Disclaimer: I don't own Bakugan
Chapter 1 ~Happy days
Alice was enjoying a Day out with her Grandfather in the woods of Moscow near their house. After she and her friends had defeated Naga and his minions they had all gone back to their lives again. Dan and Runo were finally dating, Julie went back to her home and was now dating Billy, Marucho had gone on a holiday with his parents to Fiji, Runo was helping her parents with their family cafe and Shun...well he had gone back to training as a ninja with his grandfather.
Alice looked up at the beautiful baby-blue sky and thought to herself "What a Beautiful day, I wonder what everyone else is doing" She smiled, remembering her friend's happy faces.
It has been a month since the gang saved the Bakugan's world, Vestroia from the evil Bakugan Naga. Since then the Bakugan have used the portal that Dr Michael built to travel back to the human world and live with the humans but still travel to Vestroia to return home.
Hydranoid sat on Alice's shoulder smiling happily as she made her way to where her grandfather sat on a red picnic rug laying out some food.
"Hey Alice look at this" He said as she sat next to him. He then pulled out a small, shiny, light purple and rose coloured, heart shaped gemstone
"Wow its Beautiful" She gushed in amazement.
"This, my dear, is a rare Gem called Lavenderrose. It's said to be a magical Gem" He went on handing her the Gem. The Gem sparkled in the sunlight.
"Where did you find this?" She asked as she took a closer look at the gem.
"Well you remember your mother?" He asked her. She looked up.
"Yes, but not much" She said facing the ground to hide her tears from him.
"Well she found this when she was young and had it ever since, she was going to give it to you when you were ten but..." Afew tears dropped from his eyes. He then took Alice's hand and slide the Gem, which was on a lovely gold chain, into her delicate hand and closed her fingers around it. Alice looked up at her Grandfather then looked into her hand at the Beautiful Gem.
"Your mum was so beautiful just like this Gem, she had asked me to give it to you when I thought it was the right time" He said, smiling at her as she looked at it.
"You look so much like her, just as beautiful as she was" He said taking the gem from her hand and placing it around her neck.
"Thank you" She smiled and held the gem in her hands.
"If only she was here now" he smiled, looking to the sky.
'If only...'
~This chapter has been rewritten