I feel like doing my fourth story here, since I watched this cool movie once, I think I might make it my on story of the favorite couple… if you know what I mean. So I hope you like this story better than my other three stories; enjoy.

There was a time when people believe a myth or a legend during ages and centuries; but as time past, people have disbelief in all of them. Everyone believed that demons aren't real, along with vampires and other mythological creatures. About everyone until one average woman discovered a demon in her village and it's…

Konoha Hospital…

"Konoha Hospital, please hold… Konoha Hospital, she's not available… Konoha Hospital, sorry you have the wrong number," Ino said as she's receiving calls at the front counter. Then she spotted her best friend walking with a nurse,

"So the procedure will be held next week for the trainees?" the nurse asked,

"That's right, be sure to inform the other nurses and the medical- nins," Sakura said to her.

"Will do," the nurse said then she left her as Sakura walked up to the front counter,

"Hey Forehead," Ino said,

"Hey Ino-pig, how are all the calls?" Sakura said,

"I received too many calls and I'm starved to death, I didn't get to eat breakfast this morning and my break is in two hours, and I just lost my favorite earring," Ino said as she' s a bit stressed out. Sakura looked at her and made a sweat drop, she pulled up a small smile, "I have just the solution," she said as she go through her pocket; she pull out wrapped-up triangle sandwich. She handed over to Ino, "You can have mine," Sakura said,

"But isn't that your lunch?" Ino asked,

"Yeah, but I always cut them in two, so you can have my first half," Sakura said. Then Ino took her sandwich and made a smile, "Thanks Sakura," she said, "Anytime Ino," Sakura said. Ino was listening to some music from the radio until it was over and some people in the radio station started talking.

"…so over the top forty, the Leaf ninjas at the Land of Fire were able to overcome against the Sound ninjas once again. Then there's breaking news… the serial killer has once again struck more victims last week. The Anbu Blackop's found two women at a hotel, and three prostitutes through the allies all murdered by the same serial killer who murdered other women, prostitute, even teenage girls over the pass few months.

The Anbu's couldn't find any trace from the killer though, all they know that the victims that were murdered all got sharp bite marks plunged on their necks and lost a lot of blood in them. Either this serial killer's a man, or some demon? The Anbu's are still keeping a look out for him and informing everyone in every village to stay out of allies, and keep doors and windows shut. They might not know when or where the killer is or who will be the next victim.

For all I know, no man can commit that much of a kill, only some monster, either a vampire or demon, can do that; at least that's what I know. And other news…"

Ino changed the station and turn off the radio,

"Did he say something about a vampire or demon?" Sakura asked,

"Yeah, but he should know that monsters and demons are all just some myths; they don't exist," Ino said.

"Then what about the serial killer who murdered all those women?" Sakura asked,

"I'm not completely sure about that, for all I know that whoever murdered all those women is not snooping around in our village," Ino said. Sakura was about to say something until…

"For the last time, I'm not available for volunteering for the procedure next week," they both heard a loud voice as the turned the other way and saw…

"But Ms. Karin, we hardly have any other volunteers for the procedure and we hoped that you help along with the other trainees," the nurse said.

"Yeah, like I wanted to help out, you and all people should know better than to ask me at the last second. Apparently, I already have plans, so why don't you ask someone else like some other doctor with no sense of style," Karin said to the nurse then walked away from her.

Just as she reached the front counter, she spotted Sakura there, they both stood looking at each other eye to eye, glaring.

"Sakura," Karin said with her hand on her hip,

"Karin," Sakura said with her arms folded,

"I couldn't help but hear that you're taking extra shifts this week, must be a total waste of you working all the time," Karin said.

"You can say that but I have my ways to overcome my time," Sakura said then Karin rolled her eyes, "Whatever, working overtime is just a waste of my time, that's why my boyfriend is taking me to the club," Karin said.

"Like everyone wants to know about your plans Karin," Ino said, Karin turned to her, "True, but at least I get to spend more time with my man…" she said then slowly turned back to Sakura, "For he loves me for me…" She started walking away with a smirk on her face until she was beside Sakura, "And never some woman who gets dumped," she said then she finally walked away from the counter.

