A/N: Sorry about the delay in updating. Between classes and work, I will probably only be able to update once a week. I hope everyone is still enjoying the story. Let me know what you think!
The day had arrived. Cam was getting married today.
Brennan sat on the side as Angela put the finished touches on Cam's makeup. Cam had her hair up in a loose bun with a few tendrils down in front, framing her face. She looked stunning. Her dress was simple, a rich off white color that complimented her skin and was elegant in a way that only Cam was able to pull off. Brennan had wanted to comment that white symbolized virginity and that Cam was no longer a virgin, but she held her tongue. She had promised Booth not to mention anything about anthropology today.
Brennan was wearing a pale blue strapless dress that went just past her knees; it had a sash around the waist that was the same off white color as Cam's dress. The other bridesmaids were wearing identical dresses.
There was a knock at the door and then Booth entered. He was wearing a snazzy tux with a small white rose in the buttonhole.
"Wow, Cam, you look amazing." He said walking up to her. She stood up and he gave her a hug.
"Careful Booth, I just finished her make-up." Angela warned playfully. Booth laughed.
"So everyone all ready to go?" He asked, clapping his hands together.
"Is that why they sent you in here?" Cam asked with a raised eyebrow.
"No, I wanted a sneak peek at what everyone was wearing." Booth responded. "You all look great." He said. His eyes focused on Brennan who was still sitting in her seat. She blushed slightly but smiled back at him.
"Alright, Booth get out. We have to have some last minute girl talk before the wedding starts." Angela said ushering him to the door.
"Alright, alright. See you guys in ten." He made his way out the door, carefully closing it behind him.
"Bren, that man cannot go just a few hours without seeing you." Angela shook her head in amusement.
"He did not come to see me, he came to see Cam." Brennan retorted.
"Ten minutes Cam, how are you feeling?" Felicia asked, steering the conversation away from Cam's ex and Brennan's current boyfriend.
"A little nervous." Cam admitted. "But mostly just really happy."
"Can you believe it?" Hodgins said with a shake of his head.
"Believe what?" Sweets asked. They were sitting together on Cam's side of the church. (The fact that Cam chose a church wedding had surprised all of them, expect Booth, who knew she was doing it in honor of her deceased grandmother to whom she had been very close).
"Cam's getting married today." Hodgins said.
"Yeah." Sweets couldn't help but smile. It was a happy day. "She deserves to be happy."
"Oh, I'm not saying she doesn't." Hodgins said quickly. "It just seems so…Who would have thought you know eight years ago that us squints would be getting married. It seems sort of surreal."
"You've been married for two years now." Sweets pointed out as Daisy took her place beside him. Their engagement was back on now; their wedding tentatively planning for the following spring.
"Most of us shared Dr. B's 'marriage is an antiquated ritual' opinion back then Sweets. I don't think any of us really though we would get married."
"That makes sense."
"And you, you're getting married too." Sweets was beginning to wonder if Hodgins had already started celebrating. He was acting a little more exuberant than normal.
"Yes I am." He grinned at Daisy, who grinned back.
"How much you wanna bet Booth is annoyed that you're getting married before him?" Hodgins whispered conspiratorially.
"Well Dr. Brennan has made her stance on marriage very clear. She does not want to get married and once she sets her brilliant mind on something she doesn't change it." Daisy said quickly, unable to suppress her desire to compliment her mentor. Hodgins decided it was best to end the conversation there, he didn't want to start an argument just minutes before the wedding was going to start. He looked around. Wendell had taken up the seat next to him and Caroline was sitting two rows back. He didn't know many of the people sitting on either side. Cam had mentioned that some of her old cop friends from New York were attending; Hodgins assumed they were the ones sitting near the back. He did notice that Booth's brother Jared and his wife were sitting in the row in front of him. He assumed some of the other people were Cam's relatives. All in all, it was a pretty small wedding. Odd since the wedding party was so big.
There was a knock on the door.
"That's the signal, time to go." Angela said happily. She handed Cam her bouquet and then picked up her own. They got into line, Brennan, Angela, Felicia, and then Michelle.
Booth took his place in line and watched as the bridesmaids began to walk down the isle. He thought Brennan looked nothing short of absolutely stunning as she walked in first; there was a genuine smile on her face. He was happy. Despite how much she was against marriage, he knew it always made her feel special to be included.
The bridesmaids had all made it down the isle, the music changed and everyone stood as Cam began her walk. She was smiling, slightly embarrassed because of all the attention (but it was Paul's favorite smile). Booth felt his heart fill with pride and happiness for his best friend. He was so glad that she had found someone.
"We are gathered here today to join Camille Sarah Saroyan and Paul Joshua Lidner in holy matrimony."
The wedding went off without a hitch. Caroline wasn't forced to get up and deal with a government employee who claimed that the marriage license wasn't valid. The bride and groom didn't run away unwed.
After having to take what the wedding felt like a million pictures, they made their way over to the reception.
Everyone quickly took their seats (Hodgins sat next to Angela at the head table even though he wasn't part of the wedding party). The toasts were said before the food arrived, there were lots of jokes from the speakers and blushing from the bride and groom. The food was surprisingly good for a wedding, at least according to Booth. Brennan had been about to launch into an anthropological explanation of catering services to weddings before Booth gave her a look.
"She looks really happy." Brennan pointed out as they watched Cam and Paul dance their first dance as husband and wife.
