Author has written 17 stories for Yu-Gi-Oh, Kingdom Hearts, and Naruto. Name: Sephiroth-- What? Age: 18 Favorite Anime: Gravitation, Naruto, Yu-Gi-Oh To many to name really... Favorite Game: Kingdom Hearts I, II, not chain of memories it's queer, only good thing about that game is Zexion... and Space Channel 5 Favorite quote: "Who goes to Tacobell and comes back with a boyfriend and no tacos?" -Roxas to Demyx in Finding Your Inner Magician: For Dummies. "We should start a camp called Camp Nerd-Sauce for all the anime nerds to go to..."-Skyler and me playing at five mile lake. "You can be the head nerds-sauce..."-T-T I'm not head nerd-sauce xD Well I'm rambling-- Favorite couple Sexy Zexy/Demyx! Well at the moment, them, but I love those two, but my top 4 are Zexion/Demyx, Riku/Sora, Axel/Roxas, and Seifer/Hayner... I like Seifer/Hayner/Roxas too though and Axel/Demyx/Roxas... I like the idea of Sora and Roxas, but it doesn't make sense to me since they're the same person, but then I love Ryou and Bakura from Yu-gi-oh together and they're the same person.. but I dunno it's wierder with Sora and Roxas... My Pen Name on Adult fanfiction is heartlessx3nobody, so incase anyone wonders... I didn't steal any of these stories... Hmmmm What else? Oh yeah... Msn: forgetdecembersc@ feel free to add me to messenger or e-mail because I'm lame and like that sort of thing! or Sephiroth.chan@ or for Aim: Dykeomyte |