Reviews for If I Catch You a Third Time
Rosebud on Royal Icing chapter 1 . 5/25/2018
I don’t know why I never left a review to this awesome story...I love it soooo damn much! It is incredibly sexy and well written. Hiei’s male dominant nature is very attractive and Mera’s defiance is also great. They make a wonderful pair. I so wanna read more about them...
Rosebud on Royal Icing chapter 1 . 5/25/2018
I don’t know why I never left a review to this awesome story...I love it soooo damn much! It is incredibly sexy and well written. Hiei’s male dominant nature is very attractive and Mera’s defiance is also great. They make a wonderful pair. I so wanna read more about them...
NumbKid chapter 1 . 1/10/2018
Not gonna lie. This was real hot! Hiei being a primal dominant was so sexy.

I've been searching for a well-written Hiei lemon & I found it!
wasH2SO4 chapter 1 . 1/2/2018
Holy shit. I'm a married woman and that still made me blush. xD I'm glad it turned out that they actually knew each other in the end, though. Very good smut. A :P
Haunting Willow chapter 1 . 7/5/2017
oh, my, god...
I will admit, reading this kinda turned me on. . I LOVE when a man is dominate and I LOVE when I read about Hiei being dominate. unf. xD
cathern.cain chapter 1 . 12/19/2016
I think following this up with Keiko's mating with Yuske would be a fantastic addition.
SomeRandyLurker chapter 1 . 7/7/2015
Omg. This fic...was so hot. You have NOTHING to be embarrassed abut.
None Need Say chapter 1 . 6/4/2015
Loved it!
Please do one for Yusuke/Keiko .I listened to the first 18 min of Kenji Kawai's (Ghost In The Shell OST) symphony while reading this and figured it would be a good instramental match up for Yusuke and Kieko if you ever do one for them. I imagine it may have to be a bit rough for the two of them since Yusuke/Kieko already have such a close intimate guessing a spranged anckle and a few broken ribs on Kiekos part may be nessisaty to break down there partnership enough to set in motion a rebiuld in which Yusuke makes himself her dominant in the violent and sensual demonic mating ritual. By the end of course Im sure she will prove herself a hard one mate for him even though she is human (nobody ever said she couldnt take self defence classes).When its over I bet he'll even propose to her in a proper human fashon even after she trys to come at him with a pocket knife. Also nice job setting this in an abandoned church. Where will Yusuke take Kieko, Makai perhaps? Whaterve you deside please update soon!{And so the demon prince of Makia lays claim to his divine and earthly goddess,through carnage and bood, beyond demonism and humanity their immortal souls are bound together for all eternity.}
K:"Ha- look at me Yusuke, I mean really look, if all you see is some pathetic lump of flesh you're wrong!"(Bloody she stands shakily to her feet, peering at him through bright brown defiant eyes,the last ounces of her strength leaving her as she trembles preparing to launch one last attack with her short knife against the man-no the demon who dared attack her. Like a kitten backed into a corner she bares her claws one last time against this preditory intruder who believes himself to be her superieor her defialer,her salvation and breathes deaply past the pain of her broken ribs to speak one last bit of scathing truth to this once beloved beast before her.) K:" What I have in me will burn you like flames it will consume you like the blackest darkness and will reshape you completely as though it where absolute divinity itself! In this fragile shell of a body rests my heart that houses my soul and within it rests all my pure kami given love. A love which you, you smug son of a bitch are no longer worthy of! So if you think you can just take it, why dont you come over here and try,then we'll see what happens! (He watched and listened amusedly as she went on with her long shpeel of noncence. He took one last long drag from his crumpled cigarrett that rested between his bloody claws and slowly exhailed the deliciously poisinous vapors as he tilted his head back and passivley watched the stary sky above them before cutting his dangerously sharp blood red eyes at the woman now prey before him as she moved only slightly to ready herself for what was to come. He smiled wickdly tillting his head to the side tendrills of long hair falling all about his sholders as a quiet laugh escaeped his lips as he stared longingly at the damaged and defiantwoman before him. He could smell her rich blood, the scent of sweat and fear, the look of utter hatred and superiority she now gave him all heady and potent in the humid night air ony serving to fuel his aching desires that pooled low in the pit of hs belly. It was now tie to make her his, to make her understand what he'd been feeling for so long. He moved taking slow deliberate movments tward herripping off his clothes and undergarments flinging thm away with hs bare feet standind proud and throbingly erect in all his lithe sensuouse nudity inwardly smiling at all the wonderful fantasys that played at the edges of his hungry consionce}
Y:"Oh- yes my little Kieko whatever you say".
In one quick movment he lunged for her fangs bared growling feroshosly as a single fearfull and angry cry ecaped into the blackness of night. A single short knife glinting sadly and forgotten in the moonlight.
NenetN chapter 1 . 2/5/2015
Omg I lobe this ! So sexy , more me tax nisi please XD
jensenkent chapter 1 . 12/27/2014
Shadowed Replica chapter 1 . 8/2/2014
Loved it. Kinda confused at first but then hell yeah
Lestatsgirl15 chapter 1 . 7/6/2014
I liked it. So how does mera know keiko?
SexyCtarlCtarl chapter 1 . 5/30/2014
I really loved this. I would like to see a continuation or a sequel. Maybe a little explanation on why Hiei set his eyes on Mera. I would love to read about Kurama in heat. ;-)
clutzycutie chapter 1 . 5/10/2014
wait wait wait...this is your first smut fic? lady you have TALENT.
Lehra Star chapter 1 . 5/3/2014
This was beautifully written. What a wonderful gem I have found in a sea of grotesque filth. I loved it! I can't wait ti read more! I am incredibly excited!
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