Okay, so, I am doing NO MORE chapters for 'Down with the Sickness' the Ginger Snaps fan fic with Sam/OC because I am getting no reviews.
I did say that I wouldn't be one of those writers who said, 'I need a certain amount of reviews to post a chapter,' but I need some encouragement from y'all.

So, I will NOT do another chapter until I have one review, I don't care if it is a flamer, I just need some feedback. So this story is a 28 Weeks Later fanfic with Doyle/OC.
I will post another chapter each time I get a review, only one. Feel free to do more though :)

Chapter 1

When the outbreak occured in London, I was in Spain, Barcelona. Of course, the outbreak was all over the news and I knew most of my family were dead. It was hard to digest; the fact all my family and friends were most likely dead, or as the newsreporter called it, zombies. I did have one friend though, Kylie Williams.

Kylie worked in the next door office to mine back at the publishing office.

I hadn't really conversed with her in work but when we realised that we were both going to Spain for our vacation, we agreed on sharing a Hotel Room and actually became quite close friends.

'Alice?' I turned around at the sound of my name, Kylie was standing there, solemn looking. Since we found out about the outbreak last week, none of us had cracked a smile.

Not once.

She looked back at the television and I put my coffee mug down and joined her on the couch, US ARMY QUARANTINE LONDON read the headline underneath the 2 newsreporters.

'Wow,' I breathed, 'that's another thing we owe them.'

Kylie glanced at me, 'we owe them for good this time though if they actually manage to contain the infection.'

I nodded and swallowed, let out a breath and turned away as they showed images of my home, London, in tatters. Exploded and demolished buildings. People on the floor, dead or dying, rubble littering the floors.

It was killing me being here safe and sound in sunny Spain while my family were there, dead or worse, fighting for their lives in that place.

But then the male reporter said something which made me snap my attention back to the screen and Kylie gasp.

'All UK citizens can now return back to London, I repeat, all citizens can now return back to London under strict medical analysis and US Army orders.'

My heart stopped, we can go back?

Kylie grabbed my hand as he finished, 'a military plane will be sent to each country to transport you back. Please get in touch with General Blake to arrange.'

I didnt have time to process most of that information though as Kylie jumped up, grabbed the Hotel phone and dialled the number that appeared on the screen.

Once again, turning away from the television, I felt guilt. Now it was all okay, we can come back. Brilliant.


Looking at Kylie who was gripping the phone with such intensity, she spoke again, 'yes. Me and my friend. Alice James. I am Kylie Williams. Spain, Barcelona. Of course. Thank you.'

She put down the phone and put a hand to her heart, 'they are sending a plane here. Apparently there are another hundred people in this country that have called. But we are leaving tomorrow. 6AM sharp.'

She put a hand to her head in a mocking salute and for the first time in a while, we both smiled. A sad smile, but a smile.

'Alice! You ready?'

I zipped up my suitcase and took one last look around the bedroom, it was bigger now.

'Yeah,' I said but mostly to myself as I heard Kylie shout again, 'come on!'

Picking up my lugging suitcase, I left the room and met her down the corridor as we walked to the lobby. It was bustling.

People arguing with eachother and I noticed then how many people were in the same position as Kylie and me.

They had to sit in their Hotel rooms and watch the constant names on TV that had died in London, praying one of them wasn't their family.

I had been unlucky with my parents, my Mum and Dad's name had been mentioned on the death list but my sister and brothers weren't which I guess could only mean one thing.

I knew that some people had managed to stay alive during the outbreak and had then spent hours or days in quarantine when the US Army arrived but my sister was only 13 and my brother was 10, after my parents died, they probably got infected.

'Whoa, it's busy.' Kylie said and I quickly grabbed the back of her shirt as she guided us through the people and out the doors. A plane could be seen just a few yards away and it was filling up quickly.

I figured Kylie was panicking because she breathed deeper and picked up her pace, dragging me along behind her. We reached the plane and a man wearing the typical army attire and a helmet was stood there ushering people on.

'Passports.' He said gruffly when I cleared my throat to get his attention.

Noticing a large gun on his back and a pistol on his hip, I felt awkward. He wasn't very good looking at all but he seemed nice enough.

Handing him our passports, he glanced from it back to us and then announced, 'make space! You! Move ahead, make some space!'

I dont know who he was talking to but they obviously obeyed because he then stepped aside and allowed us on. Taking our seats, I still felt awkward.

It was packed and I guess some people had snuck on because there were some people sitting on others laps or hiding on the floor because they couldnt find a seat, or risk getting caught.

Taking a deep breath, I put on my seatbelt and closed my eyes. After a month in Spain instead of a week, I was finally relieved to be getting out of here.

'Passengers can now remove their seatbelts and aquire their luggage, plane has now landed.'

The monotone voice was enough to bring me out of my stupor although it was nearly impossible to actually sleep with all the ruckus around us.

The doors opened and I could just about see more Army men in full attire and holding guns. They ushered us off in single file and Kylie stayed behind me this time.

We saw others get off other planes and figured they had come from other countries, a boy and a girl caught my eye though, they were allowing childing back?

Kylie behind me interuppted my thoughts, 'look up there.'

She pointed to a large building with huge windows, a lone woman was stood there, she looked worried and a little annoyed.

Figuring waving would be a rather inappopriate thing to do, when she looked our way I just smiled a small smile. Which she returned gratefully.

Still in single file, we walked through the building, through corridors and past more army men.

'Just around to your right,' said one who pointed to the end and me and Kylie hurried on.

We walked through another corridor which had, 'ON WAY TO MEDICAL CENTRE,' printed on a sign above. Army men still holding guns were around every corner and I was starting to feel a little uneasy instead of safe.

But hey, how will I know until there is actually another outbreak and I am stuck in the middle of it to see how handy and how in control this US Army actually is.

So okay, that's Chapter 1, I am writing Chapter 2 and maybe Chapter 3 today too. So if you review really quickly I can upload them today. =]
One review, all I need. For EACH chapter though.

~ Noxin