A/N: The red string of fate is really a Chinese and Japanese legend. I find the concept of the red string of fate extremely interesting and fascinating. You know, knowing that your other half is at the other end of the string, and you just have to find them. So, I think we shall let our Bakagami widen his horizons more on this little adventure of his, shall we?
I originally intended this to be a one shot, only it got way too long for a one shot. So, you can expect this to be broken into a couple of chapters. I've never done the multiple chapter thing before, so I hope this didn't suck too bad. Standard disclaimer applies [the usual I-do-not-own-KnB stuff], and I'm sorry if this sucked. Please read and take 30 seconds to review, let me know if it sucked.
Kagami Taiga x Kuroko Taiga
Kagami Taiga was never one to believe in fate, unlike that crazy Midorima guy who seemed to be obsessed with it. Sure, he believed in God and the existence of heaven and hell (to a certain degree anyway), but if you asked him about destiny and fate, you asked the wrong guy. All of that stuff seemed more like a tall tale rather than something worth putting his faith in.
Which was why he woke up confused one morning to see a little red string tied on the pinky finger of anyone he met, literally everyone.
It started when he walked out of his apartment the day after the Winter Cup match, he saw his neighbor/landlady with a red string tied to the pinky finger of her right hand.
"Good morning Kagami-kun." His landlady, Sato Shoko greeted him with a smile.
"Morning, Shoko-san. May I ask why do you have a red sting on your finger?"
"Red string? What are you talking about?" Shoko-san asked with a confused look on her face.
"Argh, never mind. I'll be going to school now."
"Have a safe trip."
Just then, his landlord came out of his apartment as well. "Ahh, good morning Kagami-kun."
"Good morning Sato-san." He greeted the older man as he walked to the staircase.
His eyes zeroed on the red sting tied to the man's left pinky finger, and it was connected to the red string tied on his wife's finger. What the heck?!
The same thing happened when he was walking to school. He saw countless other pedestrians with the same red string tied to their pinky fingers, only this time he couldn't see where the string ended. Some were tangled beyond recognition around the people and some were trailing behind the person, ending in God knows where. He got more and more confused as he walked on.
Just what the hell was happening with the world?
At school, he saw more of those little red string things, both on the students and the teachers, even on the school gardener. He made it a point to ask Kuroko when he saw him later.
When Kagami arrived at his classroom, Kuroko wasn't there yet. So, he settled in his seat and stared out the window. From their classroom which overlooks the school courtyard, he could see their school's student council president holding hands with his girlfriend. On their pinky fingers were the red string too, and they were connected to each other, just like his landlord and landlady's. He continued to observe the other students below when he felt a pencil poke him in the back. He turned around and saw it was only Kuroko.
"Kuroko you bastard! How many times have I told you not to poke me with your pencil?" Kagami snapped angrily at his friend.
"Sorry Kagami-kun, but I've been calling you several times and you never replied. So, poking you was the only way I could get a reaction out of you."
"Tch, don't poke so hard the next time. I'm surprised you haven't broke my skin yet." Kagami rubbed the spot where Kuroko had poked him and his eyes fell onto the red string on Kuroko's finger. There was it again!
"Kuroko, why do you have a red string tied to your finger?"
Kuroko's face remained blank (as always) at his friend's strange question. "I have no idea what you're talking about Kagami-kun."
"Don't lie to me! All morning I've been seeing red strings tied to people everywhere I go."
"Calm down Kagami-kun. I can assure you there's no red string tied to my finger or any other part of my body."
"Then what the hell is happening to me?! I see red strings tied to everyone's pinky fingers. My landlord and landlady are tied together with a red string, and I just saw our student council president tied together with his girlfriend. Is this a really sick joke, or am I going mad?! I seriously hope it's the former or I'll, I'll…."
Kuroko held Kagami's face firmly in his hands, forcing the wild crimson orbs to look into his calming sky-blue ones. "Calm down Kagami-kun."
Unable to move or escape (Kuroko had a rather firm grip, thanks to the years of basketball training), Kagami tried to take a couple of deep breaths. After a while, it worked.
