Marriage by Law : New Beginning

A/N: Thank you for all the reviews and support, but this IS the last chapter. It's taken me so long to update because, to be honest, it's been hard to find inspiration. But, here it is, and I hope you all like it. Again, I sincerely apologize for not loving this fic as much as I loved all my others. Read and Review.


Shizuru laid awake into the early hours of Christmas morning. Her long brown hair was in a disarray on the bed, her entire body flushed as she floated down from her orgasmic high. Though her body cried for sleep, needy to rejuvenate, the human woman slipped out of bed and left a slumbering Kurama behind.

Bare feet quickly guided her to her husband's rose garden, her body relaxing in the pleasant aroma. She settled on the grass, shivering as a breeze blew from the window onto her bare skin.

Her stomach was queasy. Every instinct she had told her to run. Run from the commitment like all the other times. Her brown eyes returned to the ring on her left hand.

I can't.

Sex had never been a problem for Shizuru. She had always been one to appreciate pleasure and loved to let loose every once and a while. It was the relationship aspect that she was not sure of. When it came to emotions and dedication, she managed to foul up or loose interest in maintaining the two.

Memories resurfaced of a submissive boy she had dated in high school. She hadn't had the chance to have sex with him before she had lost interest. After two weeks she had learned all she needed to know, and knew she was better off alone.

But Kurama wasn't just any man. He was a dear and personal friend that she had shared lovely conversations with before they had gotten married. He was a mystery, but also an easy-to-relate-to kind of guy.

Shizuru had once told a boyfriend that their relationship was doomed once he had asked to be more than a friend. She had said, "I tell my friends that I love them everyday, and they say the same to be because we both know it's true. I love all of my friends and I know that. I am good at that. Once you wanted to become more than a friend, I lost to ability to say that I loved you because it would not be in the way that you hoped I meant."

Friendship is all I will ever be good at.

The urge to smoke a cigarette flared up as her thoughts darkened, her back slumping forward.

I'll never be able to love Kurama—

The thought hadn't left her mind before her heart sobbed at the notion. He was a very close friend, and she never wanted to hurt him. She would do anything to avoid it, even if it meant leaving him...


Jumping, the human automatically covered herself up shamefully. Then she realized that it was foolish, seeing as how they had just ravished each other and nudity was a boundary that had been broken.


Kurama had a sheet tied around his waist, giving Shizuru an eyeful of his lean chest. Shizuru brought her knees to her chest, hugging them.

"It's cold out."

She nodded.

"I know."

He sat down next to her, taking off the bedding to reveal that he was just as clothed as she was. The fox wrapped it around Shizuru's shoulders. The gesture made it impossible to breath. Her brain was screaming at her to push him away, that she'd only hurt him. Her heart, however, shriveled at the very thought, painfully squeezing itself to be smaller and smaller as if it were trying to hide.

"What's wrong?"

"We just had sex." She almost giggled at the flush that spread on Kurama's body. Instinct guided her hands as they shifted the blanket that was around her shoulders to wrap around both of them. "I really... I'm not a good girlfriend."

Kurama sighed, his slight smile full of humor.

"You don't have to be my girlfriend. We're married."

It wasn't him claiming her as his territory. Kurama was saying that Enma forced them to skip that step. She didn't have to be perfect.

"Good. That's good."

They remained outside, only clothed in a bed sheet as the scent of roses lulled the unconventional loves to sleep.


Kuwabara smiled softly at his wife. Her eyes were drooping as her head began to nod.

"Come on, Yukina. You're tired."

"I'm not," she lied, "I wanna celebrate... our first New Year—"

A yawn swallowed any words that she had planned on saying as she slumped on the couch. Kazuma Kuwabara snorted a he walked over to her, scooping her up into his strong, capable arms.

Yukina let out a moan of protest, but her body snuggled closer to her husband. As Kuwabara opened the door to the bedroom, Yukina arched up in his arms, placing a warm kiss on his throat.

"I love you."

He froze. Every time she said it, he was still left breathless and astonished. She loved him.

"I love you too, Yukina."


Easter bloomed in April. Yusuke came home to Keiko waiting for him in their backyard. She was grinning from ear to ear, which could mean a few things. He hoped it wasn't a clue that her parents were there. He loved them, it's just... he liked a warning.


She was bouncing. Literally.

"Hello, Yusuke."

She was wearing a cute white blouse, his favorite one with all the ties. It was like opening a present. Also, she had dug out her plaid skirt that she wore when she taught. Yusuke began to sweat.

"Um... what's the... occasion?"

Keiko bit her lip as she stopped fidgeting.

"Open your hands and close your eyes."

Yusuke rolled his eyes.

"Sheesh. Only because I love you."

"Shut up and do it."

"You know I like it when you talk dirty."

