"I'm sorry Jacob but I didn't see your hand up", Ms Bennet chided her young student for his loud and, as usual, totally irrelevant comment, right in the middle of class discussion.
"Sorry, Ms B", Jacob muttered, ignoring the snickers from his school mates. Ms Bennet was the only teacher who Jacob had ever apologised to. She understood the pressures of being young, all the students felt that. She was the youngest teacher at Benedict High and by far the coolest. Plus she's hot, Jacob thought, leaning back in his chair and eyeing his teacher casually, as all the young males students did.
Elizabeth Bennet was definitely a good looking woman. She was rather short but her personality and looks made people immediately notice her. Today, she was dressed in a flowery dress, given the summer heat. Her curly, chestnut hair fell loosely around her shoulders and you couldn't miss those dark, almost black, expressive eyes.
Elizabeth looked up at the class and grinned. Most of the class couldn't help but grin back. Only in the first term of her second year at Benedict, Elizabeth had made a great impression on the students in Year 11 Literature. She knew that the students felt really quite comfortable around her, probably due to her youth. She was grateful for this in a class like Literature- she had some of the best, unguarded discussions with these kids.
"Okay, I know it's really hot today and first term holidays are coming up," Elizabeth smiled slightly as her speech was interrupted by loud whooping and the usual peel of excited laughter, "but your Progress Interviews are coming up even quicker so don't fall into holiday mode just yet." The rest of this sentence was followed by groans and protests.
"Ms B," Jacob called, "Seriously, why are they necessary?"
Elizabeth laughed along with the class. Of all people to ask the question, Jacob Cayce was the most distracted kid in this class. "Year 11 is a vital year. You should begin to seriously consider your life after school, found out what it is you want to achieve. Your parents, and guardians," Elizabeth quickly amended the speech, conscious of some students' painful history, "are a huge part of this process. I'm sure they'd like to know how you're doing. Anyway Jacob, your mother already rang; I'll definitely be seeing the two of you on Tuesday. Can't wait."
Elizabeth grinned as Jacob scowled at the table, more laughter ensuing from the rest of the class.
A hand slowly crept into the air.
"Yes Georgiana? Last question before the bell", Elizabeth added to her students, who immediately began to pack up their books.
"Um, I was just wondering if my time sheet was filled out already?" The young girl asked quietly. Lizzy quickly checked her records.
"Yep, looks like I'll be seeing you and your brother at seven." Georgie nodded and quickly packed her things as the bell trilled loudly. Lizzy watched the young girl carefully.
Georgiana Darcy had been a loud, active girl when Lizzy had first met her in Year 10 English. After the death of her parents during the second semester, Georgiana had been completely different- so shy and timid. Lizzy sighed as the class emptied out, watching Georgiana silently follow a gaggle of girls out of the classroom.
Lizzy made a mental note to specially discuss Georgiana's progress with her brother as she too, exited the class for lunch.
Elizabeth returned from work to find her tiny townhouse already jam packed with visitors. Charlotte Lucas, Lizzy's housemate and best friend, had obviously beaten her home again. 'Lucky she had such a cool boss,' Lizzy thought with a pang of jealousy, as she struggled to the door with a mountain of papers to correct. Charlotte worked as a children's photographer, driving out to various schools and shopping centres right around Melbourne.
Charlotte was in the kitchen, cooking dinner and singing Anberlin lyrics at the top of her lungs, iPod plugged in. Lizzy unloaded the papers on the dining table and waved her hands manically to get Charlotte's attention.
"Hey! Beat ya again huh?" Char yanked out the iPod and grinned, "Everyone's in the T.V room. They're all staying for dinner."
"Sweet," Lizzy grinned and faced the T.V. room, "and it is Pete's turn to do the dishes?" She asked, loudly.
Her and Char cracked up when they heard a panicky "No!" drifting through from the adjoining room.
Lizzy picked up a banana and strolled into the room to witness a familiar sight. Peter Lucas, Charlotte's younger brother, was concentrating on the television, halfway through an epic tennis battle on Wii Sports. For a young guy, Lizzy had to hand it to him that he was very handsome. He was tall and lean, and had identical features as Charlotte- wild raven coloured hair and strikingly green eyes. Pete was in his first year of uni, and often hung out at Lizzy and Char's, rather than at home with Mr and Mrs Lucas.
Jane and Mary, Lizzy's two sisters, who were also frequent visitors at 'The Shack', as Char affectionately called home, were lounging on the sofas, Mary watching Pete's performance while Jane was flicking through a magazine indifferently.
Both girls welcomed their sister warmly, as Lizzy flopped on the sofa next to Mary. Pete's eyes were glued to the television, his arms flaying about. "Can't do the dishes today… tennis elbow". He said immediately, grinning.
