Author has written 26 stories for Twilight. I'm currently not taking requests to have my stories translated. I've said yes in the past and never heard from those people again so I' a bit uneasy about the situation. I am flattered but it's not something I'm interested in pursuing right now. Also, I get asked about beta-ing a lot and why I don't have a beta. Some of you know about my past issues with beta's, but for those of you who don't I have had issues in the past where my work as been stolen by betas or pre-readers. This is my hobby I know, but I do put a lot of time into these stories and to see a plot line that I had already begun writing yanked out from underneath me really hurt me, so I no longer trust people with my unpublished work. Sorry if that means you can't read my work, because of the mistakes. I do try, but there's always something that gets me if I'm being honest. Nobody's perfect. Thanks for understanding. About Me! I'm just someone who loves Twilight! I've been part of this site so long I feel like I'm part of the furniture at this stage. I'm strictly Edward/Bella, in my reading and writing. And I'm not strong enough for angst. You'll never find characters cheating on each other in my fics, because if they do it means they're generally finished. Edward and Bella will never cheat one another in one of my stories. I write as a hobby, a stress reliever and the most important reason... because I have a blast doing it. I love getting to know a character, moulding their personality while creating a back story that fits them. I like characters who over come obstacles. Characters with depth. I don't like stories where they meet and in one day they know they are in love UNLESS - it has to do with the mating bond. Where it is instant and intense. But in All Human stories it drives me crazy if I'm being honest. My characters tend to be extensions of my own personality or of someone who is close to me. You can find elements of me in all the stories and I feel like writing truly is a form of therapy at the best of times. So I do get upset when people criticised my characters. But I'm a big girl! I can take it (unless you're really mean, then you'll find me under my blankie with some ice cream), I do ask though if you have a criticism that you write to me with a signed in account so that I can personally address your concerns. A Rant! Is it me or is there a severe lack of female power in the Twilight fanfic fandom? I sometimes feel like Twilight fans are persecuted on the internet (what with everybody hating the books except us) and I feel like the character of Bella Swan is often judged for not being as strong as the likes of J.K Rowling;s Hermione Granger or Suzanne Collin's Katniss Everdeen, but Bella is quite strong. Alright Bella wasn't magical nor did she risk her life in some brutal games but she is a very strong woman. In a world that claims love is nothing and it wastes time over Bella fought for love and in Breaking Dawn she proved strength by acting on one of the most basic instincts, maternal ones. So yeah I'm pretty sure Bella is not spineless, so why the hell do has is translated to fanfic as her being a sniveling damsel in distress waiting for Edward (or whoever you pair her with) to come save her. I'm on a bit of a feminist kick, but not in male hating way which I think people often get confused. Believing that women have strength and power does not mean you have to hate men and the idea of falling in love. So in my writing you're going to find a Bella who does not sit and wait for Edward to save her, in keeping in line with the books my work sees Bella saving Edward more times than not. But she's not afraid to fall in love either, which I think paints a more realistic image of women in the society we live in. Okay rant over... for now :) My Stories!!!
Multi Chapters There's No Such Thing As A Hot Grandpa - COMPLETE Mix Up - COMPLETE Day to Day - COMPLETE Living Life - COMPLETE Like It's That's Easy - IN PROGRESS One shots A Place of Importance A Gift Edward's Life Past and Present Popular Just Three More Weeks Move With The Times You're Amazing Just The Way You Are Good Morning Mr. Masen I Am Not There I Do Not Sleep L'll Red Riding Hood Hippie and Stooge : A Wet and Radical Love Story Three Days and Then Forever Wake Up Soon Woo The Man Mr. Incredible I Miss You All I Want for Christmas The Study of Living Things (now including continuation chapters!!!) Two Shots No More Tears I'm Not That Girl The Importance of Father- Son Bonding Drabbles That's A1 - COMPLETE (just a note of this story, it is written in the expression style of an Irish person, so spellings, expressions and mannerisms may appear wrong but actually they are right. Just wanted to make sure this wasn't causing anyone any confusion.) All story banners came be seen at my blog Plus I'm On Facebook Oh and Twitter, I don't use it very often but I do have one if your into that sort of thing!/TheIrishCullen If I ever make a reference to something like a movie or something incredibly random, that you want clarification on, please PM me! I love hearing from people. I'll try and make decent recommendations too if you want them! I am terrible for remembering disclaimers so I thought while I'm here I will do a general one to cover all my bases. I, The Irish Cullen, do not own any mentioned copyrighted and published characters in my stories this is for truly fictional and entertainment only no money is made (by me anyway)also I do not own any of the songs or places mentioned in my stories however plots of the stories listed above and below belong to me although are INFLUENCED by previously published novels. Plagiarism will not be tolerated by me and I would appreciate that if you should find any of my work plagirised here on this site or any other site I urge you to contact me via this website. Thank you for reading this (if you did) and enjoy reading Love The Irish Cullen. |
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