"Yeah." Booth replied looking at his longtime friend. Brennan saw the happiness in his eyes but also the slight sadness she knew was attributed to the fact that he was never going to get a first husband and wife dance. Before she could say anything in an attempt to reassure him that she was committed to their relationship, he got up and offered her his hand. Normally she would roll her eyes and make a comment about his alpha male attributes but today she let him help her up. When they got to the dance floor he held her close. Brennan rested her head on his shoulder as they swayed gently to the soft music. She took the time to observe the scene. She was an anthropologist after all; observing people is what she did. Angela and Hodgins were locked in an embrace similar to the one she was in with Booth; they were also swaying to the music. Sweets had his arms wrapped around Daisy; she watched as he leaned down and kissed her tenderly. Jared and Padme were a little further away, smiling at each other as they danced. Even Michelle and her boyfriend Perry were dancing happily together. There were other, various couples she didn't know on the dance floor now.
Brennan couldn't help but think about how many there were. How many happy couples just filled up this room? It seemed a disproportionate amount to what the statistics said. Angela and Hodgins were married. Cam and Paul were now married. Sweets and Daisy were engaged. Everyone she knew it seemed was married or getting married. Not only that, but rational scientists who were not opposed to higher thought and who often shared some of her intellectual disappointments and disagreements about society.
She hugged Booth closer; feeling a sudden need to be as close as possible to him.
"I love you." She whispered desperately in his ear. He pulled back slightly; concerned by her tone.
"I love you." He whispered back, he raised one hand and moved a stray lock of hair out of her face before kissing her lovingly. This simple act relieved the fear that had unknowingly encompassed her.
"May I cut in?" Booth asked Paul politely. Paul reluctantly let go of Cam and Booth stepped in.
"Being this happy really looks good on you." Booth commented as they danced. Cam laughed.
"I am really happy."
"I'm glad." They danced in silence for a few moments.
"Everything okay with you and Dr. Brennan?" Cam asked. Booth sighed.
"Yeah. We just got into a little argument a couple days ago."
"Let me guess; it was about marriage." Cam couldn't help but roll her eyes; they were so predictable sometimes.
"Yeah. I guess it was just affecting her more than I thought." Booth said.
"I noticed." Booth raised an eyebrow in question.
"When you were dancing before; she looked scared. Like you were going to just up and leave her right there." Cam explained.
"I would never do that." Booth said more vehemently than he needed to.
"How tried are you getting of dancing with everyone?" Hodgins asked, taking over as Cam's dance partner a little while later.
"It's a necessity of weddings I guess; but I would rather be dancing with Paul." Cam said lightly. They looked over at Angela and Paul who were dancing together now. Cam had not expected to see them dancing together; her confusion must have shown on her face because Hodgins guiltily explained why.
"He's the only one I can trust not to hit on Angela." He said. Cam laughed.
"Well, him and Booth…maybe Sweets, now that the kid's engaged." Cam shook her head, not in the least surprised at Hodgins' paranoid behavior.
Finally Cam was back in Paul's arms. The party was dying down; it was now after two a.m. Cam rested her head on his shoulder; her hair was coming undone from it's loose bun; but she had no desire to try and fix it. Everything in that moment seemed perfect.
"Your friends are very protective of you." Paul said. Cam chuckled.
"Especially Booth." She finished his statement for him.
"Yes, especially Booth." Paul repeated, he pulled her closer, eliminating all space between them.
"I know."
"I'm glad you have them." He said.
"Me too." Cam admitted. Although she rarely said so, she did greatly appreciate the friendships she had come to form, not only with Booth but the people at the lab too.
"I'm glad you're my wife." He said playfully, spinning her around. Cam blushed and tried to suppress a smile but failed miserably.
"I love that smile." He whispered before kissing her.
It was almost four am by the time they got home.
"I have to admit; it was a very nice wedding." Brennan said as they began to prepare for bed.
"Yeah, it was. I don't think I've ever seen Cam that happy." Booth replied. He yawned.
"I am way too old to be staying out so late." He said playfully. He looked at Brennan who seemed to have stopped midway through lowering the zipper of her dress. She had a look of pure concentration on her face.
"Bones?" Booth stepped tentatively towards her. It wasn't until she felt his hand make light contact with her arm that she snapped out of her trance.
"I have something for you." She said seriously.
"Okay…can it wait till we get some sleep?" Booth asked. He was exhausted. He had been up for almost twenty-four hours now.
"It could." Brennan said.
"But you want to give it to me now." Booth finished her thought. "What is it?" Brennan stood still for a moment longer before crossing the room and rummaging through one of her drawers. She extracted a small box. It looked like a box that would hold a necklace. Silently she handed it to Booth. He took it carefully and sat down on their bed. He gave her a quizzical look but her face was revealing no information. Slowly he opened the box. Inside was a Christian medal. He wasn't sure what it meant. Finally she spoke.
"It's Saint Dwynwen." Brennan said quietly, Booth noticed that she was nervous.
"She's the patron Saint of Love. Well I found that there are three to be considered the Patron Saints of Love, but I found that she was the most appropriate." She explained quickly. "A man loved her and she loved him back but she didn't want to get married; she wanted to be a nun. I know I'm not religious and I definitely don't want to be a nun but I thought…" She finally paused to breathe. Booth was looking at her intensely. He put the box down and reached for her, when she was close enough, he pulled her onto the bed. His hands gently cupped her face and he kissed her gently. It was so gentle she wasn't even sure that it was happening. Belatedly, she realized that she had been holding her breath, awaiting his response.
"I love you." He said, Brennan had never heard him sound so serious. His eyes were so full of love the intensity was causing tears to unexpectedly fill her eyes. Booth picked up the medal and carefully put it over her head.
"I gave it to you." She said confused as he let it go and it settled on her chest.
"I know. But I want you to wear it." He said softly.
"Why? I'm not religious."
"I know. But it will remind you that you are loved. That I love you."