Author has written 15 stories for Twilight, Maximum Ride, Doctor Who, Inception, and Percy Jackson and the Olympians. 7/11/12 -- I think for the most part I've resigned from Most of my stories, I'm sorry to say, won't be finished. I'm currently debating deleting my profile, and thus my stories, since I'm not here much or leaving my writing up. When I reach a decision, I'll post it here. Hi or bonjour or... anywho, I'm Jasper winked. School has been really crazy lately, so posting has slowed down more than quite a bit. I'm writing whenever I can though, and hopefully I can post something soon. I like laughter. Laugh crazily, and everything just seems better. And I honestly can't think of what else to put on here. Right now I do mainly Doctor Who fics, and have about a million unfinished plots to some other stories on my computer--sorry to say, most of them will probably never be put up here. Who knows?--I don't. Though the movie Inception has captured my attention, and I've written a one shot about it, since the ideas just won't leave my head. Jasper winked, or Sarah My Twilight fics: Frankly, I don't think I'll be continuing my Twilight stories anytime soon. I've lost interest in the books (they seemed better when I was younger.) And with no interest in the books, I can't find interest for my fics. I think honestly if I were to read a few chapters of those fics now, I'd cringe. However, right now, I won't be taking them down. I really appreciate the time everyone took to read and review them, and I never thought they'd receive the kind of reception they got. My Doctor Who fics: More of my more recent DW fics can be found on my livejournal. If you want to know my account, please message me. |