Honesty and Deception

Author: yeknodelttil

Show: Young Dracula

Rating: K+

Genre: Romance

Pairing: Vlad/Erin

Disclaimer: I don't own Young Dracula. This is purely for the enjoyment of its fans, created by a fan.

Summary: SEQUEL TO TRUTH AND CONSEQUENCES. Vlad needs to unify his kind. Unfortunately, even with the help of Erin, it may not be as easy as it seems.

A/N: Thank you to all those who reviewed the prequel to this. I've decided to write a sequel. I've spent the last week mind mapping all of my ideas ready to incorporate into this fic so I have a general idea of how it's going to flow. I'm going to try and post two chapters everyday. I'm not sure if this fic will be the same length or slightly shorter.

P.S. Is it just a rumour or has YD really been recommissioned for a fourth series?


Set directly at the end of Truth and ConsequencesChapter 1: Offer on the Table

Vlad held his hand out waiting for Jonno to take it. He'd just made the first move. If anything he'd proved that if there were a confrontation it wasn't going to be the vampires who started it – they'd come in peace.

He could smell argentilium, fresh argentilium by the strong scent. Looking around he could see what looked like fresh sensors on the walls. They must have been installed since his escape. This way no vampire could enter the building again. A small spark of pride filled him at forcing the slayers to adapt their 'perfect' HQ. He knew the argentilium would have little effect on him but it would strip the others of their powers.

Vlad pulled his hand back, his eyes never leaving the slayer's in front of him. Erin moved closer to him, waiting, as many of the slayers looked her up and down. She knew she looked different, Vlad said she looked more beautiful but he was biased, she knew that.

The sight of her in so much leather must be a confusing sight for them, she was usually found in plaid shirts, jeans and a scarf. This was her first official outing as his consort so she had to look the part. Ingrid had given her a square cut corset style jacket to wear, along with leather trousers and knee length – heeled of course – black boots. Her cape just touched the floor, unfortunately meaning she had to wear heels more often. Ingrid had made her make up more defined, giving her darker tones to highlight her pale features.

Jonno and the slayer looked her up and down. "I see you've got a new member of the vampire club." The elder slayer leaned out to touch her, to feel her skin. Vlad grabbed his arm immediately, holding it in a vice like grip, the slayer grimaced bending down slightly.

"Leave her alone." He spoke firmly, releasing his arm after a moment. The slayer grabbed his arm rubbing it frantically; he hadn't expected Vlad to have that much strength in him.

"We're here to talk." Vlad told him.

"You don't want us to wipe you out?" The one slayer who had held him captive quizzed mockingly. An over confident sneer on his face.

Vlad offered them an unnerving smirk. "No I don't want to spend all my time hunting the Slayers down." Vlad retorted as a matter of fact, hunting the slayers really wasn't how he wanted to spend his time. "I'd rather spend my time doing more important things."

He knew he offended them but at that moment he didn't care, the slayers weren't really high on his list. Uniting his kind was more important at the moment. He didn't want to constantly be looking out for a stake in his back from both the slayers and the vampires.

"You think you could hunt us down and kill us?" There was laugher in the statement as it was spoken. "It'd take you a while."

Ingrid laughed. "A week…" Ingrid paused, thinking thoughtfully, "Two tops…if he wants to play with his fo…you." The older slayer stopped laughing seeing Ingrid's playfully true smile.

Vlad turned and offered his sister an annoyed glance, she just couldn't help herself sometimes. He didn't drink human blood – with one glaring exception involving his recovery – but the slayers wouldn't believe that. Vlad considered his words, clamping his mouth shut before instinctively falling into pretty rivalry with his sister.

Erin knew that that Ingrid's comment may not have exactly helped matters so she decided to step in seeing Vlad struggling not to strangle his sister. "Who said anything about killing?" Erin asked gently, Vlad wasn't a killer. "Not when he could mind wipe you all." She added the peaceful solution to the end, to show them that if he had to Vlad would find an alternative to wipe out their threat to him.

"How do we know you actually have the power to do that? I remember stripping your powers." There was the overconfidence, the certainty that nothing could go wrong, that Vlad was still powerless, or at least unable to access them.

Vlad smirked, if the wanted a demonstration he'd give them one. Vlad clicked his fingers, everyone but Jonno and the slayer in front froze, "Jump." He whispered, immediately everyone in the room began jumping up and down. "Look at the CCTV." He advised. Sure enough everyone in the building was jumping up and down. Vlad clicked his fingers and they all stopped turning around confused. Jonno and the slayer stared at them. "I have full control over my powers."


Erin didn't release Vlad's hand once, not out of fear though as some of the slayers might think. Erin knew she had to keep him grounded otherwise he would be unstoppable; the slayers would have no chance.

Erin smiled softly at Vladimir, he nodded to her. She was proud of the control he was displaying, especially when she knew how hard it was for him.

Jonno watched their interaction. Had the heartless vampire killer actually fallen in love? With a breather? But he had transformed her regardless. That was what made his mind up completely.

"There'll be no peace talks." Jonno commented, the other slayers looked confused around him. Vlad leaned back, his head tipping upwards. Before Vlad could ask why, Jonno continued. "You turned her into one of you, you took away her life." His hand pointed to the only thing Vlad hated to be reminded of – her scar. Erin's hand flew up to her neck, rubbing it as if she were trying to make it disappear. Erin cast a glace to Vlad whose eyes seemed to be drawn to it even though she could see him clearly fighting it, the pain in his eyes still clear.

"It wasn't my choice." Vlad admitted softly, emotion coming to his eyes as he spoke.

