Okay, I swear, this is the LAST story until I finish All's Fair in Love and War! I swear.

I'm sorry! ;~; I had serious writer's block (after being un-grounded) until I saw this youtube video by NewMoon112009, a tribute to Shun with the song A Little Bit Longer by the Jonas Brothers, and I got this idea that kept following me around for three days...(not usually a Jonas Brothers fan, but the song really inspired me)
This, however, is NOT a songfic. ..well not exactly. The last chapter kind of is..You'll see. xD
Slight ShunxAlice, Acsio, Ace and Shun are triplets again (because I'm insane), and strictly season one (just pretend that it makes sense that Ace is there in season one, kay? ;D).

Not sure if this will be a three-shot or longer. Depends on how much I can fit in one chapter without rushing it.
PLEASE R&R! Contructive crit welcome.
Shun, Acsio, Ace, Alice: 18
Other brawlers (besides Marucho): 16
Marucho: 14

FIRST CHAP IS A TEASER! That's why it's so short :P
Am I forgetting anything?

Shun: Yes. Your dignity. WOULD YOU STOP WITH THE SHUNXALICE! It's embarassing, dammit!

Me: Don't worry, it's only slight. B) Alice doesn't mind, do you Alice?

Alice: *blushes

Shun: ShunandAce doesn't own Bakugan..because if she did..I would not be here with you today, having suicided already..

Alice slowly walked through the big, white double doors of the emergency room.
She looked around nervously, dread in her big, brown, fearful eyes. She loathed hospitals.

Cautiously, the red-haired Russian took soft steps down the long, blindingly bright hallway, glancing over her shoulder with every few strides, as though something might jump out and get her any moment now. She half-hoped something would.

All Alice knew was that she had recieved a call from Acsio twenty-five minutes ago, telling her that Shun had fallen from a ladder and was taken to the ER. But he was fine, Acsio had assured her. It was only a broken arm. It would heal.

Alice, of course, being the worry-wart she was, was headed for the hospital before he could finish talking. It was un-like Shun to be clumsy or careless, but she pushed that thought to the back of her mind.
She stopped and lightly tapped a nurse on the shoulder. "Pardon me, but you wouldn't happen to know what room Shun Kazami is in, would you?"

The nurse smiled and nodded. "Room two-one-six. Just around the corner there." She pointed.
Alice nodded and thanked her. She walked in the direction she had been pointed in, her pace quickening.
When she pushed open the door, what she saw relieved her slightly.

Shun was sitting up in the bed, scowling. Obviously not pleased with having to lay still. There was a bandage on his forehead, and his arm was already in a cast. He looked pale, but that was to be expected, Alice thought.

Ace was leaning on the wall on the far side of the room, his arms crossed, pretending to be completely unconcerned with his brother's health.
Acsio was sitting next to the bed in a chair, and he had to keep grabbing Shun's wrist to keep him from moving or pulling out the i.v.

Shun looked up as Alice entered, his eyes cold, seeming to look through her.
Alice walked up and stood at his bedside. "What happened? Are you okay? Why are you still here if your arm is fixed?" She questioned worriedly.
Shun scowled. "That's what I'd like to know."
Acsio looked up. "He doesn't remember it all that well. He hit his head when he fell off of the ladder - he was trying to fix the roof."
Alice nodded. "Were you there?"
"Yes. Well, I was inside. I just saw him falling."

Just then, the big white door to their room opened, and in walked a tall, lanky man with greying hair and brown eyes. He was smiling, but it was one of those see-through, painted on smiles one uses when trying to sugarcoat bad news. "Hello," he took a breath, "my name is Dr. Mason, and I'm here to give you the results of the MRI." ((A/N: I know MRIs take longer to get results on, but let's all just imagine this is correct. :P))
Shun barely glanced up at him. He was staring intently at the foot of his bed, glaring like it had commited a horrible crime against him. He looked at Alice then, motioning for her to sit next to him. She complied, trying to put as little weight as possible on the bed, as though she might break him easily if not gentle.