The ex-detective snickered as she slapped his shoulder and closed his eyes, opening his hands. He felt her place the object in his palms.

"Okay, open your eyes."

He obeyed. Brown eyes struggled to focus as he found himself staring at a little white stick. Squinting, he saw the blue plus sign before he realized that he was holding a home pregnancy test.

"Keiko... you're pregnant?"

She nodded, still biting her lower lip. Yusuke punched the air, letting out a victory cry as he pulled his wife into a smoldering kiss, untying all of the little ribbons holding her shirt together.

Yusuke growled at her yelp as he lowered her to the cool grass, happy that they had moved to a slightly more private home. His hands ran up her legs as she tugged off his tie and planted hot kisses on his neck and chest.

Fifteen minutes later, Keiko was breathless on the grass with Yusuke laying next to her. She let out a tired laughed.

"And to think I was worried that you wouldn't be happy..."

Yusuke Urameshi pulled her close, grinning.

"For a smart girl, you sure are dumb."

Just before she could hit him, loud voices invaded their post-coital bliss.

"Yusuke Urameshi, there have been calls of complaint due to loud noises and screams. If you do not comply we will be forced to enter the house and—"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Yusuke had been able to tug his slacks on and sloppily button his shirt as he jogged to the front of his house. His tie still hung loosely from his neck. "What's all this about?"

Multiple police cars were parked in Yusuke's driveway. Four cops saw him, and he knew all of them very well.

"There was a call from your neighbor. She claims that she heard a woman screaming over and over again."

Yusuke's face began to turn a bit pink. Then his wife walked out.

"Is there a problem, officers?"

Now he was red. He turned to see his wife. She had put her clothes on, but there was nothing that could be done about her sex-hair. Not to mention the utterly satisfied expression on her face and her slightly wobbly legs.

All the policemen understood. The leader flushed, a sly grin on his face.

"Ahem, well, try to keep it down next time, okay, Yusuke?"

The ex-detective gave a mock-salute despite his burning cheeks.

"Yes, sir."


Thanksgiving was a holiday that Hiei did not want to understand. He walked home from Makai in the snow, using his heat to melt himself a path. He just cleared the top of the hill when wet, icy slush dribbled down his shoulders.

He turned to see Botan giggling madly.

"What do you think you're doin—"

Snow filed his mouth and he heard his wife snicker with achieved mischief. Hiei wiped his face with his hand, glaring at the ferry girl.

"Too slow, Hiei?"

He let himself growl.

"Don't start something that you don't know how to finish."

Botan had time to shriek before Hiei kicked off. And slipped. He fell without a hint of grace. The fire demon heard snow crunching, his wife running towards him.

"Hiei, are you okay?"

Smirking, Hiei's arm shot out and pulled Botan to the snow covered ground. She screamed as he shoved snow down her coat, pink eyes wide as she hissed.

"Ah, revenge really is sweet."

His voice drawled with smug satisfaction at her squirming. Botan's back arched as ice melted and raced down her skin. As her chest pressed up against him, he felt her hot breath fan over his chilly face.

He couldn't help but kiss her. Botan responded, smiling against his lips. After their first Christmas, they had come to a mutual agreement that their marriage did not have to be a complete disaster. After her kiss that Christmas, he told her that he didn't hate her. In fact, he enjoyed her, probably more than he should.

She nipped at his lower lip playfully. Hiei felt his eyebrows rise. Botan somehow always had a surprise up her sleeve, including boldness.


Botan nodded. Hiei slipped his hands up her sleeves so that they touched her arms. She was warm before she could say, "please."

He helped her up and walked towards their house. He had his hand on the doorknob when another "snowball" hit the back of his head.

The fire demon sighed. His lips curled.

Let the games begin.


Days turned into months. Months turned into years. Botan thought that her relationship with Hiei had only changed slightly. They kissed, sure, but they were more partners than they were lovers. Botan would cook and stitch up Hiei's wounds while Hiei would come home every night. Sometimes he even slept in her bed.

Home. It was a word that they both used now. It disturbed the ferry girl ever so slightly. The word symbolized a change, a companionship. Every time Hiei said, "I'll be home late," or, "See you when I get home," was a bit startling.

The way he said them was not with the tone of a "tamed" man or a loving husband. His voice still held his flat, tenor pitch. The same one she had heard when he fought Yusuke for the Forbidden Artifacts.

Same old, same old.

Botan would ask him if a certain dish was alright for dinner in the morning, and that would be it. She had souls to ferry while he had memories to erase.

Koenma didn't understand. He was flabbergasted that the fire demon kissed her. He said that all signs pointed to love. "Don't be ridiculous," was always Botan's retort. They had a very precise system going, and Botan refused to even consider love to be a part of the equation.