"From what I could understand, Kagami-kun, I think you've been blessed with a special gift."
Kagami was baffled with Kuroko's utterly insane hypothesis. "Hah?! How is being crazy a special gift?"
"No, what I meant was, you've been blessed with the gift of being able to see the red string of fate."
"The string of what?"
"The red string of fate. Haven't you heard of it before?"
When Kagami kept that confused look on his face, Kuroko sighed. He fought off the urge to smack his forehead, he had forgotten that Kagami grew up in America and had no knowledge about Japanese superstitions and legends.
"You see Kagami-kun, there's a legend that two people are bound together by a red string tied to their pinky fingers. These people will become soulmates. The string may become tangled, or it may stretch far and wide but it will never ever break. There's nothing you can do to sever the bond between them."
Kagami was silent for a while. "I still don't get it."
Kuroko seriously fought off the urge to send one powerful Ignite Pass to his partner's stomach, otherwise he kept his face emotionless as always. "What don't you get, Kagami-kun?"
"So, you're saying this red string business that I've been seeing, is other people's destiny? Their soulmates?"
"If you put it that way, yes."
"How is it I'm lucky enough to be graced with this… gift?"
Kuroko thought about this for a while. "My theory is that when you entered the Zone almost for the entire duration of game against Akashi yesterday, you somehow triggered something in your brain, which lead to the development this gift of yours."
Kagami thunked his head (hard!) on his desk. "What am I supposed to do with such a 'gift'? I have no intentions of being a fortune teller or something equally stupid."
"I don't think that gift is supposed to be utilized like that. Consider yourself lucky for being blessed with the ability to see into others' fates."
"I don't even believe in fate in the first place."
"Maybe this will help you learn how to." Kuroko answered him as if it was the simplest thing in the world.
Just then, their teacher entered their classroom and all conversation about Kagami's new ability ceased.
~\(^ v ^)/~
That day at practice, Kagami found that he was constantly distracted by the red string he sees tied around his senpais' fingers. He found out that these string could not only stretch, but they seem to have no effect on the team's play at all. No one seems to be bothered by its existence, no one even tripped over it. They would just walk pass it like it wasn't there at all. All of them seemed to be connected to some far off person, except for one pair: Hyuuga's and the coach's.
Now that he looked closer, Captain and Coach did have some kind of chemistry between them. Hyuuga always had this fond look on his face whenever he looked at Aida. He was always the most protective when it comes to her, and he was usually the first person to try Coach's (horrible) cooking without caring about the consequences (a.k.a his life). And Coach always tried her best to please Hyuuga with her cooking, even if it meant injuring her finger multiple times for that cause.
Kagami smiled at the both of them. If what Kuroko said was right, those two are meant to be together somewhere in the future. Kuroko noticed his partner's attention was somewhere else, so he followed his gaze and saw him watching their Coach and Hyuuga.
"They look good together, don't they?"
Kagami jumped slightly at Kuroko's comment. Damn, he had been so quiet that he had forgotten that he was next to him.
"You mean Coach and Captain? Yeah…" Kagami lowered his voice slightly, "and they're tied together too."
Kuroko gave a tiny smile. "I figured when I saw you staring at them. Oh, and Kagami-kun? Please do not go around telling people who they're connected to, it's not good to reveal others' destiny. It can upset the balance, or something like that."
"Ahh, I got it! I didn't plan on telling anyway, I value my life way too much."
Suddenly a pair of hands clamp down on their heads. "Just what are you two idiots doing? Got time to idle away eh?"
"Coach… that hurts" Kagami protested.
Their coach loomed evilly at the two boys. "Since the both of you have time chat away instead of practicing, why don't you go run 100 laps around the school compound?"
Both boys wasted no time in starting with their assigned laps. Looks like not telling her about the string was a good choice after all…
A/N: Sorry, I'm a weird kid with a weird brain, crazy and unrealistic imagination, and a warped sense of humour. So please, tell me what do you think of this.
Oh and by the way, this story is connected to my other works (except the Imahana ones, those are independent). Feel free to check them out if you like.