Runo's Sorrow

Coughing, I tried to not be noticed. My hair, usually shiny, glossy, and up in pigtails was now covered in a mild coating of dust, dirt, and grime. Pushing myself up, I climbed up the stairs to my bedroom.

Before going in, I gingerly pressed my ear against the door to see if Alice was home yet... There was no sound, so I opened the door, stepped inside, sighed, and winced. Walking over to my

bathroom,I trying my hardest not to wince again from the angry cuts that were now on my arms. Slowly I removed my clothes and stepped into the steaming shower. When did the beatings start? Oh

yea, it was after Dan and Shun carried me home... Dad was furious.

Flashback--------- thisismyamazingline,ifyoudon'tlikeitthenstopreadingitnow!

"Runo, where have you been? Your mother and I-" Dad stopped once he spotted me being held by a boy in a red blazer and a boy with a ponytail whispering in my ear.

"Runo Marie Anne!1 Where you out having sex, with these two boys?! I thought you knew better, especially after what happened to your sister, Neko Makana2, as soon as Susie3 was born, we

released them... Do you want to be released?" He yelled accusingly at me.

"No dad, I wasn't doing that stuff, I'm still a v-virgin, and I don't want to be... be released," I stuttered, terrified of my own father. So I couldn't help but notice how I seemed to clutch on to the boy

carrying me.

"Then how come that boy is carrying you, you slut!" he yelled, yanked his daughter's hair, and slammed the door shut.

End Flashback

Dad saw how I clung to Dan and immediantly assumed I was like Neko, mom and dad's "prized and perfect daughter" until she was pregnat with Susie... Dad went berserk when he found out, and mom turned

cold. I mean, I love my Neko, she's my sister, but all they had done was talk about her. They said I was trash compared to her, but I'm the one alive. I stepped out of the shower so caught up in my

thoughts, I didn't even hear my window being cracked open. Just as I was about to leave the bathroom, I heard a whisper, "Runo?"

What do you think? This is my first fanfic and normally I would say please be nice, I'm only a thirteen year old girl, but I need constructive critisism... Tell me what you like and don't like and

I'll try to fix it. Should I keep going? Who was it that whispered Runo's name? All the questions shall be answered in the next chapter... Which I already have written, but I think I'll wait for

about 5 reviews, that's resonable right?

1- No this isn't Runo's full name, her parents don't use their last names often

2- This is my first OC

3- This is Neko's baby girl

released- from The Giver, killed by injection of chemicals eathier by arm(adults) or temple(children/new borns)