I do not own Shaman king only my own characters..... any comments are welcomed.............Thanks
Chapter 1
After last night you were completely torn up. You weren't sure what you were going to do next. You barely survived, if it weren't for your teacher you would of died right alongside her. She had sacrificed herself for you no one had ever cared for you the way she did. You missed her so much. Lost in your thoughts you hadn't noticed a boy standing right in front of you.
After the fire you ran into the forest as fast as you could, to get some rest you decided to sit under a tree. You had fallen asleep there after running all night. When you woke up you didn't even notice someone was their until they spoke.
Hao:"Horrible isn't it?"
You looked up, a little confused and surprised. You noticed a boy was staring right at you.
Hao:"Are you cold?"
You couldn't speak from the shock; all you could do was nod your head. He just looked at you with a warm smile. Within the blink of an eye there was a nice warm fire right in front of him. Your eyes grew a little wide at how fast the fire appeared.
He noticed of course and just gave you a smile. You just stared at the fire, flashes of what had happened the night before were clouding your mind. Your eyes turned sad, tears started to be shown in your eyes. All you could do was hide your eyes and look at the ground.
Hao:"You don't have to worry about those people anymore, they won't hurt you ever again."
As soon as he said this you looked straight up at him in surprise. You weren't sure if you were glad to hear such words and confused as to how he knew about the attackers. For the longest time you both just sat there in silence. It was a calm and peaceful silence. You couldn't remember the last time you had sat down with someone and said nothing but you didn't need to, even though you had no idea who he was.
It was late at night and your eyes started to feel heavy. Your eyes closed and you started to lean left about to fall asleep. Just before you hit the ground you felt something warm and soft, you were expecting the cold hard ground. You opened your eyes slightly to try and see. When you did, you saw the boy's smiling face looking down at you. You noticed that you were lying in his lap. When you tried to get up he stopped you.
Hao: "Shh go to sleep"
For some reason you couldn't say no you just laid their and looked up at him. Your eyes had become heavy again, slowly but surely you were starting to fall asleep. But before you drifted off to a deep slumber you managed to say two last words: "thank you".
The noise of chirping birds had woken you up, it was now morning. When you opened your eyes you noticed the fire was dead. You got up and realized that you were still warm. You looked down and noticed that you were wearing a poncho. It was the poncho that the boy was wearing; he left it behind for you.
You looked at it a little confused you held it in your hand after a moment you let out a sigh. Looking up at the clear blue sky smiling you wished those same small words could be heard by that boy again.
"Thank You"
The events discussed in the previously occur years before the story starts.
After a long day of walking you decided to take a break next to a large lake. You placed your things underneath a tree, take off your old poncho so that you can wash your face in the water. You walked over to the edge of the water and bend down you gently run your fingers through the water to test the temperature.
After deciding it was fine you bring your face closer to let the water clean it. After cleaning you walk back to the tree and sit underneath it. Digging through your bag for some food; you pull out an apple. After finishing the apple you leaned back on the tree and feel into a deep sleep.
At the same time at a not too far away location.
"Oh no where did I put it, I remember I hung it up to dry. Where could it have gone to?": Opacho
"Opacho have you finished washing my poncho yet": Hao
"Yes master Hao I'm just waiting for it to dry": Opacho
"I can take care of that, bring it to me": Hao
"Oh yes Master Hao I will be right back" : Opacho
"What am I going to do, where did I put it?":Opacho
Walking around the campsite trying to remember where she put the poncho. She had walked so far away from the camp she reached the edge of a lake. She starts walking around along the side, hoping that it might be close to the water. As she was walking along the lake side she saw something odd.
It was a girl sleeping along side of a tree. She looked so peaceful and beautiful like something out of a fairy tale. At the same time she spotted something familiar hanging on a tree branch. It was a poncho it looked exactly like Hao's.
Opacho tried to wake the girl but she was in such a deep sleep she couldn't. Opacho decided to take that as a sign took the poncho and started heading back to camp before anything else happened. When Opacho got back to camp she went looking for Hao. She found him sitting on the ground next to a fire waiting.