Sakura stood silent for a moment, Ino can tell on the look on her face that she became sad and hurt inside. "Don't listen to what Karin said about you Sakura, we both know she's nothing more than a slut," Ino said trying to cheer her up, Sakura didn't look at her but said, "Yeah… a slut who knows how to keep her man," then she walked away from the counter. Ino just sat on her chair and watched her best friend walk away from her, all sad and hurt,

"It seems like she haven't gotten over that break up she had last month," she thought deeply and then went back to work receiving calls.

"Konoha Hospital, please hold… Konoha Hospital, she's still not available… Konoha Hospital, for the thirteenth time this is not the Cugon restaurant," she said.


Sakura finished her shifts as she walked out of the hospital, she walked through the village yet still feel sad about… what happened last month. She tried to get over her break up from her boyfriend but it hurts her inside. Sakura was on her way home, until a teenage girl appeared out of the corner, running towards her way and accidentally ran into Sakura. They both fell and hit the ground. As Sakura was getting back up, she turned to the teenager who ran into her as she has a long orange-reddish hair, freckles on her cheeks and blue eyes. As she's getting back up, Sakura saw some long grayish jacket she's wearing to cover up her very short black skirt, a sleeveless blue top; she's also wearing black high heeled boots and stockings.

"I am so sorry, I didn't mean to…" Sakura was about to help the teenage girl up until she gasped a little as she spotted some blood on the girl's hand. Then the teenager quickly got up to her feet and went back running, passed Sakura and away from the area. Sakura somehow followed her pace,

"No wait! You need medical attention," Sakura said to the teenager but she didn't answer or looked back, she kept on running. Sakura was chasing her through the village to some allies on the other side. The teenager ran around the corner through one of the allies, Sakura was on her tail,

"Why are you running away? You need help," Sakura yelled to her but the teenage girl ignored her and kept running,

"She looks scared… what is she running away from?" Sakura thought, "Stop!" she yelled to the teenager until... a shadow from above passed over. Sakura quickly looked up, yet saw nothing, "What was that?!" she thought, just as looked back to where she's running, she accidentally ran over a trashcan, and fell onto the ground. Her right hand landed on a broken glass as it gave her a cut on her palm, the teenager ran around the other corner of the ally. Sakura was getting back up and the cut on her palm started bleeding,

"You should at least watch where you're going," Inner Sakura said,

"Sorry, I was just worry about that girl, I mean did you see the look on her face when she ran into us?" Sakura thought as she quickly pulled out her handkerchief to cover up her palm from bleeding,

"You have a point, and she does have some blood on her hand… was she running away from something, or someone?"

"Maybe, but she's hurt and I need to help her before she…"

"AAAAAAAHHHHH!!" Sakura heard the teenage girl scream in terror.

She quickly ran up and reached towards the corner where the teenager ran into, as Sakura turned to the ally… she suddenly became frozen herself, and made a terrified look on her face like that teenager made earlier. Sakura stood still as she saw… the teenage girl being held by something… some monster. It has blue long wild hair, dark grayish paled skin and claws, and it held onto the teenager as it suck some blood from her neck. Sakura stood frozen as she watched that thing devouring the teenager,

"What the hell is that thing…? Some kind of demon?!" Sakura thought deeply still looking terrified. Then… the demon stopped devouring the teenager as he led his bright yellow and dark black eyes at Sakura in the open. Sakura became more terrified as the demon looked at her, and she saw it's sharp white fangs as it revealed in his mouth all covered in blood. "It…it must be that serial killer! The one who murdered all those women," Sakura thought, then the demon gave her a deathly glare and let go of the teenager, as he drop her dead body to the ground. Sakura saw the demon glare at her, it's fangs still revealing in is mouth, she started quivering in fear,

"What should I do? What should I do?" Sakura thought,

"I know what we should do! RUN!!" Inner Sakura yelled.

Then Sakura started running away from the area, now she still had that terrified look on her face as she run through the allies, not looking back. She never felt this scared for all her life, and that demon just murdered that teenage girl,

"That must be why that girl became so scared and why she's running away from me," Sakura thought,

"Well we should get out of here before it might get us," Inner Sakura said. Sakura ran through the allies and was able to fine the way out, she stop to get some air. While she was panting, she turned back to the ally to see if the demon was following her, but she doesn't see it following her,

"What was that demon anyway?" Sakura thought,

"Don't know, don't care! Let just get out of here!" Inner Sakura said. Sakura slowly turned back and was about to leave this place,… until… she gasped as she saw… the demon as it stood right in front of her.

