![]() Author has written 25 stories for Final Fantasy VII, Harry Potter, Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy XII, Saiyuki, and Tales of Vesperia. Let no one say that Snake does not update her profile. The fact that she only updates her profile every eight months is beside the point. Link to my FictionPress account-- http://www.fictionpress.info/u/564471/ Link to my original slash story--http://www.fictionpress.info/s/2410523/1/ You all should go read and review. Oh, and I have an LJ accout, so if anyone wants to be my friend, go ahead--just drop me a comment and tell me who you are/where you know me from. I almost always friend back, I just like to know who is who. Just click on my homepage link to find the journal. P.S. There's some fanfics on there too dirty for . ;) _Basics_ 1. Full Name: Rayne Adams. 2. Nicknames: Ai, Snake 3. Birthday: March 12 4. Place Of Birth: North America 5. Zodiac Sign: Pisces 6. Male Or Female: Female. At least in this reincarnation I am convinced I was a man in my previous life, however. Go figure. 7. School: None, currently, and thank Buddah for that 8. Occupation: Author, photographer, barista (which means I make coffee professionally) 9. Residence: One word. Suburbia. 10. MSN Screen Name: My yahoo name is snakeinthegrass136 _Your Appearance_ 12. Hair Colour: Black 13. Hair Length: Long in the front, short in the back 14. Eye Colour: Very dark brown 15. Weight: Like I'd tell you guys 16. Height: 5' 10'' 17. Braces?: Not anymore 18. Glasses?: Yep. Glasses are sexy. 19. Piercings: Ears a couple of times 20. Tattoos: Not yet 21. Righty Or Lefty: Righty _Firsts_ 22. First Best Friend: Val 23. First Award: Who remembers this anyway? 24. First Sport: Soccor. What a nightmare. 25. First Pet: A cat named Nanny 26. First Real Vacation: No idea 27. First Concert: My Chemical Romance. My friend had an extra ticket. Take that, Indie music snobs. 28. First Love: Never had one. _Favourites_ 29. Movie: The Princess Bride, or Donnie Darko 30. TV Show: The X-Files. Mulder is sexy. 31. Color: Blue and silver 32. Rapper: I don't really have one. Hate rap, mostly. 33. Band/Artist: Lots. The Police, probably. 34. Song Right Now: Right now...Amelia, by Joni Mitchell. 35. Friends: Val, Damon, Bev, and Coral. 37. Sport: Tae Kwon Do. Hell yes, it's a sport. 38. Restuarant: A mexican place downtwon. 39. Clothing Brand: Nothing you can find in a chainstore. 41. School Subject: English or Philosophy. 42. Animal: Leopard. I like Giraffes too. They're just so odd. I mean, how does evolution come up with something like that? And if the world was created by a god, how did he come up with it? "Hmm...I think today I'll create something with a ridiculously long neck..." 43. Book/Author: Tithe, by Holly Black. Read it. Now. 44. Magazine: Vanity Fair. The photographer in me likes to look at the adds. 45. Shoes: My favourite shoes? Uh...I have like three pairs...my crappy flip-flops? _Currently_ 46. Feeling: A little bit boed. 47. Single Or Taken: Single 48. In love: Not by a longshot 49. Eating: Nothing 50. Drinking: Coffee!! 51. Typing: Uh, this? 52. Online?: Yesh 53. Listening To: Panic at the Disco 54. Thinking About: Sex. Well, you asked. 55. Wanting To: Punch the guy mowing the lawn outside. 56. Watching: The computer screen? 57. Wearing: sweatshirt. skirt. _Future_ 58. Want Kids?: Fuck no 59. Want To Get Married?: See previous answer. 60. Careers In Mind: Author. I want to own my own coffee shop one day 61. Where Do You Want To Live: Wonderland 62. Car: Don't want a car. I want a burro. |