"Opacho, your back": Hao
"Yes, Master Hao here I brought you back something. I'm sorry but I couldn't find were I put your poncho. But I found this one and it looks exactly like it and...": Opacho
Hao cut her off before explaining anything else with a smile on his face.
"Opacho you placed my poncho in my tent to dry remember. But this (takes the poncho out of Opacho's hands and he lifts it) is my poncho": Hao
Opacho gives him a confused look.
"Yes from a few years back if I remember correctly I gave it to a girl I found sleeping in the woods freezing to death. So I gave it to her": Hao
"Really a sleeping girl in the woods ": Opacho
"Yes well Opacho where did you find this": Hao
"Well in the same place I was walking along the lake side trying to remember were I put the poncho and there she was this girl was sleeping on the side of a tree. She was so beautiful like something from a fairy tale. The poncho was hanging on a branch. I tried to wake her but she wouldn't so I brought back the poncho so that you wouldn't be mad at me": Opacho
Hao just sat in front of the fire listening to the story. When he heard the story he gave a slight smile remembering his own experience. When Opacho finished explaining Hao got up and faced Opacho.
"All Right let's go": Hao
"Go Where?": Opacho
"To find the owner of this poncho you said you found her close to the lake.": Hao
Opacho lead Hao to where she found the sleeping girl. When Hao saw her face his eyes widened with surprise but quickly returned to normal. He bent down and gently touched the girls face with his fingers. He quickly lifted the sleeping girl into his arms.
"Bring her things.": Hao
Opacho didn't argue with Hao she just picked up the girls things and followed Hao back to camp. When they arrived at the camp site all eyes were on them. Hao just ignored them, before anyone could ask questions Hao went straight to his tent.
He laid her down on his sleeping bag. He knelled down beside her looking at her, realizing that she was cold he grabbed his poncho that Opacho hung up to dry and placed it over her. He bent down close to the ear and whispered.
"Sleep tight": Hao
He got up slowly took one last look at her and exited the tent.
It was still early the sun wasn't up yet, you felt something warm and soft lying on top of you. You weren't concerned; you slowly opened your eyes as you sat up. While your eyes were trying to adjust you noticed that you weren't outside. It looked like you were in a tent, as you looked around in surprise.
Where am I? I can't be sleeping still can I? No. How did I get here?
As you continued to wondering about what was going on. You heard footsteps outside the tent. You quickly laid back down on the sleeping bag and closed your eyes. Better to play it safe for now, gather information about where you are. The footsteps got closer and closer soon they were right in front of the tent. They slowly opened the tent and looked in. Seeing that you were still asleep they closed the tent and walked away.
When you could no longer hear the footsteps you got up looked around the tent and found your things. You quickly grabbed your things and put on our poncho or what you thought was your poncho. Quickly and silently you opened the tent looked around to find no one.
You managed to exit the camp site, moving swiftly and silently to reach a good distance in the woods. Finding your way back to the large lake where you where before. You decided to start where you left. Starting to walk down the same path you were before.
Before you could get very far, you felt a poke on your shoulder. You quickly turn around to find yourself faced with a boy about your age with brown eyes and long brown hair. You were surprised by how close he was to you which made you uncomfortable and you decided to take a step back. You just stood there staring at the boy not really sure what to say.
"You sure are an early riser": Hao
You were a little surprised by his statement.
"Yes, do you need something?"
"As a matter a fact I do if you wouldn't mind returning my poncho to me.": Hao
He was smiling at you stretching out his hands towards you. After telling you what he wanted you were still shocked not sure what to think of this.
Why does he think this is his?
"Well your poncho is still hanging up to dry in my tent. Which makes that one mine": Hao
Smiling as he points to the poncho, a little surprised that he knew about the tent you decided to take a second look at the poncho. To your surprise the poncho was a little different a bit bigger and it smelled fresh as if it had been recently washed. When you finished noticing the differences you looked back at the boy.
"Who are you and Why do you have my poncho?"
"Come ill explain on the way back to camp, I'm Hao. You are?": Hao
"I'm Star"