Tests and Allies
As she was dragged through the door by two of the men accompanying her, Buffy felt a familiar tingle at the base of her spine and she knew she had made the right decision.
He was here.
She looked around as she was brought to a halt but couldn't see him. Willow had told her late last night that there was a group of people who were capturing demons and making them fight in an arena.
Normally Buffy wouldn't have cared about what was happening to demons, but then Willow had mentioned the one thing that would make her pay very close attention. "They captured Angel."
Buffy had been on her way to L.A. half an hour later.
She didn't really have any sort of plan of attack, she just wanted to get in there and make sure he was un harmed. If he wasn't, they would pay.
So she went to the last place where Angel had been seen, and after an hour, she too had been captured.
The men brought her to a thickly painted line that seemed to divide the room and they stopped in front of it.
Coldness encased her wrist and she looked down to see a thick metal bracelet. "Jewellery? You shouldn't have. But guys, dinner and dancing is more my thing, sorry," she smirked and was rewarded with a hard punch in the back. 'Ow.' she mumbled.
A big man with greasy shoulder length brown hair stepped in front of her and grinned. "Never had a slayer in the arena before; should be interesting. You'll make me a lot of money girl."
"Yippee," she rolled her eyes then perked up "Do I get a percentage of the sales?"
He laughed then gazed at her admiringly "Yes, this will be fun."
Buffy looked at him and shook her head "Whatever."
"Okay, Slayer, here are the rules: No fighting out of the arena, bad for my interests you know; no leaving this room, although it would be damned interesting to see you try. You see that bracelet on your wrist is magical. While wearing it, if you step over this line you will die. You will turn to dust. Ask anyone, it's the truth. Oh and a special warning to you, since you are, after all, the Slayer; don't kill any of your competitors until you are in the arena and the fight actually starts. The crowd would be… very… upset, which, in turn would make me… very... upset. I don't like to be upset."
Buffy stared at him blankly then rolled her eyes. Oh boy. "Psycho."
The man laughed and she smirked. "Knew it."
He grabbed her arm and shoved her over the line as he activated her bracelet. He grinned at her as he backed away, surveying the scene then he left and the others filed out after him. The doors closed firmly behind them.
Buffy glanced around at the demons and noted the mix of emotions on their faces; anger, hatred, fear, curiosity... but one gaze was missing. No Angel.
Why didn't he appear when I entered the room? Where is he? She walked towards the huge black cage which dominate the room and suddenly knew he was in there.
She went inside and found him sitting on the concrete floor, back against the bars, legs drawn up to his chest, head hung low and his hands clasped tightly together. A picture of anguish.
He didn't look up as she came forward and all eyes were on her, waiting to see what she would do to her mortal enemy, a vampire.
She stood in front of him and waited. He exhaled unnecessarily and looked up slowly.
His gaze took in her new knee high leather boots and travelled up her tanned legs to her short, black, rippled cotton skirt and past the small amount of skin visible at her midriff, to her small black tank top and to the cross around her neck which he had given her that first night in the alley. He paused there for a moment then continued up her neck to his scar, still visible even after all this time; his mark, his mate. His gaze lingered on her mouth then met hers and she almost crumbled at the naked longing and blatant fear in his eyes.
Her hair was up in a careless ponytail and Angel thought she had never looked so beautiful. What is she doing here?
"Angel," she breathed, staring at him intensely and he returned the hard stare.
"Buffy," he stood up slowly, feeling at a disadvantage on the floor.
She stepped forward and the demons held their breath. Neither paid any attention to them; too caught up in each other.
Angel reached out and pulled Buffy to him, his lips capturing hers in an earth-shattering kiss. She reached up and wound her arms around his neck, pulling his body closer to hers as one of his hands fisted in her hair and the other snaked around her waist.
The kissed for a few more moments before he pulled back slightly. "What are you doing here?" he panted as he reined in his desire and fear.
"I came for you," she whispered and the arm around her waist tightened. She heard a noise and she turned as much as she could, still caught in Angels embrace, having completely forgotten they weren't alone.
The demons were staring at them with mixed reactions and Buffy laughed inwardly. They have no idea.
She grinned brightly at them. "Hi I'm Buffy, The Slayer," she looked over them as she spoke and noted the few that reacted.
One of the demons stepped forward and Buffy assumed she was to recognise him as the leader.
"Angelus's Slayer," he said with a certainty that pissed her off.
"No," she corrected testily. "Angel's Slayer."
She glared at him as he chuckled and strolled slowly forward. "There's a difference?"
She put her hands on her hips and said sweetly, "Yeah, there's a difference. If this was Angelus, none of you would be alive right now. He'd have killed you all then tried to make a run for it. Or he'd have killed you while trying to make a run for it. Which ever had taken his fancy."
Angel was surprised that she knew his demon so well, for that was exactly what Angelus had been thinking earlier.
A few of the demons snickered, a couple retreated a few steps but the majority stood passively.
Behind her, Angel shifted uneasily. "You have to get out of here," he whispered in her ear and she turned around to stare at him stupidly.
"You can't stay here, you will be killed," he continued and she noted that he didn't say she could be killed but would be killed.
She lifted her right arm in front of his face , showing him the arm band. "I'm not going anywhere, big boy, so shut up and deal with my being here."
He grimaced as her looked at the band; she was going to have to fight. She could die. He had told her that she had to leave because she would die, and she would. If not by the competitors then by the freaks running this circus.
He looked around at the assorted demon and knew that she could best them all but he still worried about her. It's what he does.
He didn't know what he would do if he lost her again. Not that he has her now. She was Riley's girl now. At least he thought she still was. He hadn't heard any news from Sunnydale for a while and he couldn't smell the boy on her at all. She smelt like she always did; vanilla and sunshine. Life. A scent all her own.
She reached up and caressed his cheek with the back of her hand. "Stop brooding, right now." she ordered and he smiled that sexy half- smile that always melted her insides. Gods she loved him.
He looked so delectable standing there in black slacks and a black silk shirt with his trademark black duster. His hair stood up on end from more hair product than Buffy even wanted to think about and she smiled at the heat in his eyes.
This was going to be fun!
What did you think? This was my first fanfic ever.