Author has written 19 stories for Naruto, Kingdom Hearts, Torchwood, Dissidia: Final Fantasy, and Teen Wolf.
Me, Myself and I: I'm Zack (Not my real name) I pretty much spend my life writting and have been doing so for over ten years but only been writting fanfiction for about five years :) This pretty much rules my outside life and I tend to jump from multiple stories to other ones to deal with it :L. I am a girl, yes I know it says my name is Zack but as it mentions, not my real name. I'm 19 which is a horrible age to be at :(. I am trying to finish all my works off but collage is being a bitch at the moment so :/ yeah, well that is me
Ships :)
Kingdom Hearts
Riku/Sora-My first love. Simple as
Vanitas/Sora-I love this pairing because I can do so much with them :) One minute they could be lover and the next Vanitas is Sora psychotic protective brother xD
Axel/Roxas- If you have ever played this game which if your on my page, I'm going to assume you have, you will know that this couple has to be canon. Has to be. Its ovibious.
Terra/Aqua- No idea why I like this couple, I just do :)
Seifer/Hayer-They do say that there is a fine line between love and hate
Harry Potter
Harry/Draco-HARRY BOTTOM ffs
Neville/Luna-Word cannot describe how much I completely adore this couple. In my head, they end up together...THE FILM SAYS SO
100 Facts about me
1. I have broken each of my limbs (Arms and Legs) twice each
2.I have never drunk more than three bottles on a night out but if I'm in my house I never drink anything less than five bottle...Strange
3. My Favorite book series are tied with Harry Potter and The Mortal Instruments
4. I have a fear of clowns which derives from my brother making me watching IT when I was eight. To this day I still get stressed out when I see a clown.
5. I am convinced I have some level of precognition.
6. I frequently escape collage to sit at a park
7.I promised myself I would get my first tattoo for my 18th then I changed it to my 19th...I'm 19 and still no tattoo
8.The scent of lavender makes me sleepy
9.I have a pair of 'nerd' glasses which are 3d glasses with the lens popped out.
10. I once had the cold for almost three months straight.
11.I cried for twenty minutes when I went to see I am Legend after the dog died
12.I am come from a family where both my brothers are math genuises where I can't even do basic maths.
13.Everytime I