![]() Author has written 9 stories for Bakugan Battle Brawlers. I'm currently majoring Architecture, it was a dream of mine (aside from being a novelist :P ) and it's a really tough major, barely have time to sleep T_T But that's life for ya :/ So I am not as active as when I was still in high school, still love fanfiction though and would try my best to update my stories :D NEVER GROW OLD UWahhhhhhhhhhhhhh T_T Personal information: My name: Esra' Nickname: Ess Birthday: 21st of June Age: 21 Hair colour: light brown Eyes colour: dark brown Hobbies: reading and writing are on top of the list. I like writing songs and singing, Dancing, swimming. Playing different kinds of sports And Drawing Fav colours: black (mainly) something in my clothes has to be black. green, purple, sky blue and mild pink. Fav t.v series and shows: NCIS, CSI Miami, Castle1 and2, The legend of the seeker season1 and2, Ugly betty, Greys annatomy, ER, Friends And again there are many others, but if I mentioned them all, there won't be enough room XP Fav talk show: Oprah (Who hates it?) Fav movies: That is the longest list of all, but my top romantic movies are: A walk to Remember, Titanic, 50first dates. I am a writer back home and I will puplish some of my work soon too! Exciting. Personality: People mostly describe me as a mature, calm person. Kind and emotional as well. But...that's what they see! now that I look at my profile...I was such a kid when I wrote it HAHAHAHAHA For Bakugan fans: Dan: yup, have a lot of Dan in me... short tempered, born leader, annoy the people I like. Eats a LOT, I really love food... Runo: I have a little Runo, short tempered, smack people on the head when they annoy me! Gets emotional at times. Marucho: I do have that little guy's brains...or some of it at least. I'm good at school, I Ace my tests all the time, If I like the subject,lol. Shun: The mature, calm dude. ya, I am at times, I like to stay alone a lot in silence and think deeply about stuff. I love sitting on the roof and gazing at the moon and starts, I really do. Alice: I am sweet, kind and somehow an Angel when I want to. Julie: Love going shopping! But, not alone, I like taking someone with me, to torture. I spend 6 hours shopping in the least! I know, crazy. Not exactly a girly girl, but I do care about my appearance. Billy: I am a sporty girl, what else to say? That was weird, huh? Having so many different, contrasted personalities in you. Well, figure out your Bakugan personality and put it here or in your profile Some writing tips: 1- Before writing the story, list you ideas on a paper, this usually helps discovering the plot holes and helps you fix them. It's better to write the story on paper before typing it, this may give you a look on the story and how it'll be like, so when you type it you change and add some new ideas that you found more good for some parts. 2- If you will add an oc, write the profile and the script it will say, so you won't have to make all up all of the sudden. 3- Three knots with the beginning and the ending must be the plot of your story. Which means, there must be at least three twists and turns in your stories to make it more exciting. 4- Take good care of the beginning it's the window to the rest of the story, so it must be really attractive. Even try to leave a cliff-hanger in the end, It'll make people more eager to know the rest. 5- Don't rush the chaps and double read it to discover your mistakes. 6- Look for new and unused ideas, unless you're extra sure you can add in better things. 7- Write with all your heart and put different emotions in, Describe a lot so your readers can imagine the scenes while reading. Now, all about Animes! Fav Aniems: obsessed with Bakugan and Yu-Gi-Oh and Black cat! I love Tokyo Mew Mew/Mew Mew power, Ben10, Inuyasha, Naruto, Digimon, Danny phantom. Fav characters: 1- Alice Gehabich 1-Atem/Yami Yugi 1-Ichigo 1-Kevin 1-Inuyasha 1-Sasuke Fav pairings: Bakugan: ShunXAlice, DanXRuno, JulieXBilly, AceXMira, JoeXChan-lee, FabiaXRen. Naruto: SasukeXSakura Ben10: KevinXGwen Inuyasha: InuyashaXKagome THE BIRTHDAYS OF THE BRAWLERS: Dan: 12/10/1994 Runo:16/12/1994 Julie: 23/11/1994 Marucho: 3/3/1996 Shun: 22/7/1993 Alice: 22/9/1993 It's just not fair that