Author has written 15 stories for Merlin, Skins, Speed series, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Declaration, and Demonata. Tuesday 3rd May 2011 Stories I need to finish or Update I Need You - Chapter 5 (COMING SOON I PROMISE) Suprise Alterate Ending - Chapter 2 (Coming Soon) The Light and the Shadows - Chapter 5 A Moment in Time - Chapter 2 My Favourite TV Shows, Films and Books Buffy the Vampire Slayer Angel Bones The Inheritance Cycle Twilight Torchwood Doctor who Darren Shan Saga (Demonata and Vampire) Primeval Silent Witness Thunderbirds Merlin Skins Favourite Pairings I also love Father/Son and Brother/Brother Comfort fics. I hate incest fics, I find them really gross and disturbing. Buffy/Angel Jeff/Alan Alan/Scott Booth/Brennan Angela/Hogins Edward/Bella Booth/Parker Grubbs/Dervish Doctor/Rose Jack/Gwen Will/Ronnie |