![]() Author has written 13 stories for Yu Yu Hakusho, Fruits Basket, Death Note, and Hetalia - Axis Powers. Edit as of January 27th, 2011I am currently very very busy and my writing is somewhat... lacking. I'm in this rut where I have come to hate what I write, and I am also too busy to sit down and get it out of my system. But not to worry! I am working hard at getting better. :) "A cupcake is just a muffin trying to be all fancy." So I suppose this is the spot where I write about myself. But I'm not interesting enought to write about me! I'll give it a shot. I hope it's not too boring and narcissistic for your tastes. My Favorite Words: soliloquy and wibbles. soliloquy: (n) the act of talking to oneself, a dramatic monologue that represents a series of unspoken reflections wibble: (n) Meaningless or content-free chatter in adiscussion; drivel, babble I'm Autumn. I often get called Autumn, or Whispy. Call me whatever you like, actually. I don't mind at all. I'm a Capricorn! I'm also born in the year of the dog. I am a girl, in case anyone was wondering. I am a huge procrastinator, and I'll wait right up until I absolutely have to do something to actually do it. You might want to hit me in the head a couple of times if you want me to get something done. I'm painfully shy, but I like making frineds. However, I usually won't make the first move. Drop me a line, I do love to chat. I love requests!I do, really. They give me things to do. And I will probably drop whatever I'm working on at the moment to write it, because I'll be hit with a burst of inspiration. Just...not...anything rated above T, because I simply will not go there. And that's the end. But I warn you, I think I'm a terrible writer, so don't expect anything glamorous. I must point out that I had to remember how to spell "glamorous" by singing the song of the same name by Fergie. I'm pathetic... Links: The Universal Mary-Sue Litmus Test Quote: "Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive." - Sir Walter Scott "Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive! But when we've practiced quite awhile, how vastly we improve our style!" - J. R. Pope I took a Death Note personality quiz (several times, actually, and all of them were the same, so...) here: Jung Type Death Note Test Results: INTJ 90 introversion, 71 intuition, 93 thinking, and 86 judging. Stats: Approximately 6 of population. Autumn's To-Do List 1. Finish all of the half-written stories I have saved on my computer. 2. Start and fix the beginning of my newest Hetalia story... 3. ...and figure out how to manage and finish it. This doesn't look like a lot, but it is...to me. pfft I'm so lazy. I'm currently writing when I feel like sitting down on a computer, and when I feel someone's not going to come and kick me off. I have an unhealthy addiction to anime, though I haven't watched much of it. I don't care for the overly popular animes as much (i.e. Naruto, Bleach, etc.), rather, I favor the ones no one knows about anymore, like Cyborg 009, or ones that aren't as popular, like Yu Yu Hakusho or Hikaru No Go. I haven't finished all of the episodes in any anime except Yu Yu Hakusho (and I think I skipped around so I can't say I've watched all of them). I prefer Shounen Jump over Shojo Beat. My friend, on the other hand, is exactly the opposite. So... if you've made it to the bottom and actually made it this far, I give you homemade cookies and milk. And some skittles. Cuz, you know, they rock. Taste the rainbow, an' all that. And if you’re Yusuki, you get chocolate. Yeah... |