"Then one of your family did it?" Jonno fixed his glare on Ingrid, Ingrid tutted before turning away. Why did she seem to always get the blame?

Erin chose that moment to step in, her side of the story needed to be voice before it all got out of hand. Erin didn't regret her decision then and she didn't now. "I chose to become a half fang." Slayers around her gasped, it had never been done before. Erin held her head high, looking every inch the queen she was. "I chose to become one to marry Vlad so he could be crowned."

Jonno looked between the two of them, unsure who to address first. Finally he decided to speak to Erin. "Marry? You're his wife?"

Erin revealed her clan pendant, the symbol of her engagement marriage to Vlad. "Yes." A small smirk crossed her lips as she looked back at her husband.

Jonno's mouth opened and closed unsure how to answer her confirmation. "He's 18!" Jonno pointed to him, "and you're not even 18!" He protested. He'd read Erin's file, it was short as she hadn't really embraced being a slayer but he had memorised her date of birth.

"Not for another month." Erin agreed, "Its perfectly legal in their world." It was true to marry Vlad she had to be at least 15 by the date of his birthday. Although she was surprised that she was married so young, she didn't expect to be until (at least) her mid twenties.

"You gave up your life for a vampire to rule?"

Erin didn't like the older slayer's mocking tone; he had no idea what would happen if Vlad wasn't the one in charge. "Vlad is the best chance any of us have." Erin snapped. She moved forward towards Jonno but Vlad held her back with a hand on her upper arm. "We can't go on killing each other forever, something needs to be done. Vlad is here to offer you a peaceful solution, he didn't have to but he has."

A sudden hiss made Erin jump. She knew who that his had come from, she'd heard it enough to realise what it meant – anger. In a flash she turned around to face Vlad.


Vlad hissed as something was thrown at Erin, it halted in mid air. It was perfectly in line with her cheek albeit a few feet away from her. He vaguely noticed Erin turn to him confusion on her face, which was quickly replaced by worry – not for her but for him. Vlad slowly brought the object closer to him, he let out a growl as he realised what it was. Garlic.

He clicked his fingers watching as it burst into flame. He spun to face the Slayers, his eyes pure black with fury. Erin could see and feel he was fighting to keep his other side under control and reigned in.

Vlad stepped closer to the one who had thrown the garlic; in an instant he was thrown into the air, suspended below the ceiling. The thin teenager looked terrified at Vlad's anger and power. He cast a glance towards his target pleading with her to help him. Erin let out a soft sigh, Vlad's protectiveness could be his undoing but at least he was demonstrating to the slayers he did care for something or rather someone else, an uncommon emotion in vampires. The only consolation was that Ryan wasn't here; his fangs would be in the slayer's neck.

"Let him down Vlad." Erin whispered softly.

Vlad wasn't in the mood to discuss it. "He threw garlic at you." Erin took his arm as he growled the slayer rising up another few feet, his head hitting the ceiling. The garlic wouldn't kill her, not such a small amount that would surely drop to the floor when it had hit her. Still it would cause her a lot of excruciating pain as her skin fought against it and while it tried to heal.

Jonno watched the interaction with interest, unsure what to make of Vlad's protectiveness towards Erin. It seemed to be genuine love. He watched as no one else dared to talk Vlad out of his actions, he noticed that Vlad's eyes softened when Erin spoke to him.

As the slayer dangled and squirmed in the air, Jonno decided he needed to intervene, he'd seen enough to understand that Vlad hadn't seized the opportunity out of malice. "Vlad…"

Vlad turned his head away from the attacker, his anger clear for all to see. "He attacked my wife!"

"Please….please…" The teenager muttered softly, begging to be released. "I'm sorry." The words were broken and full of fear.

Jonno began to wonder if Vlad's offer was genuine, he could have killed Erin's attacker but he hadn't. It seemed vaguely familiar that Vlad didn't want to kill them. "I know, he did it on instinct. He wasn't ordered to." Jonno decided to give Vlad the benefit of the doubt; to do that the teenager's actions had to be denied.

When Erin spoke she could feel all eyes on her, so she kept her voice soft and low. "Vlad, remember what you came here for." Vlad closed his eyes nodding; he slowly lowered the slayer but dropped him the last two feet. A slight smirk came to his lips as he gazed at the slayer sprawled in front of him on the floor. Erin lightly hit him on the arm, scolding him for his petulant action. Vlad turned to Erin a slightly sheepish look in his eyes, but she could see his determination. Erin knew how much Vlad had been holding back.

Around the room he could see the glances from the other slayers – they were terrified of him even more so now than ever.

The teenage slayer stood and ran as fast as he could away from Vlad and Erin, his boots squeaking down the corridor. Ingrid and the Count held back a delighted laugh at Vlad's actions and their effect on those around him. While he didn't embrace his evil side Vlad was still intimidating to everyone.

Vlad turned to see Jonno, his eyes slowly becoming clear once again. "If any of you *ever* attack Erin again, I *will* kill all of you." He warned, his fangs still extended and eyes narrowing. Jonno and the other slayers nodded in agreement.

Vlad straightened his head shaking slightly as he forced himself to retract his fangs. He hated how natural it felt when they extended. He couldn't deny they'd been fighting to be revealed since entering the building.


Jonno and the older slayer studied the determination on Vlad's face. The fact he had spared the life of the teenager was something that worked in favour of him, but he was still a vampire.

Jonno voiced the thought that was going through everyone's heads, "How do we know we can trust you?"

Vlad began to speak, a small smile on his face, "I can offer you something no one else can…"


A/N: Thank you for reading.