Ok this story is a sequel to Losing You. Sorry its taken me so long but I have been drawing a complete blank on what to write. I was gunna put this story up as a whole but have no idea where I am going with it so thought id do it bit by bit.
If you have anything to say, anything at all, would love to hear from you. You want it to go a particular way or have any questions/suggestion just click that little review button at the bottom and I will love you for ever :p
This story swaps the main focus characters around a bit, the main two are Jack and eventually Rose, but with a little of Mickey in there as well.
Disclaimer: you know what it means
The dull thumping in his head and the strangers hand draped over his stomach told him that he hadn't yet broken the bad repetitious cycle he had been in for the past several months. He sighed heavily with the effort to open his eyes against the offensive light. Blinking several times before the coloured blurs began to take shape.
Slowly looking back he found that it was a humanoid male, possibly late twenties, soft features, definitely not the worst he's woken up to, but that was the problem. He looked too much like the man he was trying to push from his memory.
Slipping out from the strangers possessive hold, he changed and left before he could wake. He knew he was a bastard for doing it, but he got a strange satisfaction from knowing the man would hate him more for his course of action. He deserved to be hated and nothing more after all he had done. All he had let happen.
As he's walking the streets of an alien planet…he doesn't know which, nor the time-zone, but it doesn't really bother him, a faint beeping comes from the vicinity of his sleeve.
He pulls pack the sleeve of his great coat and glares at the offending vortex-manipulator. Nothing good had ever come from him receiving a message through the vortex manipulator. But after realizing he had nothing left to loose, he pressed a few buttons and held it out in front of him as a holographic image crackled to life.
"Aha!" a familiar man cheered in triumph as he realized he was recording. "God your a hard man to get hold of Captain Flash. Even when I find my own bloody wrist thing." Mickey the idiot chided as he sat back in what Jack assumed was a chair. "Anyway. Stuffs happened here and we need someone with knowledge of time and voids and such. It's a possible, 'universe will explode unless you get your ass here and help us pronto'" he continued, decided to use air quotations for the last statement.
Jacks expression fell slightly. As much as he wouldn't admit it, Mickey Smith was a rather intelligent person. Ok not as intelligent as himself or the doctor say, but he had grown to be able to deal and work out most if not all problems sent his way. Also if they needed someone with a working knowledge of time and space, why not call the doctor himself. Something about Mickey was all wrong. Was he holding something back? Was this a façade? And if so, who was it meant to be fooling?
Mickey sighed and looked away from the camera. "Look, I know you don't like coming here. And you know I wouldn't ask unless it was important." Jack started as the holographic Mickey seemed to look back up at him, his dark eyes locking onto Jacks. Full of fear, but not the type of fear you get from facing a terrifying enemy. But fear of loss, a fear Jack had lived through enough not to want his friends to experience the same. A fear that came hand in hand with sorrow and pain.
Jacks arm was still held out in front of him even through the image of Mickey had long since faded. Could it be Martha? One of the extreme few visits to earth had been to attend hers and Mickey's wedding and even then he had stayed the bare minimum to be polite.
He was then faced with the dilemma of which was worse. Going back to that god-forsaken planet and not being able to help. Or to just continue as he was, always wondering, but never facing the possible realities. The decision was a lot harder than it should have been. But he couldn't just abandon them, especially after the amount of trouble they had obviously gone to to reach him. He must ask Mickey how he had managed that after he had done what he needed to.
Reluctantly punching in a few keys to take him to the location and rough time of Mickey's message he hesitated before initiating the sequence, wondering what would be awaiting him when he got there.
Ok, that was just a little prologue but chap 1 will be up later today. But still review, more reviews gives me more inspiration and incentive to write :P
Am doing this to try and improve my writing quality so all con crit is welcome