions on everything, and Arthur soon found those opinions frequently popping up in Merlin's conversation. Merlin also seemed to be spending a lot of time alone with Morgause.

Arthur didn't know how he was supposed to feel about that. What he did feel seemed to be something rather like jealousy. But then Merlin wasn't his lover, theirs was after all a paper marriage, so he didn't say anything. That would have been a bit much, after his own flirtation with Elena.


When the day of Merlin's Graduation Ceremony dawned, he, Arthur, Hunith and Dr. Gaius all went down to Cardiff by train. After the ceremony they all had dinner in town, and then Merlin and Arthur put Mrs. Emrys and her gentleman companion on the train home. The friends were staying at a hotel in Cardiff overnight, having given up their flat.

Later they went for a stroll along the waterfront, for old time's sake. They had stopped to lean on the railing, and gaze out over the bay, side by side, when Merlin noticed that Arthur had fallen silent.

"Penny for them?", he prompted.

"Oh, it's nothing", Arthur replied. "I was just thinking about MY Graduation Day. I wish my mother could have been there to kiss me on the cheek and tell me she was proud of me, like your mum. To tell you the truth, I would have settled for any member of my bloody family turning up."

"I'm proud of you", Merlin said, and Arthur felt a warm peck on his cheek.

He smiled. "Fancy going for a drink?"

"Rather go back to the hotel", Merlin replied.

"Fine", Arthur agreed. "We can have a couple in the hotel bar."

Merlin giggled. "Arthur, you don't have to make me drunk to get me up to your room. We're sharing", he started to walk away. "And... I'm your wife!", and he ran off in the direction of the hotel, before Arthur could grab him.

Arthur was forced to run after him. When he caught up with him, he grabbed his arm and pulled him around. They were both panting.

"But they've just made me a Bachelor", Merlin grinned. "So you're going to have to claim me again."

Arthur very nearly kissed him, just to wipe that silly grin off his face.

"Do I have to claim you back from Morgause? You two have been pretty tight lately. What's going on between you?", he growled.

Merlin began to laugh. "Jealous? Or envious?", he asked. "Don't you trust me?"

Arthur shook him. "You're cheating on me?", he quavered, knowing that he had no right to use that word, but the thought that Merlin, of all people, could be hiding things from him stung.

Merlin was suddenly quiet. "Never", he said. "I belong with YOU, you prat. Always. In fact, I want to have your little blond children."

Arthur sniggered at that. "In your dreams", he hissed.

"Keep up with the times, Arthur", Merlin retorted. "They call it 'Third-party Reproduction'. I've been talking to Morgause about surrogacy. She says she might be interested."

Arthur was totally wrong-footed. "Really?", he asked.

"Really", Merlin replied. "A 'Captain of Industry' is going to need an heir to inherit the ship."

"That's... That's amazing", Arthur gasped. "And you're alright about that?"

"If I get to raise them", Merlin laughed. "Although, I warn you now, Uncle Merlin's going to teach them to call you a prat behind your back. And we can have a dog too, if you want. I love animals."

Arthur was looking somewhat dazed.

"Now, come on, let's get back to the hotel and get you out of your drab and into something more... you", Merlin insisted. "I need to get out of this suit and into a bath."

"Me too", Arthur agreed, without thinking.

"Nice idea", Merlin giggled, setting off quickly towards the hotel again. "Bagsie the non-tap end!"

"You wish!", Arthur shouted, and jogged off after him.


That's the end of this story but, as Gwen's toast had hoped for, the future held good things for these two.

Women would drift in and out of their lives, but no one would ever be as important to either of them as each other. Their unconditional friendship meant Merlin did everything in his power to ensure that Arthur acheived what he wanted in life, and Merlin never felt that he had missed out on anything by deciding to hitch his wagon to Arthur's star.

And on Saturday nights, when Arthur looked his finest, Merlin could honestly say that there was nothing under the sky as beautiful as his chosen life partner's idiotic, perfectly lip-rouged smile.

The End


I think that's sufficiently "happy ever after", don't you?

I hope those of you who stayed to the end enjoyed the journey. Thanks everyone, especially those who left reviews and story alerts.

I've actually learnt a lot from researching this story. Next time I 'read' a TV while out shopping I'll remember to smile at her.