Ace looked up finally, and Acsio sat straighter in his seat.
Dr. Mason swallowed and pulled up a stool to sit on, looking at them seriously. "Well, the good news is, there was no serious brain damage from the fall. The memory loss of the accident is merely from your brain being jostled a bit."
Shun gave a small nod to show he was paying attention.
Acsio frowned. "What do you mean, 'the good news?' What's wrong? Did it hurt something else?"
Dr. Mason shook his head quickly. "No, no, there are no other substantial injuries from his fall."
Ace glared a little. "Then what's the problem? Spit it out."
Dr. Mason looked a little ruffled, but he smoothed his composure and looked back at Shun. "I don't think you fell."
Shun arched an eyebrow, sitting up a little more. "Obviously, I did fall..or I wouldn't be here, would I?" His tone was thick with sarcasm.
The gray-haired man sighed and straightened the papers on his clipboard before giving a response. "What I mean is, you didn't fall from the ladder. I think you collapsed. You were out cold before you hit the ground."

Alice's eyebrows furrowed slightly. "Why?"
Dr. Mason hesitated. "That, I'm not completely sure of. By the looks of it..it's most likely that he has a case of Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease, or CJD. That could have caused a seizure, making him collapse... We'll have to take a sample to be sure."
Acsio looked confused. "CJD? What even is that?"
Dr. Mason started to respond, but Ace cut him off.

"CJD is a degenerative neurological disorder that is incurable and invariably fatal. It's the most common among the types of transmissible spongiform encephalopathy found in humans. In CJD, the brain tissue develops holes and takes on a sponge-like texture. This is due to a type of infectious protein called a prion." He stated, almost robotically. "It is most common in sixty-five to seventy year olds, but there is a form of CJD that takes place in younger people. It can be transmitted from something eaten, occur in a sporadic form for the first time in a patient, or, much more rarely, be inherited."

Dr. Mason blinked and straightened his papers again. "Well, yes, that is correct."

Alice cringed and looked at Shun scaredly. She grabbed his hand, more for her own sanity than his comfort.
Said boy seemed unphased about Ace's description. He merely raised his head slightly to look Dr. Mason in the eyes, his eyebrows furrowing. "Sample? You want to drill in my head?"
Dr. Mason appeared surprised at Shun's lack of emotion regarding the deadly disease. "Yes. It..doesn't hurt as much as it sounds."
Shun's eyes narrowed. "Oh, yeah? So I assume, you've had it done to you, too, then?" He spat the words with much sarcasm.
Dr. Mason frowned. "No, but I - the point is, it's necessary, if you want to know for sure."

Shun leaned back again, closing his eyes. "I don't. May I go home now?"

Dr. Mason looked around a bit, then nodded. "You may, if that is what you want..but I strongly suggest you take things lightly and come back in a few days. If it is CJD, you have an average of six months to two years to live, and the symptoms will start showing very soon." His voice had gotten quieter. Shun just nodded. Dr. Mason took that as a signal to leave, and stood to exit.

Acsio turned to his brother. "Maybe you shouldn't leave yet."
Shun scowled and tore the i.v. out, not bothering to wait for a nurse. "I'm fine. There's nothing wrong with me." He stood shakily, and almost fell right off. He would have, if it weren't for Alice grabbing his good arm.
"I'm fine," he repeated through clenched teeth, pulling his arm away and striding out the door.
Acsio and Alice exchanged worried looks and followed, Ace tagging along after several seconds.

Short, right?
Don't worry, I'm writing the next chapter right now and it's almost done, I'm just gonna wait till I get at least two unique reviews to update it.
'Cause I just feel like being mean today. ;P

Just so you know, I did a lot of research on CJD, but I'm not completely sure it's accurate, so PLEASE tell me if you spot something off.

So...R&R...please...*pouty face

Shun: I hate you!

Narcissa: Hehe..I like this story.


Narcissa: :D You can't get rid of me!

Me: *whacks Cissy with mallet. God she is annoying! Bye people!