
Summary: She could see the desire pooling in his emerald orbs as he looked straight into her eyes and in a voice, low and husky, said simply, "I want you."

Disclaimer: I do not own Yu Yu Hakusho.

Chapter 1

"So all we have to do is retrieve the mirror?"

Koenma looked up from his stack of paperwork to peer at the fox demon before him. He sucked on his pacifier before nodding his head. "Yes," he answered, "and please hurry."

Yusuke sported a slightly peeved look on his countenance. "I don't get why everytime you lose something from the vault you keep coming to us for help. Seriously, we don't even get paid for this."

"Because you're the Spirit Detectives and this is your job," Koenma countered, shooting a death glare his way. Yusuke snorted and rolled his eyes but said nothing.

"How did the demon break in and managed to steal the Mirror of Darkness in the first place, anyway?" Kuwabara chimed in.

"How should I know?" Koenma responded with a huff and leaned back in his chair. "Enough with the irrelevant questions. Will you just get the job done?"

Kuwabara pursed his lips and mumbled something about Koenma waking up at the wrong side of the bed before following Kurama's actions as the fox gave a slight bow to the Reikai prince.

"Yeah, sure, whatever. Just don't get your ass spanked by daddy while we're gone," Yusuke added with a sneer before waving a hand at Koenma, ignoring the string of curses he earned in return.

The trio, excluding Hiei, then turned and left the office.

"Shit!" Yusuke cursed savagely under his breath as he shot another group of demons with the Spirit Gun. "Didn't Koenma say something about having to fight only one demon? He didn't say anything about this! Talk about a load of bullshit.

Kuwabara swung his Spirit Sword over a green demon's head and brought it down, watching as its body ripped apart in two before averting his gaze to Yusuke. "Will you shut up and just fight, Urameshi? It's already hard enough to deal with these guys, I don't need to listen to your incessant blabbering!"

A glare was the response he got from the delinquent. "You shut up!" he spat. "I didn't sign up for this, and just when it's finally summer vacation, too!"

"Yeah, well, I wasn't looking forward to this either!" Kuwabara shouted back, and soon, the two were engaged in a mouth-war that seemed more important than the bunch of demons cornering them against a cliff.

Kurama sighed as he snapped a demon's head in half with his Rose Whip, his patience growing thin as the duo continued to bicker back and forth with each other. They had found the mirror in a quiet room, with no opponent around, and Kuwabara had suggested just taking it off from the wall it was hanging from and going up and leave. The fox had opposed the idea, saying that the situation itself was suspicious, but considering it had been Yusuke and Kuwabara he'd been arguing with, the two were just reckless and impatient enough to do just that. Now, they had walked right into the blatant trap and he was stuck with his teammates who were busy fighting amongst themselves than their opponents. And Hiei was nowhere to assist them, either.

"Where's Hiei when we need him, anyway?" Kuwabara started with an indignant cry as he pushed one of the demons off the cliff.

"He's busy running an errand for Mukuro," Kurama retorted with a half smile.

"Heh." Yusuke rolled his eyes. "Talk about a let down. He gets a girlfriend and does everything she asks him to and leaves his friends behind."

"Wait, Hiei and Mukuro share that kind of relationship?" Kuwabara asked, attention momentarily diverted to the conversation at hand.

Yusuke nodded, a grin slowly appearing on his face. "Yeah, that kind of relationship."

"Wow, shrimp's lovesick!" Kuwabara said with a loud laugh, tears evident at the back of his eyes now, Yusuke joining in the laughter.

Kurama heaved another sigh and went to remind the other two that they were in the middle of a fight, only to cut himself short as he felt a sharp, pricking pain at the back of his throat. What? But I didn't even sense anything! Almost immediately, he could feel something surge through every cell of his being; the torment almost too unbearable that he felled on his knees. His eyes grew wide as he felt a familiar heat in the pit of his stomach, body shivering and breathing growing heavy. Yusuke and Kuwabara were by his side, saying something, their mouth moving but he couldn't hear any of their words.

His ears were buzzing and his vision a blur, he barely noticed it them calling out his name as his face felled to the ground, the darkness slowly eating away at his consciousness.

Botan had rushed in as fast as she could the moment she heard the news of Kurama fainting during a mission. Koenma watched as she walked up to them, breathy pants leaving her as if she'd been running for a long time. Yusuke and Kuwabara were sitting on the bench outside Reikai's medical room with solemn looks on their faces and Botan, noticing this, asked them what was wrong, but they merely shook their head. She furrowed her brows but said nothing more, deciding to let it go for now as her mind wandered back to Kurama.

"H-How…" The ferry girl inhaled a deep breath, "How is he?" she inquired softly, her pools of amethyst in deep concern. Koenma gave her a smile.

"Fine, for now," he answered, before cutting himself short with a pause. His smile faltered, reducing to a thin line as his expression turned serious and he went on, "But, the drug he was injected with is really strong and conceivable. We already managed to get some of it out, but there's more in his blood."

Botan's brows knitted together in a frown, her eyes wide and fearful as she asked, "A-And? Is Kurama going to be okay or not?"

Koenma shook his head, but then nodded. "Well, his safety is protected for now, I can assure you that. But, that's not the point." He sighed. "When he wakes up, there is no guarantee that he wouldn't be under the influence of the drug… and if- if he is, it's best you keep your distance from him."

"What?" came Botan's baffled response. "What does that mean? Just me?" she asked, earning a small, mute nod in return. Her frown deepened. "Why?"

The Reikai prince seemed to hesitate for a moment, as if he was uncertain whether he should tell her. But then, he said, anyway, "He can't be near women right now."

"And why not?"