It looked at her with it's bright yellow and dark black eyes, revealing it's white fangs in his mouth. Sakura quivers in fear even more as if she felt death has approached her, though, as Sakura took a good look at the demon, it look much like a human… a man so to speak. He looked at her as he takes few steps forward towards her, Sakura started taking few steps backward from him. He was getting close to her though she's getting away from him… until she hit a wall behind her and dropped her handkerchief. The demon/human was close to her as he stood in front of her, then he placed his hand on the wall, beside Sakura's head but touching her pink strands of hair. He moved his head closer to her face, as Sakura felt him breathing on her face, and her heart is beating fast.

The demon/human was close to her face as he smells some of her perfume but mostly the smell of her blood, then his other hand started touching her smooth face, but Sakura felt his claws as it touches her cheek then down to her lips. She wanted to escape from him but she feared that; if she runaway, he might kill, if she doesn't runaway, he still might kill her. Sakura kept still as she noticed the demon moved away from her face and went near her neck.

"Oh shit!" Sakura thought loudly as she now felt him breathing on her neck. The demon can smell the warm blood flowing in her system, then he opened his mouth revealing his white fangs, he was closing in on her neck and used his tongue to lick her skin. Sakura felt her skin crawls as the demon just licked her neck and she felt the tip of his fangs touching her neck, no doubt about he was going to bite her,

"This is it! This is the end for us!" Inner Sakura screamed, then Sakura shut her eyes, waiting for the demon to take away her life, as he did to that teenage girl. Yet… nothing happened, she still felt him breathing on her neck but couldn't feel the tip of his fangs anymore, so she slowly opened her eyes to see the demon once again… instead… she saw a man. He moved his face back to her's as he glanced at her with his onyx eyes, Sakura glanced at his handsome, but emotionless, face, as he has paled skin and black raven hair. Sakura blushed a little and couldn't speak,

"Who is he…?" she thought deeply and then the raven-haired man grabbed her right hand and led it near his face, he saw the cut on her palm as it still bleeding. Sakura still didn't say anything but watch him as he looked at her right bleeding palm, then the man led her palm near his lips as he used his tongue again to lick her blood. Sakura startled and blushed even more as the man is licking her palm, but mostly licking her blood of her cut,

"What's with this guy?!" Inner Sakura asked,

"I… don't know," Sakura thought. Then the man stopped liking her palm as he now has his mouth covered in some of her blood, he looked back at Sakura with his onyx eyes, "He look much human than some demon," Sakura thought.

"What are you saying?! We both saw what he just did to that girl back there," Inner Sakura yelled,

"Well yeah, but… I mean… how could he possibly be…" she was interrupted when…

Sakura gasped a little as she felt his lips pressed against hers, her eyes was widen as she taste the blood in her mouth. Yet, she slowly responded to the kiss, though she doesn't know if its okay to kiss some stranger… let alone a demon. Then that moment, the man pulled away from the kiss but his eyes are still closed. Sakura has some blood on her lips and doesn't know what he's doing… until… he opened his eyes as the color of onyx is now red, but eith spirals around his pupil as it started spinning. Sakura gasped as she saw his red eyes… then her eyes became pale and starting to lose her vision,

"What's happening…? Why do I feel so tired…?" she thought, she kept looking at that man's handsome, but still emotionless, face as he watched her collapsed to the ground,

"Who are you…? What are you…?" Sakura thought again, and then everything went black.

Morning through the evening…

"How is she? Is she awake yet?" Sakura heard some voices as she just heard a blonde male's voice,

"I… don't know, but I think… she going to be okay," a shy female voice,

"I doubt it, we don't know what happened to her last night," another female voice but more of a tomboy.

