"Of course they would put them in the farthest wing of the manor!" Ayato snapped, finally stopping in front of three locked doors. The boys spent at least twenty minutes locating the rooms, and were thoroughly annoyed once they found them- three large locks decorated the doors. Kanato's frown couldn't have been any deeper as he took in the lock that shielded the door. The very door that hid his lover from him, he could smell the faintest scent of Lila from the other side and it absolutely drove him mad. Hunger had never been so insatiable for the lavander haired male. He could practically feel his fangs pulsing, begging to bite into the soft tender flesh of his fiance, of his bride-to-be. Ayato's impatience quickly incited a spark of excitement within Kanato's core as he watched his older twin viscoulsy tear down the lock to Lisa's quarter. Kanato eagerly tore down Lila's lock in pursuit before shifting into the dark room.

Before the door even got a chance to fully close, Kanato was already encased in ecstacy. Lila's scent draped the room like a warm, tenting blanket of desperation and danger. The teddy bear that Kanato so carefully cherished had fallen to the floor without a seond though. If it could, his undead heart would have been pounding nearly painfully against his ribs as he took in the beautifully enchanting sight of his lover, his bride...his prey.

The giggle that sounded from his being was that of feigned innocence, one a sociopath would make right before he was to deliver the final blow.

The very noise scent a shiver down the pink haired triplet's spine. Her eyes glistening with long ago shedded tears, her teeth clamped together as she bit back a mix between a groan and a whimper. The pain she felt was unbearable. Her pink hair was matted to her features, her formerly pale cheeks were a steamy red, as though liquid fire had been injected just beneath the surface of her skin. The heat that eminated from her being was just plain and simply horryfying. Her fingernails were claws, embedding themselves deeply into the bed's mattressing, tugging and tearing away easily at the soft plush that absorbed her body heat more than it ventalated it. All she wore were a pair of thinly laced panties that did nothing to hide a modest woman. The thinnest layering of material drapped her fragile body, shielding her from anyones eyes.

Her mind raced, recognizing Kanato's familiar giggle, and in the deepest bits of her subconscience, she questioned whether it was out of fear or delight. Unlike her sisters, Lila's inner reaction to Kanato was a bit more hostile, guarded, and aware. Although she was beggining to grow accustomed to Kanato's fragile emotional state, she was only capable to handle the smallest tantrums without the use of her powers, however when he would go on a tangent- it nearly drained her to simply cease his shouts. Now, at her weakest stage, it was purely instinctual that she reacted so negatively...that's not to say she hasn't missed him.

Confilction was somethig she endured daily when it came down to her lover, he was a ball of unbridled raw emotions that could knock any empath down their highhorse, but she cared for him too deeply. And as an empath, Lila can't hide from her own emotions, the care she felt for this lavender haired boy was strong, fierce. She greatly detested to see him cry, his emotions were always pure and sincere, he couldn't control, nor did he understand, his emotions enough to fake them. The sight of Kanato crying appalled her at times, she desperately wanted to see him smile, but not at the expense of herself or others- which is where the confliction ignites. Kanato is a sadist, Lila doesn't approve of violence; he is only happy when someone is hurt, she is only happy when someone is healed.

The instinct of selfprotection seemed to grow with each tantalizing step he took towards her, but her golden eyes were screwed shut, head turned to another direction, the shackles around her ankles were still locked, but she had been in too much pain to remove them- she doesn't even remember freeing her wrists.


Golden eyes snapped open in mild shock, had she been in the right state of mind, her reacton would have been nearly comical, because instead of being attacked like she had been mentally preparing for, Kanato's voice sounded softly, with a slight crack. She turned to him instantly, her eyes half lidded, mouth ajar slightly- ready to respond.

But the words fell from her lips as soft pale ones pressed against her plump red ones. The feeling sent a burst of cold, frosty freshness to course across the heat of her face. It felt like opening the freezer after runnig a mile, or the first breeze of cool wintr air after a long torturous summer. Having forgotten just how comforting his icey cold body temperature was, her nails detached from the matress and clung to the fabric of his jacket as her arms encased him instantenously. Her chest pushed up against his own, the neko shivered feeling the frost of his bite nipping through the blanket's thin fabric and cool her down.

"Ka na to"

Her voice was breathless as she pulled away, tears streaming down her face before her head nestled into the crook of his neck. Her body arched against his own, Kanato's slender finger gripping the sides of Lila's well rounded hips tightly. Her body heat surprised him, never had she been so hot, there were times when she would complain, tearing up slighty from being so hot, there were times when he would tease her and didn't allow her to touch him or made her wear a sweater because she had decided to wear more revealing clothing.

