A/N: Welcome to my first Alice in Wonderland fic!

So my explanation for this? Well, lately I have been remarkably unmotivated and uninspired to write, but after I saw this film a couple of days ago, I think I might have just found the inspiration I needed. I am a huge fan of Tim Burton, and I love what he did with this story, especially concerning the relationship between the Hatter and Alice. This specific idea popped up after reading many fanfics with Alice coming back to Underland and reuniting with the Hatter, and I thought to myself – what if Alice didn't come back? Or, more specifically, died before she could? And this is where this story came from. Don't worry, this chapter is not a one-shot – there is a story for Alice even after she dies. It'll make sense as the story goes along!

This is also my first attempt at a multi-chaptered in fic in…like…ever. So even though I am now again inspired, let's see if I can keep my motivation up!

Please comment, rate and enjoy!

Tic. Tok.

Tic. Tok.

Breathe. In. Breathe. Out.

Why is this so hard?

Hhhhhard. H-Hare. Ha…Hat. Hatter.

Mad Hatter. My Hatter…

"Doctor, what are we to do? She's been raving on and off like this for hours."

Raving. R-a-v-i-n-g…Rrrrr…raven. Ri…Wri…Writingdesk. How is a raven?...

"It's the fever, Mrs. Kingsley. It's to be expected, I'm afraid."

Fever. Feather. Fie. My. My…

"I'm sorry. The most you can do now is remain with her and comfort her in her final hours. She doesn't have much longer."



I'm dying?

"Oh my Alice…my sweet, sweet Alice…"

Alice could feel her head being cradled in her mother's arms that shook with uncontrollable sobs. Alice had always hated it when her mother cried. Mrs. Kingsley was normally so sure and strong around Alice and her sister. The last time she remembered her mother crying was after her father had died. Alice had stayed up with her mother every night after the funeral, the typical Victorian ideals of acting poised and unmoving at all times washed away with their sorrow, as they cried together and comforted each other. Every tear her mother shed was so unnerving and heartbreaking, it felt like a dagger in Alice's stomach. Alice desperately wanted to open her eyes and tell her mother everything was going to be alright. But she couldn't. She couldn't open her eyes. She couldn't wake up. Why couldn't she wake up?

"Please don't be upset mother. S-she wouldn't have wanted us to be upset." Alice could hear the strain in Margaret's voice as she tried to stifle her own sobs. Oh, her dear sister. How Alice wanted to embrace her and kiss her cheek one last time. How she wanted to tell her absolutely everything she had done those months ago, everything she had discovered. She would have taken Margaret with her, if she had wanted. She would have loved Underland so very much.


She wasn't going back to Underland.

She would never go back to Underland.

Suddenly, Alice felt a sharp tremor run through her body as this realization flooded her with dread and horror. Her previously muddled mind was cruelly shaken back into sense in an instant, her reality finally overwhelming her. This was no dream – this was a nightmare. A terrible, all too true nightmare. She began to moan wretchedly and thrash against her mother's arms weakly, desperately trying to free herself from the nightmare's deadly grip.

"Alice, what's wrong?" asked Mrs. Kingsley, concern mixing with the sorrow in her voice. She wrapped her arms around Alice even tighter as Alice pitifully continued to resist, like a prisoner struggling against the binds of some horrible monster. Mrs. Kingsley placed a hand on Alice's forehead, trying to calm her. "Alice, it's me. Alice, everything is alright."

I can't leave. I can't die yet. Please. I made a promise.

I promised him…I…I promised him…

"Alice, who did you promise? Please Alice, talk to me!"

I'm not ready to go. I have to stay. Please. Please, don't take me yet. I told him I'd be back…I promised him…

"Margaret, run and fetch back the doctor! Quickly!"

Don't make me go! Mother, don't let them take me! Please mother, please!

"Shhh, stop screaming Alice. I'm here! I'm here. Everything is going to be alright."

Alice could feel herself slipping. She suddenly stopped struggling and instead grasped her mother's arms, desperate not to let go, but she couldn't keep her grip. She felt all around her, frantic for something left from her world to hold onto, but found nothing. She couldn't hold on to her mother much longer.

"Alice, can you hear me?"

She couldn't. The sound of her mother's voice was nothing more but a fraction of an echo in Alice's mind, before it started to disappear along with the rest of the world around her.

Please, Alice whimpered pleadingly into the void, I can't leave…

But her protests did nothing to help her. She was beyond all help or control now. She began to fall. Down down down. Nothing to see, nothing to feel, nothing to think. Falling and fading. Into oblivion she went.

Then, out of the darkness, a hint of light emerged. Before her, Alice could see the glittering of two emerald eyes. Those gleaming eyes she knew so well, those eyes that had become her entire world. They silently pleaded with her, urged her to follow them back. Alice tried to run towards them, her arms outstretched towards her last chance. But she couldn't – she was falling too quickly. She couldn't keep up with them. Then they disappeared, and Alice was alone.

I promised him.

Her final though wavered in the empty air for a second before evaporating with the shadows. She breathed her last breath, miserably surrendering to the never-ending fall through death's rabbit hole.

Then there was nothing. Not even a tic to keep her heart in time.

Only someone left behind to keep it for her.