Chapter 22: Epilogue- Ven's POV
We have reached the end of this fic. With every ending comes a new beginning. So while this chapter is very short I have also posted the first chapter of Forgive and Forget. So finish this up and I hope to see you through the journey of Forgive and Forget. I hope you all enjoyed ATL though. I loved writing it.
Red, orange, and yellow caps rained down from the sky as the graduating class cheered for the survival of high school. I grabbed my cap back up and set it back on my head. We were finally done. It had been a tough year with Terra, Riku, and Axel off at college, but now we can go join them. It was decided before Terra and his brothers graduated last year that we would all attend the same college so we had to pick a school we could all agree on and had a good chance of getting into. In the end we decided on Destiny University. Yes, it's the local college on Destiny Islands. So our boyfriends had been accepted and we had spent the past year a good four hours apart. It was nice that we finally got to see them again. Just in time to go off to school ourselves. Well, we have a good two and a half months of freedom before college starts and I intend on taking full advantage of it.
"Ven! You coming? We can't leave without you!" Sora called waving me over.
I looked at the high school from the outside one last time. I thanked it for being a safe haven to my brothers and I during our time of need. I said a quick mental good bye and rushed off to my family to join them for the graduation party. I jumped into the car and curled up next to Terra who gave me a small kiss. I smiled at him happily and he smiled back.
"Let's party!" I called as the door to the van closed closing a chapter of my life forever.
I know it's extremely short but it's meant to set up for the next fic and give a good ending. So Forgive and Forget is up. That chapter is longer so go enjoy. I hope to see all of you (my loyal reviewers) during Forgive. It is my gift to you after all, for everything. Thanks so much! =)