But... to deny the fact that something had changed for her emotionally would be an ignorant lie. He and her slept together quite regularly. No sex, just the presence of one another. The funny thing was, it started out as them merely occupying the bed, but now he would hold her close, his slow and steady breathing lulling her to sleep.

She should have suspected something when Koenma insisted on helping her cook dinner. Botan would never forget the adrenalin that jolted her soul when Hiei walked through the door. Her brain burned at his surprise shown at a dreadful tug on his lips and brow.

"What are you doing here, Koenma?"

Botan covered up her laughter with a fake series of coughs at her husband's comical anger.

"Just helping Botan cook, Hiei." The Prince of Hell quirked a regal eyebrow. "Is that a problem?"

Her boss punctuated his question by resting his elbow on the ferry girl's shoulder. Now both husband and wife narrowed their eyes. What is he up to?

"I can cook fine by myself, sir."

Hiei crossed his arms.


Koenma squeezed Botan's shoulders as he had a staring eye contest with Hiei.

"Fine. I've got to go sign some papers anyway."

As he walked out the door, Hiei followed wordlessly.


"I never knew you were a coward, Hiei."

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me." Koenma's hands were jammed into his coat pocket, a smug grin on his face as he rocked back on his heels. "Her heart is one of the most loving I have ever seen in a single being. You should make a move while you still have a chance."

Hiei watched Koenma flicker out of sight. That night, he held on to Botan tighter as he willed his body to sleep.

It took him a week to admit that the bratty Prince was right. It took two months for Hiei to gather up the courage to ask if she would like to be his mate. Three seconds after the question hung in the air, Botan grinned and kissed him, whispering "yes" over and over again.


(Three years later)

Botan and Yukina strung up lights for her New Year's party. Kuwabara sauntered into their family room, wrapping his arms around his wife, his hand resting on her swollen stomach. His dark eyes squinted as he caught Botan's eyes.

"When's Hiei getting here?"

The ferry girl smiled and shrugged.

"He'll get here when he gets here."

The three friends turned when they heard a child's shrill voice. Keiko opened the door, letting her daughter Kim into the Temple. Yusuke sighed dramatically as he kicked the door shut behind him.

"Christ, Keiko, what have you been feedin' the kid?"

"Auntie Botan!"

Kim raced past Kuwabara's open arms and knocked the ferry girl to the floor with sheer enthusiasm.

"Kimmy!" Botan squeezed the little girl in a loving embrace. "How have you been?"

The little girl wiggled, digging into her pocket.

"Check this out." She held out a police badge. "Daddy got me this patch from work."

She was a doll in Botan's humble opinion. Kurama and Shizuru came shortly after. Botan saw the bite mark on her neck and grinned. It was only a matter of time.

Greetings were given and they caught up. As Botan stepped outside, the door hesitated before closing behind her. Kurama's soothing voice floated up behind her.

"It's only a matter of time before Hiei figures it out."

The ferry girl sniffed, not turning to meet the fox's piercing gaze.

"I'm scared."

"Of what?"

"Of what he'll do when he finds out." Botan's head ducked forward, her hands wiping at her eyes. "I don't want him to hate me."

"Hiei would never hate you. He never has. He mated with you for a reason." Kurama put a comforting hand on Botan's shoulder. "I know Hiei will be a loving father."

Smiling through the controlled tears, Botan whispered.

"But me... a mother?"


Kurama hissed while Botan jumped at Hiei's questioning voice. His cheeks were slightly pink from the cold, but his eyes held no weakness. Kurama bowed slightly and made his escape back up to the party. Botan turned away from her husband.

"You're late."

"Hn. Why are you crying?"

She didn't answer his question.

"You know I love you, right?" He nodded. "And you love me?" He grunted, moving closer to her. Her pink eyes stared into the stars, her breath curling out in wispy clouds. "Hiei... I'm pregnant."

The silence almost killed her. He stared at her, his eyes boring holes straight through her soul. He held his chin up high.

"You're going to be a mother?"


"And me... a father?"

"Only you could do it."

The statement held a question to it. A dire question of whether Hiei would raise his family or not. Hiei slipped his warm hand into hers and gazed deeply into the eyes of his wife and mate.


He kissed her, his calm cupping her warm cheek. That night he gave her a promise. Judging by the glow that burst from her body, Botan couldn't be happy. And neither could Hiei.

The End


A/N: Again, thank you for reviewing. I know that it was not as good as my other fics. I hope you can forgive me one day. Sorry again, but I lost faith with this one. Sorry. My sincere apologies for letting all of you down. Please, keep reading, I promise to think things through from now on and NEVER start a fic that I can not finish happily. However, I know quiet a few of people who read this fic have not read my other ones, so cheers to you. I hope you liked the ending. Tell if you did or didn't, it's always been that way. Peace.