Koenma looked uncomfortable, as if he was talking about something he shouldn't. Botan stared at him, anticipating an thorough explanation of what was going on. The longer he remained silent, the deeper the gaze got, until finally Koenma couldn't take it anymore and heaved an almost exasperated sigh. His eyebrow twitched for a moment as he mused over the correct words to elaborate the gravity of the situation. But, after a while, he decided to just go out on a limb.

"Kurama's currently drugged by an aphrodisiac," he paused, watching as Botan's eyes grew wide and a pink tinge colored her cheeks, "It's from a flower of some sort. We meant to ask him what it was, but he's unconscious right now, so that's obviously out of the question." He momentarily gave out a light shrug of his shoulder. "So we went to someone who's also an expert in drugs and herbs."

"And?" Botan prodded, almost impatient.

Koenma parted his lips and made to say more, but his words died in his throat as Yusuke suddenly let out a curse.

"This is our fault," he murmured, his voice dripping with deep remorse. He looked down to his hands, and seemed frustrated at himself. "We were too busy goofing off and we didn't notice something happened to him until he was lying on all fours on the ground."

"Stop that, Yusuke," Koenma lightly scolded, though his hazel orbs were reassuring, "There's no need for you two to blame yourselves. What's done has been done. Nothing can change that. No use crying over spilt milk." He paused, but then went on, "And besides, Kurama himself didn't sense anything. And he'd been on his guard the entire time, so this really isn't any of you guys' fault."

"Maybe," Kuwabara said, his voice almost inaudible, "but I just wish we can do something for him, you know?"

"There's nothing you can do for him right now but to be patient and pray that all ends well," Koenma replied with a soft sigh. "I understand how you feel, but what do you think Kurama would feel if he saw you guys moping around like you are right now?""

"Yeah!" Botan's voice chimed in, startling the guys. "Cheer up! I'm sure Kurama's going to be alright. None of this is your fault, the important thing is to be with him during his time of need. I'm certain that's all Kurama wants right now," she finished with a smile, hoping to get her friends' spirits up.

Yusuke hesitated for a moment, but then permitted the slightest smile to graze his lips. "Yeah." He nodded. "You're right."

Kuwabara gave the ferry girl an appreciative grin, the quirk on his lips spreading from ear to ear. "Thanks, Bo," he said, and Botan's smile widened ever so slightly, before she then turned her gaze to Koenma.

"Can I see him?" she asked, voice fearful, as if she was afraid Koenma would say no.

The Reikai prince frowned. "I don't know…" he mumbled his answer, voice evidently unsure. He felt a slight twinge of guilt as Botan's face crestfallen. "He may be unconscious now, but I fret that something might happen if he wakes up."

"Relax, pacifier breath," Yusuke chimed in, seeming to return to his old self and procceeded to ignore Koenma glaring daggers at him as he went on, "He's not awake right now, so there's no harm in letting her in."

One of Koenma's eyebrows seemed to twitch. "I know that, fool!" he hissed. "But, what if he does wake up?" he persisted.

Yusuke seemed equally frustrated. "Yeah, but Botan's his friend, too!" he argued, his voice slightly rising up a notch. "What's wrong with letting her see him?"

"Nothing!" Koenma roared back, a vein popping dangerously at the side of his head. "It's just that- that-" He paused, and briefly sounded a gulp. Red crept up his neck and cheeks, then, in a low, almost inaudible whisper, he murmured, "What if he ends up having sex with her?"

A frown was now embedded on Yusuke's forehead, slightly marring his features. He opened his mouth and went to make a smart remark, but was cut short as Kuwabara's voice sounded,

"Hey" The carrot top seemed to consider something. "I just thought of this, but," He looked up to peer at the other three, "isn't it a good thing if she does?"

"What?!" Yusuke's and Koenma's loud, ear-piercing screech reverberated in the air, rattling the walls. Kuwabara flinched a little. Botan's eyes grew broad, blood immediately rushing to her face, turning it dark scarlet.

"Are you crazy, Kuwabara?" Yusuke nearly shouted, his expression incredulous as he studied his best friend, almost as if searching for signs that his earlier statement was merely a joke. "Botan's not a sex toy for him to use everytime he feels the urge to bone someone!"

"I agree with Yusuke," Koenma nodded his head, "There's no way we're gonna let that happen. Reigens aren't allowed to engage in sexual intercourse with demons. It is against Reikai's laws. If they get caught, Kurama will get thrown into Reikai prison and Botan will be fired and banished from Reikai."

Kuwabara seemed to hesitate a little as the Reikai prince's words sunk in. But then, he shook his head, as if in disaggreement. "I get that," he started, "but isn't it better if Kurama has sex with her than a female we don't know? Botan's his friend; she's a better option."

Koenma furrowed his brows, but seemed to nod his head. "I can understand where you're coming from, but isn't it too dangerous?"

"Y-Yeah," Botan agreed, her words coming out in a cute, little sputter, the blush never gone from her cheeks, "I mean, are you sure Kurama will be happy with that? I don't think he'll be pleased."

"Yeah, but," Kuwabara continued, "Botan, you don't understand."

Botan's flushed face finally returned to its normal color as the oddity behind Kuwabara's words caused her to frown in confusion. "What are you talking about?"

"Kurama needs to have sex with someone."


"Because, Botan," Kuwabara turned his head away for a second, seeming uncomfortale for some reason, but then, looked back at her, "if he doesn't have an orgasm within a day, the symptoms of the poison will appear."

The ferry girl tensed up. "Poison? What poison? What's gonna happen to him?"

His eyes looking straight into hers, the words that left Kuwabara's lips seemed to spell an impending doom as they reached her ears:

"He could die."