"Who cares about her, she should know better than to go into an ally in the first place," a careless female voice,

"It's not her fault that she went in there by herself, who knows what could have happen if she was…" the same tomboy female voice as she's became upset,

"Shh-shh! She's waking up," a calm blonde female voice. Sakura slowly opened eyes and blinked a few times, she found herself lying bed in a room surrounded by Naruto, Hinata, Tenten, Karin and Ino.

"Argh… wh… where am I?" Sakura asked as she turned to Ino as she sat on the bed,

"You're in the hospital, the Anbu's found you last night in the ally and inform that you got hurt and knocked out," Ino explained,

"W…we heard about you, and w-we rushed down here… to see you," Hinata said. Sakura slowly sat up and turned to the others, "So you all came…?" she asked and then she turned to Karin as she has her arms folded, "Even you Karin?" she asked.

"I was not voted," Karin answered as she looked away from her, Sakura was pissed after that, then Tenten approached to her,

"What were you doing in the ally last night? The Anbu's found you unconscious, and report that you got blood on your lips and a cut on your hand," Tenten said. Sakura turned and looked at her right palm where her cut is, that it's being wrapped in bandages and it's no longer bleeding.

"Did someone hurt you? Was it some thug? I'll slice and dice him," Naruto said, as he is being a bit overprotective, then Tenten came in the way,

"Hey-hey, take it easy on her, she just woke up and must be tired," she said to Naruto then turned to Sakura, "Aren't you Sakura-chan," she asked her.

"Well I am kind of dizzy, but I think I'm going to be okay," Sakura answered with a small smile,

"That's good to hear… listen, I already inform the Hokage that you might take a few days off from work," Ino said to her.

"Ino you didn't have to," Sakura said,

"But I want to Sakura, you're like a sister to me and I want to look after your safety," Ino said,

"Besides Sakura-chan, you work too much and I can hardly remember the last time you even took a day off," Naruto said.

"Well…" Sakura try to say something until Karin interfered,

"What's the point if she gets some few days off, she'll just go straight back to work since she doesn't have anything plan in her life… not like she got any left," she said. Sakura became more pissed than ever,

"I don't know why you are still here, but if you're just want to talk crap about Sakura how about you take that big-mouth of yours somewhere else," Tenten said to her straight. Karin just rolled her eyes, "Whatever, I have somewhere else to be anyway," she said then left the room.

After she left, they all turned to Sakura as she's about to get out of bed,

"I-is there anything you need…? Something to eat… maybe?" Hinata asked her,

"I'm fine, thank you," Sakura answered. Then she got out of bed, "But I wouldn't mind getting back home, since I didn't went there last night," she said,

"How about I walk you home, to keep you safe and all," Naruto said, "I would like that," Sakura said to him.

"Then I guess we better head home too, I promised Neji and Lee I'll train with them today," Tenten said,

"And I promised father… I'll be home this afternoon," Hinata said,

"I got to go also, I'm seeing Shikamaru and Choji at the buffet in an hour," Ino said as she got off the bed. Then she, Hinata and Tenten were about to leave, but they both turned to Sakura once more,

"Will be you alright?" Ino asked,

"I'll be alright Ino, not to worry," Sakura said to her.

Then she, Tenten and Hinata left the room, leaving Naruto and Sakura alone, Naruto turned to Sakura,

"Listen, I'm going to tell one of the medical-nins that I'm signing you out, so I'll be right back okay?" Naruto said to her. "Okay," Sakura said then Naruto left the room, leaving her alone, she walked towards the window and looked at the village as people and children walk by, and clouds floating in the sky.

"I haven't thought about taking some few days off, I usually I only asked for a day off whenever I'm with…" she thought as she stopped herself before her mind slip. She knows the reason why she use to take some days off… it's way before her boyfriend broke up with her. Sakura placed her right hand on her face, covering her eyes and slid down to her lips,

"Come on Sakura, you have to let it go," she thought,

"Yeah! He's not worth it! Cha!" Inner Sakura said.

"But how am I suppose to get over him? There's nothing else to think about but…" Sakura thought until she looked bandages of her palm where she had that cut from the broken glass, and that man licked it before…

"Eh?!" Sakura respond as she remembered about that demon/human last night…


…the raven-haired man grabbed her right hand and led it near his face, he saw the cut on her palm as it still bleeding. Sakura still didn't say anything but watch him as he looked at her right bleeding palm, then the man led her palm near his lips as he used his tongue again to lick her blood. Sakura startled and blushed even more as the man is licking her palm, but mostly licking her blood of her cut,

…Sakura gasped a little as she felt his lips pressed against hers, her eyes was widen as she taste the blood in her mouth.