Lizzy loved this time to spend with her sisters. Although she had moved out straight after she scored the job at Benedict High, she still missed her sisters immensely. Obviously this feeling was mutual, as Jane and Mary spent majority of their free time at The Shack too.
Mary, who was finishing up her final year at high school, loved to relax at Lizzy's rather than return home. After all, their mother wasn't the easiest person to live with, Lizzy thought with a frown. Mary was an intelligent girl. She knew that she wanted to get into Occupational Therapy in uni, and was working hard to make that goal a reality.
Mary was the tallest sister of the three Bennet girls. She, like Lizzy, had curly chestnut hair; however hers was cropped short around her delicate face. She had a very pretty and pleasant face, a perfect reflection of her kind and gentle personality. Lizzy, being the 'Fiery Bennet', as Char's dad had once said, once harboured a real instinct to protect Mary. But Mary had grown into such a capable lady that Lizzy often forgot that Mary was her kid sister, not her friend.
Jane Bennet was another story though. Lizzy looked across to the other sofa where her older sister was now watching Peter's match too, a relaxed, almost dreamy look on her face. Unlike Mary and Lizzy, Jane's features were evidently drawn from their father. She had comparably lighter brown hair which hung in soft waves down her back. Her eyes were also different, a noticeable dark brown shade, filled with just as much expression as her sisters.
Although Jane was older than Lizzy by one year, she was still living with their parents, anxious to finish her Masters this year and pass well. She was probably more stressed than Mary this year, Lizzy thought. Jane also tended to drift over to Lizzy's frequently, the pressure from home sometimes even suffocating her patience.
More than Mary, Lizzy still managed to feel the need to protect her older sister. Lizzy knew that she often underestimated Jane but Jane just seemed too polite and innocent that Lizzy simply couldn't picture her sister as an independent and strong character.
"How was work today Liz?" Mary asked, nudging Lizzy, who found herself daydreaming, her banana still uneaten in her hand.
"Not too bad actually but it was so hot today! Most of the kids really couldn't be bothered." Lizzy sighed, fanning herself with her hand.
"Can you blame 'em?" Pete replied cheekily; the tennis was over and he began to flex out his muscles. "Oops, sorry Mary, not very encouraging for ya, huh?"
Mary grinned, her face immediately becoming flushed. Jane and Lizzy exchanged a quick smile and looked away.
"Want to play?" Pete held out the controller to Mary. She immediately became flustered, and began to make an excuse.
"Sure she does!" Lizzy said, attempting to be casual while Jane rolled her eyes to no one.
"Mary, you really need the practice for the next Wii night. No offence darling but… you suck!"
Lizzy ducked from Mary's swipe and, still chuckling, headed out once again into the kitchen.
"Smells great Char!" Lizzy sniffed at the pot appreciatively, where the chicken was sizzling.
"Thanks hun, leave your papers on the dinner table okay? We can eat in front of the T.V." Char said, as Jane also padded into the kitchen.
"Well that's interesting." She said quietly, pointing behind her where laughter drifted from the television room.
"Oh God, is he behaving?" Charlotte and her brother were so funny together. She was very 'mother hen' towards him but they were incredibly close. Jane laughed and nodded, pulling a stack of plates from the cupboard. The three girls quickly served up the tortillas and went into the television room.
Dinner was a quick affair that night. The food was delicious and they watched reruns of Frasier while they ate.
"Oh man, my tummy hurts from laughing!" Lizzy said cheerfully, patting her stomach. Everyone murmured their agreement before Lizzy's mobile began ringing loudly, startling everyone.
Lizzy quickly checked her caller ID and smiled, flicking open her phone.
"Hey dad! How are you?" She could hear her father's soft chuckle at her eager voice. Lizzy had always had a wonderful relationship with Tom Bennet. He, like herself, was a student of literature, and the two of them could discuss books for hours.
Elizabeth had been feeling guilty all week. She hadn't been to visit her parents in a while and she really did miss her dad. Her mother, on the other hand…
"I'm great kiddo, just wanted to check if you're alive, that's all." Lizzy cringed.
"Yeah, sorry dad. Work's just really hectic at the moment. I feel so drained all the time!" Lizzy said, avoiding the main reason for not visiting.
She knew it pained her father to see his children unable to stand their mother. Lizzy's relationship to Frannie Bennet was particularly strained. Fran still hadn't forgiven Lizzy for moving out of home. She didn't see the necessity of Lizzy's move, particularly as the new move did not include a husband and pram.
Frannie Bennet had some strange and deluded goals for her three daughters. At present, none of them appeared to be the slightest bit interested in ceasing their studies and searching for their perfect man.
Lizzy quickly pushed these thoughts out of her mind, a regular practice, and settled into a very long and welcome conversation with her father.