That stopped when Lila had fainted while walking down the stairs at school. Kanato found the situation hilarious until she didn't get up, he had gotten mad and stomped off angrily, believing she had ruined his fun. When he returned after a couple of class periods to see if she was ready to "apologize" he had found her sitting on the last step with the sleeve of her jacket pressed against her neck as she slept through the obvious pain. She had been bitten in her vulnerable state and was too weak to find help, her body temperture had been too hot for the blood to clot properly and Lila ultimately passed out due to bloodloss...he wasn't able to hear her pulse.

It was the first time Kanato had ever felt bad for something he'd done. He had gotten angry at her, of course, and swore up and down the second she was stablized, but from that point on he fears that when he goes to sleep she won't wake up. He is unaware that it is fear that he feels, but the way his stomach drops whenever she closes her eyes is a sign enough that he was somehow effected by the situation.

Lila gasped feeling the slender fingers of his hand appear in the nest of her hair and tug at it in a painfully tight grip as he carefully placed each knee one both sides of her waist. Her breath hitched as her head was forcefully craned backwards, revealing her bare neck that was littered with tiny red scratches and the faintest puncture marks on the left side of her neck, it was healing, but the process was slower than usual. Violently, he pushed her back onto the mattress, the hand that was in her hair now thumbing the mark on her neck.

"I'll find who defiled my precious doll and burn him alive, he'll end up just like mother!"

Kanato's sick laughter filled the room, his eyes tearing up from how hard he was laughing, but Lila simply closed her eyes. She was ashamed to say that she missed him. Her small delicate fingers pressed against both sides of Kanato's cheeks, softly gliding the tips against his porcelain features. His grip slackened out of shock, his laughter ceasing instantly and his features dulled. Once again, his emotions were completely shrouded and Lila was left in the dark. Her golden eyes met his dull lavender ones, but she simply smiled. In a swift movement, her arms were wrapped around his torso and her head was nestled into his chest as she purred contently, in a twisted sense, she was comforted by his threat.

"I have missed, I wanted to see you, but Ana wouldn't let me, I've really missed you, Kanato-kun"

Kanato's seemingly angry façade faltered at Lila's words, pleased by the sincerity and unknowingly relieved by the revelation. Kanato's hand patted down Lila messy tresses before gently pushing the pinkette down into the bed.

"Good girl, you're not as pathetic as the others after all"

Lila laughed at his words, feeling happy to spend such time with her lover. Her laughter was pure, innocent, it was something that makes you want to hear more of it. Kanato felt the corner of his lips twitch as he heard her musical laughter, however it was short lived when her laughter was traded in for a cry of pain. Kanato's eyes widened when Lila doubled over, her hands dropping from his face to cradle her stomach as tears feel from her eyes. Her chest heaved as another uterus crushing shock ran through her being, her body shaking as she tried to ride through the pain.

Her body was is pure pain, until she felt a pair of hands apply pressure just below her naval and begin to massage the source of her pain. Her breathes came out in soft hitches, but she didn't cry as Kanato aided his lover through the pain.

"Stupid woman, I don't see how crying will solve anything"

His harsh words fell in deaf ears. Lila's golden eyes fluttered closed tiredly as Kanato continued to help her. Lila never truly felt the need to mate since she held less characteristics of a neko, hence why she mostly felt pain. While Lisa and Layla are mainly consumed with uncomfortable want, Lila deals with unbearable pain. Which was why Kanato and her didn't necessarily feel the need to do anything more.

Noticing her silence Kanato realized Lila's exhaustion. The bags under her eyes, her reddish pale features, her lagging movements. Removing the thin blanket from her body, Kanato rested his head on the mounds of her chest, enjoying the heat the radiated oft the soft flesh. He could feel how her body heat gradually declined. From time to time Lila would shuffle in pain, only to be forced back to sleep as Kanato took care of his lover. Pressing a soft sensual kiss to Lila's lips, Kanato momentarily allowed himself to rest with his fiance.

The two redheads waited impatiently for the second triplet to exit the room.

"Oi! Kanato! If Ore-sama has to drag you out th room, I'll do it!"

"Fu~ Kanato-kun, you're gonna get us caught if you don't come out...fine, if you won't come out, then we'll come in~"

Without further warning, the two redheads barged into Lila's room only to find Teddy staring at them. The long forgotten bear now sitting up without any support, staring them down hauntingly. The duo, however, simply ignore the brown one eyed bear and sauntered to Lila's bed, only to blink at what the found. A sleeping Kanato unconsciously massaging the right side of Lila's stomach, just below the naval, Lila's pain filled face gradually diminishing with each passing second until a small smile graced her features.

"Fu~ How cute~ They didn't even have fun!"

"Oi, Lila's breasts are almost as big as my Chichi's!"

Kanato had never woken up angrier in his life.