Author has written 1 story for Naruto.
Current Update 4/21/2016:
My new job is starting to become my career, so there is a lot of work and studying but Writing is still my life. I've just decided to work on stuff that can actually be published. Never going to happen, of course, but I need to write. So here's the deal with FanFic: Yes, I've been absent. No, I haven't given up. I'm redoing the whole deal. My stories will probably be deleted, but will return updated and fixed. I'm going to try to set dates when chapters will be posted. Obsessed is bye-bye. Same for Master My Master. Sin Academy is being reworked and reworked. I will get it to a point where I'll be happy. Also, I'm expanding to new anime. I love Naruto but it's getting old. I need something new. One more thing, SandCoffinLuvr no long shares this site with me. It's just me. So, that's the deal. I'll be back with more updates. Hopefully, Bigger and better.
Sin Academy: Chapter Four posted Sept, 27th. Chapter Five expected at the end of October.
Obsessed: Delete
Master My Master: Delete
Up Coming Stories:
(After Sin Academy is finished)
Possible Stories: (Underlined means it's in progress of being written)
Control:And all the kids cried out, "Please stop, you're scaring me." I can't help this awful energy. Damn right, you should be scared of me. Who is in control?
Rate: T (Teen) as of right now. Rating may go up.
Genre: Romance/Paranormal/Horror
Pairings: SasuSaku, NejTen, TemaShikaIno, ShikaInoKiba NaruHinaKab
Details: This story is complicated but I hold a lot of pride in it. The tittle is based of the song Control by Halsey. I couldn't really get a good description without giving out too much info so I used the chorus of the song, which shows the basics of the story. It was supposed to be mostly about Sakura's point of view but it's expanding to more characters. I highly recommend listening to the song when the story is up. This story does have priority but not above Sin Academy. I do have three chapters that I keep revising and rereading. It demands a lot of work and attention. I always feel like the stories that is created from the inspiration given by music is highly complicated to write. This one mostly, because the emotions for both song and story are overwhelming yet something almost everybody feels. In the story certain individuals are what society call "Demons". Males are based of Animals and Females are based of Flowers, which is what the females are called. Control is about the main characters dealing with their situation as such. Some have control of themselves but has to control others. Some can't be controlled while others need to learn to control themselves. It's a emotional roller coaster ride based on each characters mental stability. To understand the emotions of this story, listen to Control and Gasoline, and maybe even Hold Me Down. All are by Halsey. I really can't explain this story but it feels important to me and I also feels it needs to be written. I also have to say that this story is probably the hardest piece I have ever written, just because of the emotion I am having to put into it.
Betrothe and Betrayed: Four girls get proposed to the four most feared Alphas in their village. Their worlds have been turned up side down and destroyed all due to the fact that they now have unimaginable power, unlimited fortune and control but with a huge price that they may not be able to handle.
Rate: T (Teen) or M (Mature)
Genre: Romance/Paranormal
Pairings: SasuSaku, NejiTen, ShikaIno & NaruHina Minor GaaraXMatsu
Details: This story is not really a priority. It's more of a fun little drama practice. I highly doubt it will ever make it to Fanfiction.