Summary: In a world where breeding and sexuality are controlled by the drug Quell, Dean is contentedly married to his new wife Tina. They haven't set eyes on his brother Sam in three years. When he shows up at their door a changed man, Dean's comfortable life is about to get a shake-up. An AU alpha/omega long slow-build Wincest pre-mpreg romance in drabble form. Dean/Tina Sam/Dean.
Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural, its fandom, its characters or anything connected to them. I do not make money or profit in any way from this story.
Warnings: Slightly non-standard alpha/omega set up, Wincest, pre-mpreg, soft smut, happy ending
Water From Your Well (Part 1) by frostygossamer
Six-year-old Sam jumped in the truck. "Know what an alpha is?"
"Do you?" John came back.
"Sure," said Sam brightly. "Learned it in class today. Alpha's a guy. Omega's a lady."
His brother snorted. "Well, you got THAT wrong, genius."
John coughed. "Alphas can be women. Guys can be omegas. Only don't go throwing those names around. It's not cool."
Dean answered Sam's puzzlement. "Dude, there's FOUR colorways."
John started the truck. "Before Quell the world was Alpha/Omega. Now we're Man/Woman. Same thing, different point of view."
"So which are we?"
"You," John pulled onto the highway, "are pain-in-the-ass kids."
Water From Your Well (Part 2) by frostygossamer
Twenty-five years on, Dean Winchester closed his locker and shouldered his duffel bag. Another session at the gym over, he headed out to his Impala for the short drive home.
His job as a personal trainer didn't pay top dollar, but between his job and hers, he earned enough to pay the mortgage on a nice little home in the 'burbs with Tina, his beautiful bride of three years.
It was Dean's turn to fix dinner. He would be first to get home. Tina's shift at the tractor factory didn't finish for another hour.
And he had plans for later.
Water From Your Well (Part 3) by frostygossamer
As he drove, Dean considered the evening ahead. Lasagna, Tina's favourite, and a nice green salad. Not really his thing. But he was partial to fruit in the form of pie, and there was an apple pie waiting in the fridge for dessert.
After dinner, he planned to get Tina in a good place with a massage and take that wherever it went.
It was how they had met when a muscle strain sent the beautiful, blonde welding tech to the gym for a couple therapeutic sessions on the mat with Dean, alias Mr. Magic-Fingers.
Those fingers never failed him.
Water From Your Well (Part 4) by frostygossamer
Unsurprisingly, given his handsome looks and charm, women clients at the gym were always asking for Dean. He loved it. And he still got hit on all the time.
Tina and Dean had clicked from day one. They both loved working out, junk food, liquor, horror movies. She was his female mirror image.
Having recently come from a messy break-up, she had been open to a complete change. Dean caught her on the rebound and was very glad he did.
Everyone said they made a perfect couple. It seemed only natural they would get married.
That was three years ago.
A/N: In case you don't remember her, Tina is Adult!Tina from 'About a Boy'. But if you haven't seen that don't worry, no spoilers. This is completely AU. I intend to post dailyish in four-drabble blocks.