Flashback over…

Sakura blushed as she placed her fingers on her lips where that man or demon kissed her. Then she heard…

"Have you heard about what happened to that teenage red head last night?" Sakura turned to the door as she saw two nurses walked passed her room.

"Sure have, and I also heard about that serial killer murdered three more teenagers from the other side of the village," one of the nurse said. Sakura walked up to the door and watched the nurse still walking through the hall,

"Do you think the serial killer is somewhere around the village?" the other nurse asked,

"Maybe, maybe not, the Anbu Blackops are still investigating the crime scene somewhere in the ally where that teenage red head was murdered," the nurse answered. Sakura shrugged as she remembered that teenage girl last night when that demon/human killed her back at the ally.

"Well, I just hope they find that serial killer somewhere, I wouldn't imagine what kind of monster he is murdering all those women," the other nurse said as they both went around the corner.

Sakura slowly led herself back to the room as she lean against the wall, thinking about what the nurse just said earlier,

"…I wouldn't imagine what kind of monster he is…"

After hearing the word 'monster', Sakura pictured the demon back in the ally with it's fangs are revealed with blood all over his mouth, his blue long wild hair, dark grayish paled skin and claws, and she can never forget the way he looked at her with his bright yellow and dark black eyes. Sakura clutched both her hands,

"Who was that guy and what kind of demon is he?" she thought deeply then she placed her fingers on her lips again, remembering that kiss he gave her.

"And why did him spare me?" she thought.

Village, through the allies…

Thugs and gangsters are roaming around, causing nothing but trouble; gambling, fighting, stealing and other bad habits. Then a tall man appeared, with black raven hair and onyx eyes, walking through the ally with his hands in his pockets. As he walked passed some thugs and gangsters, they all saw him as they made a mean, nasty look on their faces. Some of them made an evil smirk on their face as they pulled out their pocketknives and daggers. Just when the raven-haired man was about to leave the ally, one of the thugs stood in his way,

"And just where do you think you're going, bub?" the male thug said as the other thugs surrounded the man, "You're not thinking about leaving without paying the price, aren't you?" the thug said as he pulled out his pocketknife at him. The raven-haired man didn't show any fear as he looked at the thug,

"I don't have time to deal with you pathetic weaklings," he said to them, which made the thug felt pissed along with the others around him.

"Oh, a wise guy ah! Well let see how you can handle this!" the thug said as he charge him, the others charged the raven-haired man at the same time. The man stood in the center as they're coming at him, and then… his onyx eyes changed to red with black spirals again and…


All the thugs and gangsters are defeated… and dead, all their bodies are all over the ground as the raven-haired man stood among them while holding onto the pocketknife as it's all covered in blood.

"Like I said, I don't have time to deal with you pathetic weaklings," he said as started walking away, passed every corpses and dropped the pocketknife to the ground, he still have the red eyes as he finally walked out of the ally as if nothing ever happens.

To be continued...

It took me a while, but I hope you like it; if not, I'll understand. Though there are so many readers I wish to thank for their support of my other stories (I'll try to update them as well very soon; the only reason I wrote this because it came to me in a dream and I feel like updating this to you reader, if you know what I mean.) So I would like to thank;

cherryblossom279, CrUsHeD CaNdY kIsSeS, Daughter of Unending Darkness, deedee2034, firelily002, FlameIceLightning8828, Iacka Elric, Inuyashasmistress25, kinara-chan, Kurenai Uchimaki Hime, lisam1222, MaybelleTheRAWRDragon, nightslashcheetor, Not Dead Nor Alive, sakuraharuno-cherryblossom, SammyFace, SasuSakusXCrimsonAngel, shadow-dog18, xX Lil' Anime Witch Xx, xXFallenSakuraXx, xxforbiddenlove07xx, xXxfallenxsakuraxXx, harunosakua.

See you all later and review to me please and thank you!