Reviews for Death Games
Riddicks-gurl1988 chapter 16 . 7/23
Can’t wait to see what they get up to so they are no longer bored also wonder if Mori will be around when Gon makes his move. Thanks so much for the update stay safe
Ryoma97 chapter 16 . 7/20
Okay I have to admit, something i love about every single one of their interaction is that the feeling surrounding them is soo... tantalisingly seductive yet also incredibly dangerous. The tension between them is hilarious and with our darling Hisoka it's honestly sometimes hard to tell if he wants to eat you or...well...aha wants to eat you. Tbh he would probably enjoy it at the same time FML lol what I wanted to say was that I really enjoyed this update, especially the little flashback OMFG her mother?! Someone hold my poodle!
I hope our darling author is well and safe, thank you for this story! X
SmallLittleCagedBird chapter 16 . 7/20
Such a good chapter! I really enjoy the way that you write Hisoka. I feel it is true to his character. Very unpredictable. Continue soon! I look forward to the next one!
LunaWolfSunTigeress15 chapter 16 . 7/20
I love your story and always looking for the next update always makes me excited. Your story is one of the few good OC stories in HunterXhunter cuz I'm too picky for my own good lol.
Kitteninthemoonlight chapter 16 . 7/19
Whoa really? Neat! I really like Chastifol so the fact he is kinda based on it makes me happy. Chastifol is such a cool semi sentient weapon~

Also quick question...I’m a bit confused at how the fight went there in the beginning. It kinda sounded like Mori bit out part of his throat? But if that happened he wouldn’t really have been able to talk sooo... what happened?
dianalillian chapter 15 . 7/18
Looking forward to the next chapters :)
dianalillian chapter 12 . 7/18
It’s amusing every time Hisoka asks Morie if he wanted him to kill people. Haha.
dianalillian chapter 9 . 7/18
That riddle was nice. Looking forward to the next matches.
dianalillian chapter 8 . 7/17
This is alarming? Morie just went from 0 to 100 real quick. I’m not sure what to feel.
Cassandra Mihalko chapter 1 . 7/15
Listen, I am so enthralled by your story. Your portrayal of the characters are spot on and the OC that you have created is absolutely wonderful. Please, please, please continue this story! The slight romantic turn with Hisoka is delicious ️
chrissyrobin23 chapter 15 . 7/14
I like this story
Boggie445 chapter 15 . 7/2
I hope you are alright.
TheMedicineSeller chapter 15 . 6/25
I can’t believe I didn’t discover this story until now. This is really good! Normally I don’t like oc stories, but something about Hunter x Hunter and your oc made it work for me. Please continue writing and stay safe!
mythings chapter 15 . 6/20
I absolutely adore the dynamic between Morie and Hisoka ahhhhh and I love your writing style, I ate up every word, stay save! 3 and thank you very much
Rubber and Gum chapter 2 . 6/19
how old is morie supposed to be?
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