Animes character don't really exist! Living in Animes will be better than living in this hard life! My stories: 1-Nanny for seven. Summary: Shun's wife dies leaving him with seven children, who torture every nanny their dad hires to take care of them. Alice is a teacher in a boarding school who has an interesting way of dealing with kids, make them tastehow it is to get pranked! but her headmistress does not like this, so she send her to deal with the kazami's. Genres:Family, Drama, Humor later on:Romance. Ages of chracters: 2-The writer went too Far! Genre:Humor. Summary: Alice and Runo gets bored of being dumped each season, so with the help of Julie they kidnap the writer(Who is also the director) shun and Fabia to revenge themselves. Read if you are annoyed from what's happening on the show. 3- Charmed Genres: Fantasy, Adventure, Romance, Action. Summary: shun and Dan are assigned to kill the girl, Runo, Julie and my OC, who are witches, must protect? who's this girl and what are the secrets behind her? Will they stop the Dark Lord before it's too late? 4-Flood Genres: Drama, Romance Summary: A Tsunami wave hits Japan. Alice survives but she was taken away from her friends and love.What happens six years later when she decides to go to Japan and get her life back? 5-Yellow and Green Means Fun Genres: Humor Summary:After a little 'accident'Runo moves in with shun alongside her parents. join them and see how he puts up with her constant torture. Note: They are not a couple in here 6-A Bed Time story Genres: Supernatural, suspence Summary: It's satuarday night and Shun is stuck babysitting Dan's kids. They are not about to sleep without a story before bed, what will this story uncover? 7-My Heart Will Go On Genres: Romance Summary: When your love goes away, what will you do? 8-Between Past, Present and Future Genres:Drama, Romance, Humor Summary: After years of fighting Evil, can Dan be turning into one? What's the reason for this sudden change of heart? Will the others be able to get him back, or killing him would be the only choice? will the shadow of his love help and how? Here are my upcoming stories: Bakugan: 1-Oh Baby! Genres: Humor couples: - status: one-shot Authors note: It's maybe the funniest story I would ever write. It's not about romance between any couple, but the humor comes from grouping Julie and Runo, Dan and Alice in a school project. 2- who's in my Dream?. Genres:Humor and Humor Couples: - status: one-shot Authors note: This is another funny one-shot. The brawlers star it while they are asleep! what could they be dreaming of? That's what the story is about. 3-Children's Plans to fall in love. Genres: Family, Romance. couples: ShunXAlice , JulieXBilly , don't know if others will be included. status: multi-chaptered Authors note: another family/Romance story where kids try to pair their parents up (Alice and Shun) has many sweet moments and a lot of Drama. 4-Ninjitsu is a boy girl thing Genres: Adventure, Romance. couples: ShunXAlice , RunoXDan , JulieXBilly status: multi-chaptered Authors note: if you ever watched 'Mulan' and liked it, then you'll love this story, because it's slightly based on it. it's set in a past age were women could only nurse the injured warriors, but not be part in the training or the honor of winning the ultimate battle between warriors. Bad and good people and a fight between them. This may be my favorite story. 5-UnKnown Genres: Hurt/Comfort, Romance , Drama , Adventure couples: DanXRuno , ShunXAlice (but it's mainly for Dan and Runo) status: multi-chaptered Authors note: The story brings up a new idea in the stories where Runo and Dan break-up because of his constant behavior of ditching her. The story is not about the break-up, it's about Runo's feelings as she gets the word that Dan died. Then everything starts unraveling after Dan comes back to add a new huge twist to the story. Ben 10: Two faces, One coin Genres:Adventure,Romance and a little Humor. Bakugan/Naruto crossover: Wishes of the past Genres: Drama, Romance, Adventure I Live In Amman, The Capital of Jordan. I know how to speak Arabic and English mainly. Knows how to speak spanish, frensh, Japanese and Russian, But just a little. Thx for reading my profile! see ya guys |