Author has written 12 stories for Yu Yu Hakusho, Pokémon, and Gakuen Alice. Hola, welcome to my fanfiction space. Oviously, I'm a writer, and so I am ultimately proud to say that I am . . . OFFICIALLY PUBLISHED! That is correct, my novel The Unspeakables is now available at . (insert shameless marketing ;D): Now if you're an aspiring novelist, or you think you may one day want to get a book published, go here: * The above link is my website. Unfortunately, I haven't posted in basically forever. But there are still some gems for the taking, if you're ready to sponge up any possibly useful information available. If you're not interested in my personal thoughts, I suggest you try , and . Both have been on the 101 Best Websites for Writers list. A sampling of my favorite quotes: "As long as nobody's dead, it just means it's a bad day." --My friend Katie. Though she got it from some movie... "Cole is something you get on Christmas if you've been a naughty salamander."--Tobuscus "Just kill them with your awesome!"--Also Tobuscus "Hello once again for the first time, audience."--Tobuscus (Have you realized I'm a Buscus fan yet?) Now if you want something to REALLY laugh at, click here: http:///brain.cgi?TickleMeZombie My Favorite pairings that should or will happen(in my opinion, I have vowed to respect and not war with pairings of course): Yusuke/Kieko Hiei/OC (Only when done well. If the OC is just as mean and down as Hiei, I avoid it. People don't fall in love with clones of themselves) Kurama/Shizuru (Not nearly enough of these out there) Kuwabara/Yukina Touya/Yukina Koenma/Ayame NaruHina ShikaTema SasuSaku NejiTen InoChoji Gaara/Matsuri (This is the only pairing with Gaara I generally accept, except for well done OC's) Some of my favorite things: Romance, but nothing heated because that makes me sick to my stomach -mumbles something about the pervs that are out there with their dirty thoughts and so on...- Nice people Reviews -hint, hint- Chocolate! my imagination, Gaara Hiei CHOCOLATE!! The Unspeakables: Discovery (my novel ;D) J Hiei! My Inner Self Hiei!! Joseph (My journal) Potatoes, Hiei!! Calzones, Writing (duh), Chocolate, HIEI Gratitude, The Unspeakables: Dicovery (did I mention that one?), HIEI! chocolate AkikoXKurama pairing XD HIEI!!! :l Sorry, went fan girl for a second dere ' AND . . . BYU :) :Muse for the month: . . . "I love Christmas. Except for the fact that I hate being fat, and it just doesn't feel like Christmas if I don't gobble up an entire box of chocolates by myself." I am against Child abuse... but I can't figure out how to put a poem I found on here, I am a member of the true church (sorry to all you who aren't in it, I hope you find the truth), I am against drunk drivers and drinking in general (... bakas...), I'm sorry for all the lonely people out there, you can stop being loney if you try! I feel bad for melested children. I would murder melesters if I could, but it seems I can't :( If you have ever had a mad laughing fit for absolutely no reason, copy and paste this into your profile. If you've ever read started to read a chapter in a fanfiction, got side-tracked, and forgot to review and realized it after the author posted another chapter, copy and paste this on your profile. If you have ever tripped over your own feet/foot, copy this into your profile. If there are times when you wanna annoy people just for the heck of it, copy this into your profile. If you know someone who should get run over by a bus, copy this into your profile. If you have ever put one of these tags on your profile that you haven't actually done, but sounds so much like the clumsy/stupid you it felt like you actually had done it, copy and paste this on your profile. If you have ever run into a door, copy this into your profile. If you have ever tripped over air, copy this into your profile. If you have ever pushed on a door that said pull or vise versa copy this into your profile. If you or your best friend is insane, copy this into your profile. If you have ever been flamed, copy this into your profile If you think those kids should just give the Rabbit his cereal put this in your profile! Here's something for you to remember: It takes a single person to begin a wave of differance. Use your power and talents for good. If you are reading this, I have stolen your soul. If you want it back, message me some chocolate!! :3 Stories: Adventures In DemonSitting: Someone take this and write on it! It's a funny story, btu I have other things ot concentrate on now... ' Changes: 1 chapter left!!! I jsut need to find where I put it... YYH TORTURE Yusuki Style, heh, heh: -_- (Thanks to littlekawaifirefox for giving me the idea to do this story info thing :3) Adventures In Demon-Sitting Stats: reviews: 25 hits: 581 faves: 7 :) The Untold Character And Fluff Of Yu Yu Hakusho (mouthful, huh?) Stats: reviews: 23 :( hits: 1679 :D faves: 4 :l Changes Stats: reviews: 36 :) hits: 1105 :D faves: 8 :) YYH TOTURE Yusuki Style heh, heh Stats: reviews: 48 XD hits: 1521 faves: 10 -starts dancing- flames: 1 (A very intense one, let me tell you. First time someone told me I deserved to get cancer! hahah XD) Mik-chan: reviews: 96 THANKS EVERYONE!!! :D (everyone should do extra reviews so I can get to 100. EH? Eh? Come on, you know you want to ;3) hits: (don't remember -.-') favs: (ditto) flames: None, suprisingly! Just lots of wonderful constructive critisism, which I adore. |
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